Sentences with phrase «to rain today»

It was freezing rain today so literally we took these pictures in the rain in 10 - minutes and then ran back inside.
It is raining today though and I thought I'd squeeze another soup night in before winter is truly over.
Weather wise after a night of heavy rain today in Bali it's been pretty good with a mostly blue sky but with more black clouds starting to fill back in through the afternoon.
Severe thunderstorms could bring damaging winds, hail and heavy rain today in Western and Central New York.
This is exactly what I want after cheering on the Boston Marathon in the pouring rain today.
After much rain today very good waves!!!
I was mainly working — always seem to be working nowadays... raining today again... On the upside I re-folded some tablecloths....
I think Arizona is finally going to get some much needed rain today.
As soon as it stops raining today, Kevin is going to start on the «Beer Garden Bench» project.
There was a chance of rain today, so I decided to make meatball subs for lunch.
I wore this look in the pouring rain today to some presentations — jumping in and out of Ubers of course.
And while Sony made no mention of Heavy Rain today, the publisher has previously listed it as a late 2009 release.
You can ask about the day's weather in general, or ask more specific questions like, «Is it going to rain today
I can believe it's going to rain today and you can believe it will hold off, but only one thing is going to be true.
It rained today.
I loved driving to work in the rain today... I don't even care if I had to sit through traffic!
It's back to winter coats today and I think we are supposed to get up to an inch of rain today.
We actually got some rain today and for the first time in forever I was freezing!
I'm reading this early morning, it is supposed to be Spring here - but it's cold and raining today.
It rained today, a slow drizzle from the sky bringing as much gloom as a single afternoon could muster.
Nevermind that it's raining today, it was triple digits like... a MINUTE ago.
But their training was cut short due to a massive downpour of rain today.
A 1 out of 5 chance of being wrong is not insignificant... If they say there's a 20 % chance of rain today, you shouldn't be surprised if it does rain!
«If it rained today, it's more likely that it will rain tomorrow.»
If we have a 50 percent chance of rain today, and the storm veers off and doesn't happen, then the rain never gets to us.
Is it raining today?
The kids had a BLAST playing in the rain today!
I have a Columbia rain coat from like 2003 that I still sport when it rains today.
I don't know what it's like where you are today but they're calling for 5 inches of rain today.
It's finally cooled down in LA some... raining today and I finally got to wear my coat too!
It rained yesterday and its supposed to rain today and the weather has been pretty chilly although today is supposed to hit the 60s.
And I love these boots too, but I had to run in them in the rain today and was terrified that I would slip and fall... gracefully, of course hehe.
Sure it's supposed to rain today and get colder over the weekend, but it's definitely not going to kill my spring fever.
It's a gloomy day with lots of rain today.
So dark, gloomy and chilly, it's raining today and the rain continuously pouring down.
I make up all sorts of excuses to put them on like there's so much sand at the park... and I hear there's a 10 % chance of rain today and I like to be very prepared.
I hope it's not raining today!
NY had snow two days ago and nothing but rain today — who knows what tomorrow is going to bring.
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