Sentences with phrase «to put the issue to bed»

Boutique mattresses, pillows, and so many gadgets are available for pre-order, claiming to put the issue to bed once and for all.
When David Cameron made his big speech in January 2013, he was hoping to unite his party and put the issue to bed until at least after the next general election.
What a contrast with the electoral reform referendum of 2011, which the Conservatives said had put the issue to a bed for a generation.
«I'm hoping this upsizing or downsizing vote will put this issue to bed completely.
To put the issue to bed before it is even raised, the volunteers were given professionally prepared food for about half a year and paid ~ $ 2,500 if they stuck to the plan.
After a few raised eyebrows, appraiser Danielle Rahm, writing at Forbes, tried to diplomatically put the issue to bed: «Does red art sell better?
What can be said with some degree of certainty is that, for the time being, McDonald has put this issue to bed in relation to claims by private landlords under s21.
Weinberg makes some great points that should put this issue to bed.
Great was my colleagues» relief in having put the issue to bed, or so they thought, when the word came that the pastoral on women's concerns had been withdrawn under fire from critics of quite diverse viewpoints.
Actually Douglas said a good portion of what I would have said and I am happy that they will put this issue to bed.
Having said that, a win or draw would simply mean we put the issue to bed once and for all.
Cuomo continues to insist that he veto the lines he deems «hyper - political» and has said lawmakers should pass a Constitutional amendment to put the issue to bed.
But unlike Stefanik and Funiciello, both of whom excelled at sticking to the script, Woolf could never quite hatch a one - size - fits - all rebuttal to put these issues to bed, opting instead for cyclical and uneven responses.
You know, for a monthly magazine like Scientific American, several weeks passed [pass] between the time that we put an issue to bed and the time that it shows up in subscribers» mailboxes or shows up on newsstands — but of course on the Web, you can have sort of instantaneous communication.
After speaking with an academy attorney about the school's lease agreement, Knerr said he's confident of its validity, but still needs written documentation in order to put that issue to bed.
Now that we've put that issue to bed, you'll need to make that your training content is worthy of each learner's time and effort!
It's a catch - all for things where there may or may not be fault, but the issue is so minor that it's more practical to make a good faith payment to put the issue to bed.
It was not immediately clear how long that could take, or what the next move by the South African energy department will be as it attempts to put the issue to bed.
Why don't you two get together and collaborate on a paper that studies the issues raised by Greg and if / where he is wrong, put the issues to bed, and, conversely, if / where he is right, his criticism will have produced a valuable improvement to the data set.
Asked if he felt this would put the issue to bed, Stern smiled and said: «I don't think so.»
It's a catch - all for things where there may or may not be fault, but the issue is so minor that it's more practical to make a good faith payment to put the issue to bed.
It's unclear though whether what appears to be a minor update will indeed correct these problems or if a more major release like iOS 10.3 will finally put these issues to bed.
And to make a bad pun, we're putting our issues to bed
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