Sentences with phrase «to raise the debt ceiling»

Conservatives don't want to raise the debt ceiling without getting anything in return, but his caucus can't agree on any type of compensation.
But the amendment's language is broad enough that a president could claim those words give him authority to raise a debt ceiling by executive action.
The three discussed raising the debt ceiling, an issue that almost led to a government shutdown.
But Republicans held fast throughout the negotiatons, saying they would refuse to allow a vote on raising the debt ceiling unless tax increases are taken out of the conversation.
The idea is that it would prevent a big to - do over raising the debt ceiling, as Democrats are saying the ceiling has to be raised but Republicans are saying it can't be.
«The growing debacle surrounding the election of a new Republican House Speaker and the potential crisis if Congress doesn't raise the debt ceiling within the next month are additional risks that have sprung up in the past couple of weeks,» Capital Economics said in a research note last week.
Less than six months ago, conservatives in the House were demanding absurd spending cuts or repeal of the individual mandate in return for raising the debt ceiling.
That fallback proposal is known as McConnell / Reid, a procedurally complicated measure - worked out by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid - to raise the debt ceiling in stages between now and the end of next year.
Washington (CNNMoney)- AFL - CIO President Richard Trumka accused House Speaker John Boehner of blackmailing America for withholding his vote to raise the debt ceiling unless there are drastic spending cuts.
Louis notes that Democrats and Republicans are both fans of spending and have no interest in cutting spending and are interested in raising the debt ceiling so they can continue spending.
«What good is it to raise the debt ceiling if you don't address how you got in debt,» says Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R - SC), discussing tax reform and paying down the national debt, with CNBC's Rick Santelli.
U.S. stocks rebounded Wednesday after President Trump backed a Democratic plan to combine raising the debt ceiling with support for Hurricane Harvey.
US Fed will request US Congress to raise the Debt ceiling from the current cap of US $ 18.10 trillion.
keeping hurricane relief separate from the debt ceiling, and combining the raising of the debt ceiling with spending cuts (potentially eliminating the Democrat ability to filibuster since they could not block raising the debt ceiling),
This uncertainty includes the upcoming and repeated challenge of raising the debt ceiling (this deadline was originally scheduled for early September, but got pushed out until December); enacting a federal government budget for fiscal year 2018 (the fiscal year began October 1st, but Congress extended last year's budget until December); and engaging in the first significant discussion of tax reform in 30 years.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Sunday that he and President Donald Trump want to tie federal aid for Hurricane Harvey recovery to legislation raising the debt ceiling.
Reid's proposal would raise the debt ceiling enough so that it wouldn't have to be reconsidered until 2013, beyond the 2012 elections, as demanded by Obama.
«And even more importantly, a failure to promptly raise the debt ceiling, leading to a U.S. selective default, could seriously damage the global economy and financial system.»
The deal, which is still making its way through Congress after an eleventh hour push from party bigs, has three main components: It immediately raises the debt ceiling, includes around $ 2.1 trillion in spending cuts over the next 10 years, and creates a special Congressional committee to come up with long term deficit - reduction suggestions by this Thanksgiving.
One is that policy uncertainty morphs into systematic stress — i.e. failure to raise the debt ceiling later this year.
The threat of nuclear war is at the top of everyone's mind, but Dalio reminds us that our indecisive Congress could very well fail to agree on raising the debt ceiling next month, meaning a «good» government shutdown, as Trump once put it, would follow.
Standard & Poor's, one of the three major ratings agencies, has said that just raising the debt ceiling would not be enough.
It's like the GOP pretending to be worried about our national debt, knowing full well they were responsible for the record deficits under Reagan and Bush II, and gleefully raised the debt ceiling 13 times under the Former and 7 times under the latter.
or else raise the debt ceiling for a lot longer, until after the 2018 elections (denying Democrats the tool for a long time, eliminating the debt ceiling as an issue during the 2018 campaign, and allowing Congress to deal with it the next time fresh off an election and relatively safe from concerns about the following election in 2020).
Last night, the White House and Congressional leaders struck a budget deal in order to raise the Debt Ceiling until March 2017, as well as to raise the Sequester spending caps for Fiscal Years 2016 and 2016 (by $ 50 billion and $ 30 billion respectively).
WASHINGTON (CNN)- Democrats are still insisting any deal to raise the debt ceiling include revenue increases while Republicans maintain that can not pass Congress, both Democratic and Republican sources familiar with the talks said Thursday.
Rep. Tom Reed (R - Corning) emerged from a closed - door meeting this morning skeptical of a proposal to temporarily raise the debt ceiling.
Weprin favored raising the debt ceiling but didn't support the deal reached by Congress and the White House.
WASHINGTON (CNN)- To meet the president's demand that bipartisan House and Senate leaders come up with a plan to raise the debt ceiling through the next election, a Democratic Senate leadership aide expects there will be bipartisan negotiations among those leaders «on a plan modeled on the Senate fallback proposal.»
He has been one of the most moderate Republican members of the NY Congressional delegation — voting to raise the debt ceiling several times when more conservative Republicans voted against the plan.
NEW YORK (WCBS 880 / AP)-- The standoff on Capitol Hill over deficit reduction and raising the debt ceiling shows no signs of breaking.
He can issue an executive order raising the debt ceiling — despite the fact that no president previously has ever dared to do just that.
A decision not to raise the debt ceiling south of the border could see interest rates there rise while Canadian yields could drop, Erica Alini cited CIBC economist Avery Shenfeld as saying.
In the short term, Congress once again must address raising the debt ceiling, as well as working out a long - term transportation bill.
On Sept. 5 of this year, the Dow dropped 234 points amid a series of potentially volatile political events, including the debate over raising the debt ceiling, a possible government shutdown, and threats from Trump over trade policy with China.
With Congress dragging its feet on raising the debt ceiling, there are a lot of silly ideas making the rounds of cable TV networks, blogs — and the halls of Congress.
There is not a snowball's chance in hell they will vote to raise the debt ceiling without huge cuts exclusively in social spending and there is no way the Democats will agree to that (even if Obama wimps out and does).
The only way it could is if Congress didn't raise the debt ceiling.
In the U.S., politicians are playing high stakes political poker over the approaching deadline for raising the debt ceiling.
What good is it to raise the debt ceiling if you don't address why you have debt, Senator Lindsey Graham asked on CNBC's «Squawk on the Street» on Tuesday.
President Trump bucked his own party Wednesday and endorsed a Democratic deal to raise the debt ceiling by three months.
What Mann and Ornstein, and other GOP critics, want us to focus on is the last stage of the game» the vote to raise the debt ceiling in the face of putative default.
Conservatives will object to raising the debt ceiling unless it contains some provisions to help rein in government spending — an unlikely scenario.
We need to raise the debt ceiling so the U.S. can continue to service its debt.
Congress must act by Sept. 29 in order to raise the debt ceiling, a more contentious vote than the one for Harvey aid.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin talks to Squawk Box's Becky Quick, Joe Kernen and Andrew Ross Sorkin about reducing the corporate tax rate, raising the debt ceiling and improving the economy.
«Providing aid in the wake of Harvey and raising the debt ceiling are both important issues, and Democrats want to work to do both,» they said.
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