Sentences with phrase «to ratify something»

Without any supporting testimony or findings of fact, Justice Kennedy managed to divine that the sponsors of the referendum and the voters who ratified it must have been motivated solely by bias.
Initially, every province except Quebec backed a tentative deal to expand CPP and they agreed to ratify it by July 15.
Britain and the EU want to strike an overall Brexit agreement by October, so EU parliaments have time to ratify it before Britain leaves the bloc on March 29, 2019.
The adjustment of shares and voting rights in the IMF was brokered by Britain at a Group of 20 summit in 2010, and European countries ratified it long ago.
The two most vital terms in the Convention — which is now international law, even for countries that have not yet ratified it — are the phrases «with intent to destroy» and «as such.»
My guess would be that in most countries, international agreements can not be «modified» by the legislature when ratifying it.
The demonstration is being organized by a group calling itself the Ghana First Patriotic Front (GFPF), who have chastised the government for accepting the deal, and the majority in Parliament for ratifying it despite strong resistance by the minority and a host of Ghanaians.
In addition, at its first session, the CMP also decided to consider a proposed amendment to the Protocol in respect of procedures and mechanisms relating to compliance in terms of Article 18, with a view to making a decision by its third session.The proposed amendment would make the consequences in decision 27 / CMP.1 binding on Parties which ratified it, in conformity with Article 18 of the Protocol.
The federal Congress passed it and sufficient state legislatures ratified it.
Russia, the world's biggest crude oil producer and its fifth - largest emitter of greenhouse gases, signed the Paris agreement but has delayed formally ratifying it.
German chancellor Angela Merkel is among those pressing for the constitution to be revived, and a dozen countries have already ratified it.
The last time a constitutional convention met and voters actually ratified it's result, was 75 years ago.
It would take effect if voters ratified it at the ballot box during the next general election after a vote by the Council for the measure.
Basically, even if by some miracle she could negotiate the deal in time, she has no chance of ratifying it.
After Andrea Leadsom pulled out of the Tory leadership race, and the Conservative Board ratified her as leader, she will take over from David Cameron next week without facing a vote even from her own party members.
The Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu had said ratifying it amounted to «opening the floodgate of Ghana to Americans to come and abuse» Ghanaians.
The Minority eventually walked out leaving the Majority to ratify it alone.
«One of the things that was raised as a concern about ratifying it was the difficulty in verification,» Sudderth said.
UTLA President Warren Fletcher has endorsed the deal, and it's been approved by the UTLA House of Representatives, but classroom teachers have to ratify it next month before it can go into effect.
In 2002, even as Bush was gleefully thumbing his nose at the climate treaty, Canada ratified it, promising an ambitious 6 percent reduction from 1990's carbon levels by 2012.
After the UNFCCC agreement, also known as the Rio Treaty, was submitted to the U.S. Senate by the George H.W. Bush administration, Senators ratified it in October 1992 on a voice vote with no debate, just as they rushed to leave Washington before the November election.
«While the prognosis is dire, the scientific community assures us it is possible to bend the curve on current trajectories, if we work together to curb the growth of global greenhouse gas emissions,» Mr. Thomson said, reiterating his call for all parties to the Paris Agreement to ratify it without delay and for those that have already done so to deliver on their commitments.
Whether or not the Kyoto Protocol comes into force depends on whether or not the Russian Duman ratifies it.
The Paris agreement will come into force when 55 countries contributing to at least 55 percent of total global greenhouse gas emissions ratify it.
If the MS ratify it, what they are doing in essence is complying with the policy objectives of the Commission, the Council and the EP, instead of hindering the wishes of 3 EU institutions by not ratifying the agreement.
We did not ratify it and it places no obligation on the UK.
His lordship considered the evidence and held that none of the payments, which the directors purported to agree should be paid at the club's expense to E, were duly authorised by the club, either at the time they were made, or subsequently, save in so far as the shareholders might have ratified them by approving the accounts.
Mr Kerry stressed that there were «not going to be legally binding reduction targets like Kyoto», a reference to the 1997 Kyoto protocol, a UN climate treaty which had targets for cutting emissions that countries ratifying it were legally obliged to meet.
As such, Congress could, if it chose, resubmit the amendment to the states, but it would start back at zero, and would need 38 states to ratify it in order to become valid.
The demonstration, which is expected to attract a massive crowd, is being organised by a group calling itself the Ghana First Patriotic Front (GFPF), who are against the military pact, and a one - sided Parliament for ratifying it.
Jesus purchased a gift with His death and ratified it with his resurrection.
Putin ended the speech by saying that the «the will of people» has prompted him to accept Crimea as part of Russia and has asked the legislature to ratify it.
The Moon Treaty, finalized in 1979, declared that any resources from space should be shared among all nations, but most countries, including the United States, never signed or ratified it.
When it comes to trade focus, Canadians give priority to the U.S., E.U., China and the U.K. February 15, 2017 — Ahead of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's visit to Brussels to mark the expected European Parliament vote to ratify the
In order to ratify the final few clauses to implement the deal in its entirety, the national government of each EU member must ratify it, a long and time - consuming process.
One common answer to the complex question of how to interpret the Constitution is that courts should read each provision, however broad or general in the light of the principles that those who drafted or ratified it, or the general public at the time, understood it to embody.
The traditional Christian view is that Christ founded the Church which wrote the Scriptures, ratified them and gains constant nourishment from them.
Events such as Japan's occupation of Manchuria in 1931 and its gradual penetration of China proper, coupled with Italy's mid-decade conquest of Ethiopia, demonstrated the virtual uselessness of the Kellogg - Briand Pact of 1928, even though almost all of the world's nations — including Japan and Italy — had ratified it, thereby proclaiming their renunciation of war.
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