Sentences with phrase «to reach significance»

This can explain why some statistical criteria in regression and correlation analyses did not reach significance for men.
The latter may have reached significance if there was a larger sample involved.
For early to middle and middle to late adolescent boys and girls, slopes of commitment never reached significance.
The relationship between these variables followed the same pattern in early childhood and adolescence but did not reach significance.
The non-wheezing lower respiratory illnesses did not reach significance in relation to predominant or any breast feeding duration in any crude or multivariate model.
In contrast, the rapamycin - treated group that started at P35 (n = 8) exhibited a reduction in seizures for weeks 5 (1.75 ± 0.65) and 6 (0.38 ± 0.26) nearly reaching significance at week 6 (p = 0.06, Tukey - Kramer).
In contrast, training with heavy loads increased EMG amplitude in the 1RM more than training with light loads (by 43 % vs. 30 %), and the change only reached significance in the heavy load group.
The occurrence of HD did not reach significance compared with intact females (4 percent), but CCL, which was not seen in any of the intact females, was significantly higher at the < 6 mo., 6 — 11 mo. and 2 — 8 year neuter periods (p < 0.001 to p = 0.03).
The decision of the Court of Appeal in Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow and another v Bankers Trust and another [2004] EWCA Civ 314, [2004] 4 All ER 746 raises issues of potentially far - reaching significance vis - à - vis the public nature of judgments and orders pronounced by the English courts in the context of arbitration applications.
None of the other between group comparisons reached significance, except for the social subscale of the GHQ which favoured the intervention group immediately after the intervention.
Regarding attachment avoidance, one main effect reached significance: higher attachment avoidance predicted a smaller N2 local peak amplitude, b = 4.80, SE = 1.69, P = 0.005.
On the Self - Perception Profile, only the rating for Social Acceptance reached significance, with treatment youth rating themselves higher.
Although from pre - to posttest the reduction of teacher - rated inattentive behavior reached significance (p =.10; ES =.39, small ES).
However, we did not find a significant reduction of teacher - rated ADHD symptoms of the child, although the reduction of inattentive symptoms reached significance.
The victimization × parent support interaction reached significance (β = −.07, p <.05) as well as the interaction between victimization and gender (β = −.10, p <.05).
Finally, none of the neonatal characteristics or maternal lifestyle factors reached significance in predicting teachers» reports of children's total problem behavior.
In a case with potentially far - reaching significance for mortgage applicants nationwide, a South Carolina consumer has filed class - action lawsuits against the three national credit bureaus, charging that they allow a practice that lowers the credit scores of millions of people.
Associations with diabetes did not reach significance in 2005/06, but pooled estimates remained significant (OR = 1.24, CI: 1.10 to 1.40, p = 0.001).
Coffee consumption was also consistently associated with significantly lower risk of gallstone disease.25 A non-linear dose response was also apparent, though risk sequentially reduced as consumption increased from two to six cups a day.25 High versus low consumption was associated with a marginally higher risk of gastro - oesophageal reflux disease, but this did not reach significance.64
Just so, on the inorganic level, every element in the periodic scale has its special characteristics, and some, like the radioactive substances, have qualities of far - reaching significance in certain respects.
That the total impact of Jesus upon his generation had this quality is a strongly attested fact, and it has far - reaching significance.
No one had any idea at the time of the far - reaching significance of this, and its role in the end of modernity.
Benn et al (26) observed 15,430 mother — child pairs and found that exclusive breast - feeding for at least 4 months was associated with an increased risk of atopic dermatitis in children with no parents with allergies (incident risk ratio = 1.29, 95 % CI 1.06 — 1.55), but not for children with 2 (incident risk ratio = 0.88, 95 % CI 0.69 — 1.13) parents with allergies, although this trend did not reach significance.
They also found preliminary evidence for a gene locus that had not been previously associated with DLB, but the results did not reach significance.
There was a reduction in ipsilateral ACL tear in the checklist group (3 percent) compared to the control group (6.6 percent) that did not reach significance (p = 0.12).
Overall survival showed a trend toward improvement with sunitinib, but did not reach significance, at 8.95 months vs. 6.89 months (HR = 1.17; 90 % CI, 0.77 — 1.78; P = 0.27).
The appetite responses tended to be lower for these same recipes, but these differences did not reach significance (P = 0.09) and pizza intake did not differ among treatments.
«What has made this rescue of far - reaching significance is that hundreds of young people from Guangzhou, the once so - called» world capital of dog and cat meat consumption,» have participated in the rescue,» said Li.
Now the broadcasters may have garbled the message, but this does sound like complete piffle based on looking at a period too short for the trend to reach significance — and simply (like the AMO stuff?)
Results showed that the PCIT alone group had significantly fewer re-reports of abuse over the follow - up period than did the control condition and also fewer reports than the enhanced PCIT condition, although this difference did not reach significance.
There was trend toward lower levels of neglect at both times for Healthy Families NY program mothers, as well, although it did not reach significance.
None of the gender or race interactions added in step 5, χ2 (10) = 5.88, p =.83, or either of the two three — way interactions added in step 6, χ2 (2) = 3.42, p =.18, reached significance, so these two steps were deleted from the analyses presented in Table II.
Although the effect sizes are small, they all reach a significance level of.01.
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