Sentences with phrase «to pursue this strategy»

These funds are clearly pursuing the strategy of letting the track record do the marketing.
Because this game is focused on narrative campaigns rather than competitive play, we thought players would be more interested in pursuing strategies rather than building around the powerful cards they opened.
If neither of these conditions apply, a personal injury attorney may be able to pursue another strategy for recovering compensation on your behalf.
I do not pursue this strategy as I am attempting to make this as passive of an investment as possible.
For those firms actively pursuing a strategy that anticipates an international footprint, client needs must be at the heart of their strategy.
Advocates who are serious about school integration should consider pursuing all strategies at their disposal, including consolidated regional school systems that make it possible to integrate schools at scale.
Lastly, for managers pursuing strategies in the global macro space, in our view, emerging markets continue to present a favorable environment.
If there is, you may decide to pursue strategies other than personal bankruptcy, such as a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
I push myself, and my firm, to relentlessly pursue strategy, creativity and innovation.
While inbound links are great, pursuing this strategy without a higher goal will cause you to leave money and opportunities on the table.
First, the countries that have been pursuing this strategy tend to be the countries that have experienced the greatest declines in student performance over the past decade.
Although the court didn't make this point, you might say that someone pursuing this strategy is by definition not a trader.
In some cases, people pursue this strategy in order to pursue affiliate marketing.
The fixed income market provides investors with a broad range of investment choices, enabling them to pursue strategies tailored to individual investment objectives.
But, as for investing, he's an active investor pursuing strategies that are far to complex and require far too much effort for my taste.
Now, about momentum strategies — if you're going to pursue strategies where you are always buying the assets that are presently behaving strong, well, keep doing it.
The obvious, yet rarely pursued strategy in a pet store is to have your own animals in habitats that inspire wonder and awe in your customers.
If you continually pursue this strategy, you can wind up with an awful lot of credit cards.
Management is pursuing a strategy of growth through acquisitions, with a goal of doubling annual sales to $ 22 billion by 2022.
Now occasionally the doors of a new theory are so narrow that institutions don't pursue the strategy.
«There is an incoherence at best between oil companies on the one hand positioning themselves as being on the side of the world's developing countries and while on the other actively pursuing strategies which will entail catastrophic climate change which we already know is having a significant impact on the global south,» she said.
Mr. Stevenson is co-founder of Perseverance Marine, a privately held investment group which has successfully pursued a strategy of value investing in cyclical shipping markets.
I'll get to the «how» in a minute, but first, I want to address some key, unique challenges that SaaS companies face while pursuing the strategy.
You can aim to post at the most popular usage times to get in front of more people, but keep in mind that others are pursuing this strategy as well — it may be worth testing your posts during off times, when your content is less likely to be lost amidst the noise.
When a client comes to us for help with avoiding deportation after having been convicted of a crime, we often set about pursuing a strategy of petitioning for post-conviction relief.
So while Cameron looks to secure approval from his party's eurosceptics by pursuing a strategy based on foot - dragging and referring to the rulebook, the politicians watching Britain's unhelpful tantrum become more and more disgusted.
Envision Education has a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to pursue a strategy called deeper learning, which encourages 21st - century skills.
For portfolio allocations pursuing strategies similar to STRIDE, our calculation of hypothetical retirement income therefore provides a sound basis for estimating how much can be withdrawn from that portfolio in a conservative, sustainable way.
However, when this is unavoidable, our very experienced and tenacious team will vigorously pursue a strategy set to achieve a successful outcome for you.
Some years later, a Benjamin Moore CEO began pursuing a strategy that chipped away at Buffett's pledge.
The Illinois study encourages policymakers to continue pursuing strategies for making housing more affordable, but suggests that without increased wages, families will still be cost - burdened with living expenses.
Even so, many entrepreneurs don't pursue the strategy because of difficulty locating funding sources, which can include states, municipalities and nonprofit groups that dole out public funds.
Swiss private bank EFG International said on Wednesday it would buy Toronto - based Bull Wealth Management, further pursuing its strategy of growing rapidly through acquisitions.
Even worse, fund managers pursuing this strategy typically saw their new category underperform their old one, further hurting returns for shareholders.
The Melbourne - based bank previously pursued a strategy aimed at putting the bank at the forefront of Asia's growth.
The Home Office pursued this strategy while pretending the bill is a continuation of the status quo.
Ed Miliband clearly couldn't share a platform with Nick Clegg while at the same time pursuing a strategy in local elections of targeting past - libdem voters over their «betrayal».
Conference resolves that the National Executive pursues a strategy to the General Election in 2015 which: (a) seeks to secure commitment from the main political parties to the principles in the NASUWT's «Maintaining World Class Schools» report adopted unanimously at Conference 2013; (b) actively engages members, parents and the public in the NASUWT Vote for Education campaign and (c) continues to campaign with other unions in the TUC, the WTUC, the STUC and the ICTU.
The New York Times reports that senior environmental officials now say they will very likely pursue that strategy.
At the time, Gov. Andrew Cuomo's re-election pursued a strategy of bolstering supporting from women by promoting a 10 - point agenda that included issues such as pay equity and bills aimed at curbing workplace and housing discrimination.
The Obama administration pursued a strategy heavy on prosecutions of Chinese - born U.S. scientists (see here, here, and here), along with symbolic moves against overseas offenders, such as the 2014 indictment of five members of a People's Liberation Army hacking unit.
High - protein diets, often with carbohydrate restriction, are quite popular among overweight Americans pursuing strategies for weight control.
In addition to this statistic, Nintendo President Tatsumi Kimishima noted that Nintendo will continue to pursue a strategy throughout the holiday and beyond of promoting games to win over new female gamers.
But neither do I see a compelling reason to continue placing most of our bets on policy instead of practice, or to spend more decades pursuing strategies that have overpromised and under - delivered.
New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Baltimore are among the districts pursuing strategies, largely focused on high schools, to open new schools, bring in outside providers to run some of them, and offer a broader array of choices to families.
To accomplish this objective 3G Capital Management LLC pursues the strategy of investing in equities of well - managed fundamentally solid companies that are trading at a substantial discount to their intrinsic (private market) value.
This category includes funds that pursue strategies different than most traditional bond funds.
The Border Collie doesn't need many repetitions — sometimes one is enough to turn the dog into a little tyrant, mercilessly pursuing its strategy.
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