Sentences with phrase «to put something in»

Furthermore, service companies may not put you in touch with any of the freelance editors who work on your book.
But just like the fox, you don't put him in charge of the chickens.
I made them with frozen spinach, boiled then drained really well before putting them in the cooled down oil.
Just a quick observation — I can't see the chick peas or bay leaf used in the recipe instructions, so I just put them both in when I added the passage.
Actually, maybe it's not such a sweet movie after all when put it in context.
We will then put you in touch with the foster home of the dog you are interested in.
Even preaching, I think, involves some element of putting yourself in front of a crowd with the expectation that they may challenge you.
If you taught your kids how to pick up their toys at an early age, you can take things one step further by putting them in charge of cleaning their rooms.
Its unique single - player split - screen mechanic is designed to challenge your brain by putting you in control of two characters at the same time.
A career pathway which puts you in control of the speed of your progression.
It is a little bit larger than other pail liners I've used which is great for putting it in and taking it out of the diaper pail.
Be it your recognition card number or even your driver's permit come, these seemingly secondary digits may really well put you in personal or financial risk.
She made a comment that it still doesn't put it in perspective for her, so I created a quick static image showing the spill centered on our hometown.
I also did direct mailing, which put me in touch with a number of local landlords and homeowners.
She considers dipping celery a fun activity, and it keeps her from «starving» while I'm cooking as well as putting her in the mood for eating.
Depending on your industry, you can also put yourself in front of reporters by sending out samples of your product.
It does come with a backpack style storage bag, but who has the time putting it in when you are using public transit?
Chances are you've already hit upon most of your main points during your conversation about the topic, so putting it in writing should be a breeze!
All of it just puts us in mind of warm spring days and blue skies.
And with our gameplay, we can't just put them in there and have it work.
We were not putting ourselves in danger by actually standing up to a bully, but we were making a video and letting our peers take away what they would from our creation.
Then put it in place of the fat bar.
Although the job didn't end up being a fit, he was again able to build a networking contact who put him in contact with a department that would be a good fit.
I always knew it was expensive, but you really put it in perspective in this post.
This is a grim morality tale that can't help putting you in someone else's shoes, wondering what you would do if you were in the same situation.
You should always agree on fees and put them in writing before the case starts.
He kept me updated with every step of the process and even put me in touch with a lender that was just impressive.
Then you'll need to pair them with designers, because they're great at putting themselves in someone else's shoes — they can help the user understand the idea.
You may also put yourself in more emotional peril by making decisions while you are in a state of emotional imbalance.
I've definitely had my fair share of close calls, but I'm done destroying knives as well as potentially putting myself in harm's way.
This lets you do so without raising any alarms while also putting you in position for a silent strike.
She is a friend of a friend, who put us in contact when I first started writing.
I always put it in front of everything else in my life.
I cut them into quarters, and with the skin still on put them in a double boiler on the stove.
Other recipes I have tried usually put it in at the end.
What was once reserved for in - game cutscenes, the game now puts you in direct control of the action, which is pretty cool.
You can use the remaining chickpea residue and put it in water so it gets soft and use it for other recipes.
While a sequel is nearly inevitable, it definitely puts it in flux, and in a state of jeopardy.
Can I freeze the cauliflower after putting it in food processor to make it quicker to make the recipe?
And a good credit score will help put you in line for a lower - interest loan.
And it's unclear why the company insists on putting it in what appears to be a poor location.
Be it your recognition card issue or even your driver's licence figure, these seemingly insignificant digits may very well put you in personal or financial risk.
We are so excited to have peaches again that I am basically putting them in everything so expect to see some more peach recipes coming up!
I also thought putting them in the refrigerator would help but it didn't.
As you are aware, the repair costs on antique automobiles can be very expensive so they can easily put you in debt without being insured.
Put them in jail like the rest of the nations would do.

Phrases with «to put something in»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z