Sentences with phrase «to pump in a bathroom»

I just read someone was told they had to pump in the bathroom at work.
I tried to pump in a bathroom stall, but I did not have an extension cord.
But it turns out this is not a case of some new mother being forced to pump in a bathroom because there is no other space for her.
I'm likewise, not keen on serving my baby milk that was pumped in a bathroom stall.
It's infuriating to see moms pumping in bathrooms in the first place, but this mom's employer didn't even provide a chair.
I did use my Medela hand pump in a bathroom once during an interview.
When I heard that a woman was complaining about pumping in the bathrooms at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia this week, I was all ready to be on her side.
Still, she said, she finds it traumatic to pump in bathroom stalls in airports and courthouses, where she is forever in search of an electric outlet.
Manual pumps are handy because you don't have to be attached to the power supply, they are compact for taking away or if you have to pump in the bathroom at work, and make less noise.
Is she back to pumping in the bathroom?
It's seriously shocking how few bathrooms have outlets, not that pumping in a bathroom is ideal, but it sure beats a lobby or public area.
On top of all that, nobody was being forced to pump in a bathroom at the Wells Fargo Convention Center at all.
If one is going to pump in a bathroom, whether or not there are men or women in it is irrelevant.
As a last resort, if you have to pump in a bathroom, find a large one with a comfortable chair and some type of privacy barrier.
Pump in the bathroom?
«The laws vary by state, but there are a few important things to know — your employer can't tell you how many pumping sessions you're allowed and you should never have to pump in a bathroom,» O'Malley says.
If you plan to pump in the bathroom, try to do it when there isn't a large line or many people walking around.
I'm pretty sure that the article suggesting that you pump in the bathroom or in your car was their way of saying you have to be creative and flexible to figure something out if you want to do the best thing you can for your baby.
In the end, I had to either choose to wean or pump in a bathroom.
So yes, I had to pump in a bathroom.
This article states the worst advice to pump in a bathroom or your car!
I think it is funny when people object to pumping in the bathroom.
I can see how someone wouldn't mind pumping in a bathroom if they found one that was clean, but my mind is kind of blown that anyone can't understand why someone would object to pumping in a bathroom.
It almost makes me grateful for the times I had to pump in a bathroom, because at least I was responsible for cleaning it, so I knew it would be somewhat sanitary.
If you are stuck in a non-office setting, a bathroom can be a last resort — moms told me they pumped in the bathroom of a courthouse during a break from a hearing, the bathroom of the Bronx Zoo during a company outing and, of course, airport bathrooms.
My first flight I went to pump in the bathroom and ended up having the attendants pounding on the door that I was in there too long.
(Here I am pumping in the bathroom at my last job.)
You do not have to pump in the bathroom, unless you prefer to.
I'd like to say that of course I would have pumped in the bathroom (just cubicles on my floor), I would have managed, I would have been superwoman.
«I couldn't imagine myself having to pump in the bathroom
As a result, she often ended up pumping in the bathroom stall, or even under the sink when a stall wasn't available.
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