Sentences with phrase «to punish teachers»

There isn't any research that supports such a punitive evaluation system, and you can't punish teachers without it filtering down to our students who need us the most.
In practice, raising standards sometimes looks more like punishing teachers and students than serious educational work.
Teacher - union practice punishes teachers for choosing not to pay the political portion of their dues by depriving them of important job - related benefits and voting rights.
Indeed, these systems punish all teachers who move from one state to another.
It would be wrong not to provide the right resources and then punish the teachers because the students weren't doing well enough.»
They will be able to hire and maintain a teaching force with the goal of higher test scores in mind, and they will have more flexibility than public schools do to reward or punish their teachers on the basis of test results.
Houston's reform program - systematically tying standardized tests to a back - to - basics curriculum and combining teacher training with recognition - does not involve punishing teachers whose students fare poorly.
But pensions do little to incentivize early career teachers to continue teaching, and instead punish teachers with fewer years of experience.
Those same rules punish any teacher or principal who may wish to transfer between a traditional public school and a charter school.
How could an elected legislature, traditionally thought to be locally oriented, err so grievously by attempting to improve the public schools by punishing their teachers and administrators?
It was very much something done to teachers, an inspection, used to penalize or punish teachers whom the principal didn't like... [and] I discovered that if I didn't do something here, my name would get associated with things people hate.
«The state has decided to hold schools harmless but still punishes teachers and kids,» School Board member Frank Barbieri said.
And as a result, the ruffian they endorsed is punishing teachers again.
Beyond that point, the pension system quickly begins to punish teachers for staying on the job too long, pushing them out the door at a relatively young age, often in their mid-fifties, even if they are still effective teachers.
Women are more likely to spend time out of the workforce than men, and defined - benefit pension plans tend to punish teachers who fail to meet specific targets, such as 30 years of service.
Cuomo's policies will punish teachers, students, and schools in communities disadvantaged by poverty, segregation, and under - funding, while they will reward the hedge fund managers who invested more than $ 10 million in last year's election and stand to profit from their charter school investments,» Hawkins said.
«They're going to punish the teachers and students at the school.
And they wanted assessments that would serve as an instructional tool and not another gotcha mechanism to punish teachers.
The teacher evaluation reforms encouraged by RTTT and ESEA waivers were sold with promises that they weren't meant to punish teachers, but instead as a means to help them improve.
In some systems, such as in Cambridge, the facilitators had to work with teachers unions to develop specific language so rounds would not be used as a way to evaluate and punish teachers.
The main reason is that women are more likely to spend time out of the workforce than men, and defined - benefit pension plans like the one in Ohio tend to punish teachers who fail to meet specific targets, such as 30 years of service.
Doing this the way we do in many places now, however — treating one test as a comprehensive indicator of student achievement, pretending that scores taken by themselves are a trustworthy indicator of school quality, and rewarding and punishing teachers and students for scores — is just too simple.
In this podcast, they talk about the findings of their most recent study, which examines the way that teacher pension systems concentrate benefits on those teachers who spend their entire careers in a single state, and punish teachers who are more mobile.
In criticizing the federal regulation, for example, Weingarten claimed that «the flawed framework... will punish teacher - prep programs whose graduates go on to teach in our highest - needs schools, most often those with high concentrations of students who live in poverty and English language learners.»
Accountability: using test results, and teacher appraisal, to reward or punish teachers and schools vs. capacity building
In her talk, she ripped into Gov. Scott Walker's budget, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan's Race to the Top, the obsession with measuring student progress through high stakes testing, privatization of education through charters and vouchers and No Child Left Behind legislation that is closing schools and punishing teachers.
When legislators are treating educators as non-entities, their professional training as of no import, and you report «Republicans ignored amendments and cut off public testimony to force a vote», one has to wonder what the real agenda is - to punish teachers for political leanings?
That principals might not would be adequately trained to assess teachers and that the evaluations would be used to punish teachers, not support them.
She left the Bush administration before his second term ended and has since researched and written about the goals of «reform» that parents and teachers and societies may disagree with — get rid of or render toothless any unions, punish teachers for any failure of a student or a school, close as many public schools as possible in order to open private, for - profit schools run by foundations whose motives and agendas are not fully visible.
In the Abood ruling, the Court specifically cautioned unions not to punish teachers who exercise their First Amendment rights by treating them differently than other teachers.
In that case, Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, the Court cautioned unions not to punish teachers who exercise their First Amendment rights by treating them differently than other teachers.
We now try to standardize practice, punish teachers for coloring outside the lines, and penalize students for taking risks and making mistakes in our classrooms.
«Punish the teachers.
We need to end the relentless criticism of teachers and schools, and ill - conceived and ineffective policies that punish teachers.
Right from the start, Republican lawmakers have seemed far keener on punishing teachers than helping the schools.
In New York and in other locations around the country, the teacher unions have put state and local officials on notice that attempts to punish teachers for speaking honestly about the testing scheme will be met with the full resources of the union.
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