Sentences with phrase «to pursue reform»

In addition to providing a significant amount of funding for new housing and housing upgrades, the Australian Government is also pursuing reform of remote Indigenous housing management.
I encourage the Australian Government to continue to pursue this reform agenda in 2010 — 2011.
I also recommended that the Australian Government pursue reforms to clarify and strengthen the requirements for good faith negotiations.
Many countries are now pursuing reforms, but steep economic, political and social hurdles will need to be overcome to realise lasting gains.
This can be another avenue to pursue reform initiatives individual faculty may be advocating through research and scholarship endeavors.
After reviewing pages 84 — 88, consider: How can we reverse flawed implementation strategies to pursue reforms of substance?
It's difficult for any government to pursue a reform agenda that will cut into the profits of entrenched special interests.
2.4 That the Australian Government pursue reforms to clarify and strengthen the requirements for good faith negotiations in 2010 — 2011.
IDS and his acolytes are have been just as zealous in pursuing their reforms as Michael Gove's remorseless pursuit of his academies reforms in the Department for Education.
Weakest because he was forced into pursuing these reforms by events which he initially tried to avoid confronting.
In the aftermath of the Americans Elect board decision not to nominate a 2012 presidential ticket, the former senior economist of President Ronald Reagan's Council of Economic Advisers and current Boston University economics professor Laurence Kotlikoff, who had sought that organization's nomination, said in an e-mail that he now no longer wishes to pursue the Reform Party presidential nomination, which he elected to Read more»
In fact, the evidence suggests New York's high local taxes are driven mainly by high employee wages and benefits — but Cuomo has made it clear he won't pursue reform of the collective - bargaining laws that make it hard for localities to restructure contracts.
Jokowi prefers to pursue reforms within the current institutions and has called for a vaguely defined «mental revolution» to deal with the country's problems.
Its response to the coalition's consultation on proposals to allow same - sex couples to marry in the same way as heterosexual couples attacks ministers for pursuing the reform «for essentially ideological reasons» and concludes doing so would be «deeply unwise».
«While no longer a candidate, I will continue to passionately and relentlessly pursue a reform education agenda as an education activist, a columnist and blogger, and as the co-owner of the influential political news organization,» Allon said in a statement.
Horner predicts that if the governor does not aggressively pursue the reform measures, then «nothing» will happen.
The KIPP network and CMOs Uncommon Schools and Rocketship Education have demonstrated the ability to achieve success with challenging populations, so it may not be surprising that districts pursuing reform seek to partner with them or with equally successful EMOs.
One of the most notable «laboratories of democracy» was Texas, where governors on both sides of the aisle pursued a reform agenda, starting in the early 1980s, centered on higher academic standards, standardized testing, school accountability, competition, and choice.
But that won't make Republican lawmakers as happy as you might think, because of the GOP's longstanding internal conflict between pursuing reform from Washington and abiding by its federalist, small - government principles.
I understand that foundations can not have rigorous evidence to support all steps in their reform theory, but before pursuing a reform strategy that promises to close a bunch of schools that parents want and alienating both advantaged suburbanites and minority community leaders, they might want more evidence for the strategy than they have.
Through this guidance, the Department takes a valuable step to help some states pursue reform efforts that are based on evidence, and thereby helping all states learn lessons from these evaluations that can be applied to their own improvement efforts.
Pursuing reforms inconceivable in big cities where unions hold sway, Fagen and the board have sidelined the local teachers» union and charged forward.
NCLB requires schools to meet goals, including on standardized tests, and pursue reforms if they persistently fail to meet them.
In August, Duncan and the president announced they would waive components of NCLB — at least for states that agree to pursue reforms mandated by the administration.
The league had been aggressively pursuing reform in the weeks prior according to reporting from Wojnarowski.
Why did the government pursue reform and what does it amount to?
In Nevada, U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, a Democrat, blamed Republican Gov. Jim Gibbons for not being more aggressive in pursuing reforms, according to local media reports.
Obama's other measures include plans to work with Congress to pursue reforms of Section 215 of the anti-terrorism Patriot Act that governs the collection of so - called «metadata» such as phone records, and reform of the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which considers requests from law enforcement authorities on intelligence - gathering targets.
«The good news is that the regional growth is improving for both oil - importing and oil - exporting, yet the region is not fully benefiting from the improvement in the global outlook and this requires countries in the region to pursue the reform agenda,» he said.
The rights group recommended the two countries instead work together to pursue reforms, adding that, «Kuwait should confront the outcry over deaths, beatings, and rapes of domestic workers by taking immediate steps to reform the kafala system, which traps workers with abusive employers.»
His experience and credentials will serve him well if the government decides to pursue reforms to the Canadian Pension Plan.
In public, Rubio argued for welfare reforms like wage subsidies to «pursue reforms that encourage and reward work.»
In pursuing this reform, the Government has created a neat, but disingenuous, conceit: namely that if you believe the estate of marriage is a benign and stabilising influence then you must also favour marriage between two men or two women.
They need to pursue reforms to address the lost satisfaction with, and relevance and infl uence of Parliament, to establish that they have understood public frustration with the way politics is conducted and to help build trust.
The 2015 decimation of the Liberal Democrats as an electoral force, combined with the inability of UKIP to translate its millions of votes into Commons seats, actually make it easier to dismiss electoral reform demands, because those with the power to pursue reform are those who sit on the government benches.
But his unforgivable sin may be that he has left too many parents convinced that he pursued reform in the name of ideology, and not education.
Sir Christopher Kelly's committee on standards in public life began examining options for political party finance after the coalition committed to pursue reform.
Following the general election they agreed to pursue reform of the current system by removing «big money» from politics.
It's typical of the cynical way the government has pursued this reform: Instead of simply scrapping judicial review, they have made it financially ruinous.
That is why, through personal budgets, we are pursuing the reform of our care services; we will be consulting on a green paper on the long - term funding issues for care and for carers; and in the coming months I will say more about the reforms needed in both the NHS and our social care system in order to meet this challenge.
What is disappointing about the government's response is not that it failed to put into legislation the recommendation of the Strathclyde Review, but rather its decision to add more to the recent tradition of complaining about the Lords while doing nothing to pursue reform.
Buffalo Superintendent Kriner Cash said Wednesday he intends to be «very aggressive» pursuing reforms in Buffalo schools and indicated he's prepared to place underperforming schools in receivership if he can't bargain contract changes with the Buffalo Teachers Federation.
The Conservatives risked re-election to pursue their reforms of the NHS.
TIF districts voluntarily applied for additional support to pursue reform.
Given a background working in senior roles with former governors Jeb Bush and Arnold Schwarzenegger and with then - U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings, Hanna came to the job with hard - won experience and a clear point of view on how to pursue reform.
Tucker and his colleagues challenge us to ask why the U.S. is pursuing a reform agenda that differs markedly from what other advanced countries have found essential for creating good schools — high quality teachers, fair funding, and coherence in the system of education.
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