Sentences with phrase «to reach an amicable agreement»

They further agree that, if this promise to settle all issues privately is not kept, then the collaborative attorneys must withdraw (this further incentivizes the attorneys to help the parties reach an amicable agreement).
Instead, I assist both parties in reaching an amicable agreement, memorialized in a settlement or separation agreement, which becomes the guiding document for their divorce or separation.
In the end, though, both sides reached an amicable agreement that benefited them both — although the means of resolution has yet to be disclosed by either party involved.
«Being able to talk things through can save you the cost of a lawyer because the two of you will be able to reach an amicable agreement on your own.»
But be aware that this will make it much harder to reach an amicable agreement with your ex-partner.
If you and your spouse are able to be civil and reach an amicable agreement regarding these issues, then the process will go quicker and smoother.
Creditors wanted to make sure they would be paid and preserve their priority right on other creditors, while Saaten wanted to reach an amicable agreement swiftly in order to pursue their activity.
The Act contains measures to implement the basic principle applies that exhaustive attempts should be made at helping parents to reach an amicable agreement by themselves before court proceedings are initiated.
Couples choosing alternative dispute resolution are looking for processes and techniques which act as a means to reach an amicable agreement without resorting to litigation.
The schemes include a national «virtual» internet - based mediation service hosted by Relate, together with more localised face - to - face mediation to help parents reach amicable agreements.
Add to that the hurt feelings between you and your spouse, and reaching an amicable agreement becomes even more difficult.
Many couples contemplating divorce would like to try and reach an amicable agreement rather than engage in a nasty and protracted battle in a courtroom and they wonder if mediation might be a good choice for them.
What you do not want to have happen is for you to lose everything just because you and your spouse could not reach an amicable agreement.
Some lawsuits end long before trail, with both sides reaching an amicable agreement to settle.
I also suggest mediation to former spouses who can reach an amicable agreement on their parenting plan.
While many cases will have to make use of some degree of litigation in order to achieve our clients» objectives, we recognize the increasing desire for individuals to reach amicable agreements with their spouse on potentially contentious issues.
They further agree that, if this promise to settle all issues privately is not kept, then the collaborative attorneys must withdraw (this further incentivizes the attorneys to help the parties reach an amicable agreement).
Over time, the court has implemented a number programs aimed at aiding parties in reaching an amicable agreement, like the parent education program and parenting time mediation.
Of the 26 couples who have participated in the course, all but two have reached amicable agreements and have not returned to the courts.49 The results are so impressive that the courts may soon begin using the program in pre-divorce cases.
Reaching an amicable agreement is quite important.
We aim to avoid the costs and stress that comes with contested court proceedings and therefore, where appropriate, we will encourage you to try to reach an amicable agreement.
When they fail to reach an amicable agreement, the only option is to go to court.
This can make it difficult for both parents to reach amicable agreements.
While not every couple can reach an amicable agreement, you will save time and money by arranging for a cooperative spouse to accept service of process by mail.
There are couples who can reach an amicable agreement.
Mediation: We can use this less contentious method to help you reach an amicable agreement outside of the courtroom.
Since the beginning of my practice, it has always been my philosophy that the parties involved in a dissolution of a marriage are always better served when they reached an amicable agreement, instead of resorting to court.
It is always best practice for everyone pursuing a divorce — even folks like these who are able to reach an amicable agreement — to consult with an attorney.
«Collaborative law is not for everyone,» Ms Richards cautioned, noting that the process needs candour, a willingness to disclose information honestly in relation to assets, and «a genuine desire to reach an amicable agreement that is fair to the whole family».
Reaching an amicable agreement is always the least expensive way to go through a divorce, but both parties must cooperate.
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