Sentences with phrase «to pursue one's case»

Fortunately, we have identified a group of talented legal malpractice attorneys who have aggressively and successfully pursued cases in this area.
This area of law requires compassion, patience, and understanding of the clients while aggressively pursuing the case against the other insurance company or party.
We will aggressively pursue your case with dedicated attention and care, to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.
We have no control over these websites so ultimately the responsibility for legally pursuing cases of intellectual property theft rests with you the author as Copyright owner.
We're experienced trial lawyers who will pursue your case with all of our available resources because we understand how much your case matters to you.
When litigation becomes necessary, however, we aggressively pursue the case through trial and appeal when appropriate.
He needs to retain the services of an experienced family law lawyer to assist in pursuing a case for custody or primary care or parenting time.
What is important is that you are assured your solicitor will be pursue your case as vigorously as possible for you, whilst ensuring that the work is done to a very high standard.
By preparing ourselves to the greatest extent possible, we can set ourselves up to successfully pursue a case on behalf of our client.
We have successfully pursued cases against many of the major drug manufacturers.
I find the day before trial, she had reasonable basis to pursue her case at trial.
At first I was not going to pursue a case because, I was thinking how could I afford an attorney being a college student?
He represents individuals harmed by corporate violations of their consumer rights by pursuing cases in the federal and state courts.
That way, in the event that your lender becomes too eager with the foreclosure, you can pursue the case legally.
We can help pursue your case in a manner which is both timely and to your advantage.
While we can't guarantee you'll win a certain amount, we promise to diligently pursue your case and let our experience work for you.
It is only then that we can prepare for trial and let the defendants know we are serious about pursuing this case.
I give them that reassurance by pursuing their case relentlessly, with focus and energy.
The legal department then manually investigated all the instructions — to ensure that the invoices were indeed outstanding, gathered the supporting evidence and ultimately pursued the cases until the debt was recovered.
We will pursue your case efficiently and effectively to get you the full and fair compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering.
Based on our findings, we will develop a strategy to best pursue your case against the responsible parties.
We have tried pursuing cases through these channels for five years and, to be blunt, we have found them to be worse than useless.
We can give you the legal resources and experience you need to confidently pursue your case.
In all cases, claimants have a strong claim but lack the risk appetite or resources to pursue the case alone.
Your job, your reputation and your freedom are all on the line as the media and the courts pursue these cases quite aggressively.
If so, then you might very well be able to pursue a case targeting the manufacturer who made the product.
The thing to understand is that in addition to an attorney fee pursuing your case has expenses.
The lawyer's only obligation is to assess the case's legal merits, and to develop a strategy to pursue that case consistent with its merits.
We think such changes are crucial to shining a light on the true nature of patent trolls, while giving defendants the knowledge they need to pursue a case thoroughly.
There were indications, however, that the attorney general may pursue the case as a civil investigation.
Our team of lawyers will aggressively pursue your case on a contingency fee basis.
We can also determine other factors that would make it more appropriate to pursue your case through civil litigation, which we can handle for you as well.
If I was going to pursue a case in court, this is the version I'd be listening to before hand to get pumped up.
As a result, it can be hard to pursue cases without external funding.
We take all legal action allowed to aggressively pursue your case and will secure the maximum settlement amount you deserve.
In order to successfully pursue your case it is highly advisable for you to have skillful representation of your case.
I have the ability to evaluate, prepare and pursue your case efficiently and effectively.
The Commission generally will not pursue cases involving obviously exaggerated or puffing representations, i.e., those that the ordinary consumers do not take seriously.
New Mexico has very specific laws depending on the type of attraction that a patron is participating in, and it is consequently important that injured parties consult with an attorney before pursuing a case.
At Altman & Altman LLP, we have over 40 years of experience pursuing cases involving workers injured on the job due to the negligence of their employers.
We understand civil suits like Kinder Morgan's are often brought forward while seeking an injunction, and Ian Anderson, president of Kinder Morgan Canada, said he wouldn't pursue the case if the company got its work done.
We currently represent numerous workers from around the United States and are pursuing their cases which have risen due to a variety of injuries, from head, back, neck, arm, shoulder, hand, knee and / or leg and foot injuries.
Rebecca Friedrichs, one of the plaintiffs, told The Washington Post that she decided to pursue the case out of frustration with her union, which she said supported political candidates she didn't support, and didn't listen to the teachers it represented.
Under the DOL rule, they can also pursue their case in court as part of a class - action suit.
«Since joining the Commission, I have been impressed with the commitment of the other Commissioners and the staff to foster public trust in State government in a non-partisan manner, as well as pursuing cases wherever they might lead,» Cherkasky said in a press release.
The Justice Department said in a statement, «After carefully considering the Supreme Court's recent decision and the principles of federal prosecution, we have made the decision not to pursue the case further
VirnetX, for one, is actively pursuing cases against Cisco, Siemens, Avaya, and others.
Shiner doggedly pursued the case on behalf of the dead man's father.
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