Sentences with phrase «to pursue one's art»

Seeking to hone his talent for drawing, he initially pursued art in college.
It was really my GCSE in Art that led me down the rabbit hole of pursuing art as a career.
However she would not pursue an art career until thirty five years later after retiring from teaching in the inner - city schools.
But it should also be said that, above all else, they were pursuing an art of universal appeal.
Also one of our first employees just left to pursue art full time and she's doing some work based on how the art world and the beauty world are similar.
Yes, they had talent but pursued their art with a passion their talent being a tiny fraction of the time and effort required to create their masterpieces.
He is currently pursuing an art history degree, while teaching professional practice workshops for artists at various institutions.
Students pursuing their arts degree course of study need to accomplish a wide range of academic assignments, homework, and projects.
Students pursuing arts for their degree program are occupied with a long collection of tasks and have to meet up stringent deadlines.
For all these investments, though, it doesn't matter to academy teachers whether alumni go on to pursue art professionally (a handful do).
These skills are also useful if they are planning to pursue art courses somewhere in the future.
I have no magical powers other than the will to pursue an art form that I love.
Over a decade ago, she decided to pursue her art photography full time.
Her practice has also been informed by her training in anthropology, a field she abandoned when she decided, during a lecture on African Art, that she would pursue art instead.
«If you want to make art and make money, then pursuing an art career is a dead - end road,» she says.
He continued to pursue his art dream by painting at night, which eventually led the way to a full - time career.
He promoted a stimulating studio experience in which artists could freely pursue their art, exchange ideas, and experiment through innovation and shared printmaking techniques.
She left a desk job in tech and design to pursue art as a vocation, making mixed media two - dimensional art, playing music, and teaching kids.
As well as collaborating as a collective, each artist has pursued art careers in their own right, showing to audiences throughout the world.
I recently quit my full - time job after 6 years to pursue my art full time.
As you think about going to art school or pursuing an art degree, take the time to ask the right questions and do your research.
In 1947 while in the U.S. Marines he discovered an interest in drawing and later pursued arts education in Paris with the aid of the G.I. Bill.
Murray pursued her art studies at Mills College in Oakland, California (Jennifer Bartlett was a fellow student and good friend), and earned an M.F.A. there in 1964.
His teacher for ceramics was Roy Walker who encouraged him to further pursue art by taking higher classes.
Most of the time parents discourage their children from pursuing the arts because some of the time you will struggle to make ends meet.
If I was told I can not pursue art because I am a man, and I am now partnered with a male artist, I may hold feelings of both jealousy and superiority over him.
WHAT YOU DID N'T KNOW: She is «really into art» and is considering pursuing art as an interest in college and possibly a career.
Upon returning to New York in 1954, he met Rauschenberg and began pursuing art in earnest while collaborating with performance artist Rachel Rosenthal, choreographer Merce Cunningham and composer John Cage.
Western erotic art had always been about nude women that were made by and for men; Linda Nochlin wrote brilliantly in the early 70s about the general social expectations against women seriously pursuing art.
He briefly attended Bard College but left to pursue art on his own in New York City where he became a founding member of the Abstract Expressionists.
Born in Le Havre, France, in 1901, Dubuffet didn't pursue art in earnest until he was in his 40s, at which point he developed a deliberately «unskilled» style inspired by what he termed «Art Brut.»
In honor of the women who pursue their art, despite the odds, here are a few female - centric films, either starring, written or directed by women, that should get some buzz this awards season.
You need to pursue your art business with the same vigor and passion that you paint, sculpt, draw or sing.
Mengchen Xu (Sue) is a native Beijinger, currently pursuing an Art History B.A at Oberlin College.
Although so much talent surrounded me, I didn't truly pursue art until after I spent a weekend at an art therapy retreat.
Van Gogh pursued his art with his former religious zeal and mission, claiming, «Our purpose is self - reform by means of a handicraft and of intercourse with Nature — our aim is walking with God.»
Not surprisingly, Leach pursued art as an undergraduate focusing on ceramics.
Elsa pursued her art until the very end of her life, and was working on a sculpture of Secretariat at the time of her death at age 86 on June 3, 1982.
Both painters pursued an art of distillation, exploring just how much could be jettisoned from the art of painting without altogether relinquishing its particulars.
In 2002 Aziza decided to pursue her art making full time.
A leading figure of his generation, Colen pursues an art deeply rooted in the history of painting.
Convoluted Beauty focuses on a formative period, when Carr pursued art studies in the United Kingdom, but was hospitalized for «hysteria.»
A freelance artist still pursuing an art degree, Barreto thrives by sharing his work on a dynamic, interactive platform.
After graduation, she decided to pursue her art fulltime and moved to Colorado.
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