Sentences with phrase «to put someone in jail»

«I know that society can't put you in jail for violating fiduciary duty, but the federal government can,» he said.
But I agree that it should be considered criminal to cut in set aside areas and that people should be put in jail if caught.
Someone gets murdered no one tells police no one gets put in jail.
They should have been put in jail before they were sent back where they came from.
Put them in jail like the rest of the nations would do.
I hope the people who were running this puppy mill have been put out of business, & put in jail for at least a year or more.
Imagine the USA Democratic or Republican party running an ad saying that they are against slavery, or people being put in jail without due process.
they should put them all in jail until they go to trial that would give them some thinking time about what they should have done!!
And why should certain women receive medical assistance to establish a pregnancy, while others are put in jail when they miscarry?
There's one scene with an inmate who yells at, I can only assume, the guards and everyone who put him in jail as to what he will do to them after he gets out.
Why does western democracies not tell straight up to the dictators that we do not appreciate their methods, and why do we not put them in jail for they crimes when they come for a diplomatic visit instead of protecting them with the army and so on?
This was eclipsed by the law that penalizes publicly and falsely attributing the crimes of Nazi Germany to the Polish nation, but in my country (Romania) had some echo because it reminded to many of the period before the fall of the communism, when a little whisper in the wrong direction could put you in jail due to «Security» paying attention to any «thought - crime».
Sam Casey, an attorney with the California - based Western Center for Law and Religious Freedom, says, «There have been more Christians put in jail on behalf of the unborn than for any other civil rights movement in this country's history.»
Mary Fisher and Ann Austin were promptly put in jail and deported, but soon more Quakers poured in from the safe base of Rhode Island.
religion or not these men need to be put in jail so the inmates can show them real justice since our system oblivisouly isnt working
Those judges need their licenses revoked and to be put in jail with McNugs.
«They would like to put me in jail somewhere without anything in the middle of winter — and that will still be lenient.
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. - Seeking to be harsher on convicted felons, putting them in jail instead of drug treatment programs, Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis has reintroduced a bill named after a police officer who was killed by a career criminal.
They need to go before they are put in jail!!
One message was especially highly propagated: «Half the things people are tweeting should put them in jail @metpoliceuk The news hasnt even got confirmed stories yet!
They should remember that almost everybody they had put in jail wrongly came back to become President.
«Burzynski The Movie» documents the amazing cancer treatment discovered by Dr. Burzynski called Antineoplastons and how the FDA and the National Cancer Institute tried to shut down his clinic, prove his therapy didn't work, and put him in jail while the U.S. Government tried to steal his patent.
If there's any issue where people are misusing public funds, they should be shut down immediately and frankly put in jail.
I have been threatene be put in jail bout debt that's not even.mine.
Put these bastards out of business and then put them in jail for animal abuse.
Take a photo of you and your pet, and write a message explaining why you want Johanna Kloer put in jail for animal abuse.
Myself a few select others cover everything from recent Revolution talk, to the man put in jail for selling bootleg Nintendo games.
Katz: I remember I once said to de Kooning, «Mondrian is a terrific painter,» and he said, «Mondrian puts you in a jail behind those bars.»
But still, before I was sixteen, I got busted for acid and was put in jail over night on two hits of it.
«Locking somebody up, just putting them in jail, doesn't seem to be the answer,» said Chief Public Defender Michael Young.
If the state arrests him, they'll put him in jail unless a court orders his release (or he's granted bail, or his case is otherwise resolved).
The court can order him to comply, fine him or even put him in jail.
I spend a ton of time watching far to many trials and you wouldn't believe how many criminals are never actually put in jail, and whom are walking amonst us as free as birds.
they train, they get paid handsomely (for no real pressure of winning anything), they lose matches and no one puts them in jail..
Susan what about just using the rules that apply to the rest of us and put them in jail if convicted.
If the Pope ever got put in jail, Catholics would STILL follow what he says from his jail cell.
Your failure to do so can result in various different actions being taken against you including debt collectors coming to retrieve the necessary funds, getting issued with a court order to recover the outstanding money or in some circumstances you can be put in jail until you make your past due child support payments.
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