Sentences with phrase «to reach different audiences»

By including other establishments, it helps them gain exposure and talk about what other wines they have as well and maybe reach a different audience than what they may usually see.
The truth is, if you only want to do one thing to market your book, focus on reaching different audiences.
I think, if we're writers with a commercial mindset, the smartest thing we can do is publish on a multitude of different platforms and reach different audiences through genre diversification.
As a marketer, working with authors and entrepreneurs who reach a different audience is essential to creating a bigger impact.
Each retailer reaches a different audience of readers, and many retailers operate stores in multiple countries where each store serves unique micro-markets of readers that simply can't be reached by Amazon or anyone else.
Re-share old content that is highly beneficial to reach different audiences within a short span of time.
Other political communicators may find more trouble balancing the need to reach different audiences in language that makes sense to them with the need for a common and clear political message, but in some sense that's nothing new, as anyone who's ever tried to run a coalition knows.
You will likely reach a different audience with a science festival than you will with a formal presentation, and the characteristics of the interaction — and therefore the possible outcomes — are also different.
I think your green smoothie approach reaches a different audience than Caldwell Esselstein and Colin Campbell.
Regarding digital content, I also agree with the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice that diversification is essential to reach different audiences using PLEI.
By mailing these offers directly to people's homes or offices, it's able to reach a different audience than it does with its online efforts.
Images, videos and infographics may be more successful when you publish them a second time, particularly if you post on a weekend or in the evening to reach a different audience.
is a question that comes up again and again... Of course, there's no one answer, but there are a lot of opportunities out there, a lot of different paths you can try out to reach different audiences.
Box - sets can be a great opportunity for authors to collaborate with other authors to reach a different audience, or maximize point of sale revenue from one customer with their own series or themed box - set.
It's also my only product in the Kindle Lending Library so I am reaching a different audience.
This is not necessarily a bad thing; the company is simply trying to reach a different audience.
«With content like that, you're always trying to find a way of reaching different audiences.
Whereas I think you could have slightly accused Sony of a bit of forced synergy, if we'd been trying to enact this collaboration several years ago, the fact is now, with 110 million PlayStation Network (PSN) accounts worldwide, that's a substantial business opportunity for Sony Pictures to reach a different audience.
But it does make it easier to get started, and you can reach a different audience than the one you currently have.
The protagonist, Kate, left messages in the street in an effort to reach a different audience, a metaphor for Glenn's public art project.
For example, many experts say you should post links to each new blog post at least 4 times on Twitter, at different days and different times, so that you reach different audiences when they are looking at Twitter.
An effective communicator, capable of determining how best to reach different audiences and executing communications based on that understanding
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