Sentences with phrase «to push time»

Try pushing the timing of his nap back 30 to 60 minutes and see whether he sleeps longer.
It'll push your time under tension too high.
Don't push the time limit too fast; go slow and steady so your dog has enough time to get used to each interval of time.
If inflation continues to run below the target 2.0 %, we feel this could push the timing of the next interest rate hike out.
For example, the recent Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development document suggested allowing one additional hour in the setting of an epidural, thus, at least 3 hours in multiparous women and 4 hours in nulliparous women be used to diagnose second - stage arrest, although that document did not clarify between pushing time or total second stage (33).
The second group was taught about bedtime fading, a newer sleep technique where parents picked the time they'd like for their baby to fall asleep, and then pushed that time by 15 minutes for a few nights, and then another 15 minutes for a few nights after if their baby was still struggling to fall asleep.
The three - door Cooper hatch goes from 0 - 62mph in an impressive 7.9 seconds, but the extra 105 kg of strengthening necessitated by losing the roof from this convertible model means almost a second of difference - pushing that time back to 8.8 seconds.
Those and other costs pushed the Times into the red for the year, giving it a net loss of $ 14 million for the first nine months, compared to a profit of $ 11 million for the same period in 2015.
Because of this, however, DeSio said, the task force is pushing its time line for coming up with a viable plan for the Armory from the end of this year to April or May of 2011.
That treatment option is normally only performed within 6 hours of a stroke, but a pair of new studies published in The New England Journal of Medicine pushes that time window back anywhere from 16 to 24 hours.
Titan's gentle winds will push TiME along as it snaps photos and measures the moon's rich mix of organic compounds.
Young black just looking for a good time don't got time for tha games so if that's you keep it pushing
With a higher octane the ignition can push the timing further.
Camera performance has been the battleground for many smartphones and BlackBerry has been pushing its Time Shift function, which is a nice way to edit things like group shots for better results, changing faces to get smiles.
There were at least a few levels in the Secret Star Road in Super Mario World that really pushed the time limits, which would've been like 12 - 15 minutes (999s time limits).
LeanLaw automatically pushes your time to a timesheet that lives in the cloud, and you can create invoices from there.
If presentations go over time, the sessions could take longer, pushing the time available for the rest of the topics outlined in the programme of work and most critically the concluding plenary with its agreement on the draft recommendations and review of the chair's report.
Smith's solution is to push the time under tension through the roof by slowing the lowering half of the pull - up down to a crawl.
As noted in the study by Crimmins and lead author Morgan E. Levine, assistant professor at the Yale Center for Research on Aging: «A deceleration of the human aging process, whether accomplished through environment or biomedical intervention, would push the timing of aging - related disease and disability incidence closer to the end of life.»
When I tried to start out with small, more immediate prizes to get her used to the set - up, she balked the minute I pushed our time - table back.
I was seriously afraid that the pool was not going to be ready for me to use during pushing time.
Continuing to labor or as they say, «breathing the baby down» will decrease your pushing time dramatically.
In fact after about two months of use the stroller has become my domain, and if my wife and I are out together she gets almost no pushing time.
I won't need to push it this time.
IRB study shows using the mirror helped Moms focus on pushing and reduced their pushing time during labor.
-- NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio is in Albany to meet with lawmakers and the governor — what's he pushing this time around?
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio is in Albany to meet with lawmakers and the governor - what's he pushing this time around?
«And you can bet your bottom dollar I'm going to use the resources of my office and my position to push every time I see a New Yorker in need.»
I imagine this is why Nintendo is pushing them this time to be a prominent developer on Wii U (and 3DS now) by showing off their new games earlier this time.
After the tune the knock sensors are still used to push the timing to the optimized limit.
The longer you push the time interval between your oil changes, the more you can put your Ford at risk!
Those stand in contrast to the maniacal exercises in trial and error, as you struggle to get through or push yourself time and again to perfect the level and collect all of the most difficult to reach gold.
In Sunset Strip, Kayla Parker uses magnolia petals, net stocking, lacquer, and ink to push her time - lapse footage of 365 sunsets past the natural to a more artificial aesthetic.
Mostly, my youngest tried to push hers every time.
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