Sentences with phrase «to reach the largest number of people»

You can reach a large number of people with the truth — but, the same happens with error.
Large numbers of people can now relatively easily reach large numbers of people, as if we are each our own publishing house.
Created by the non-profit Friends of L.A. Animal Shelters, L.A. Love & Leashes is located inside Healthy Spot, Santa Monica and reaches large numbers of people who would not otherwise visit our city shelters.
Although the larger audiences meant its publications no longer enjoyed quite the same intimacy with their readerships, its words were still reaching a larger number of people, spreading the good word of games further.
These channels are not cheap, but for certain practice areas with very high value cases (e.g. mass tort, personal injury), TV and radio can be effective because you can reach the largest number of people per unit of budget.
«Personal, one - to - one Snaps sent directly to friends are what make Snapchat a close friend network — not a broadcast network for reaching the largest number of people,» it explains.
Having this in mind it is not wise to ignore the many resumes you receive for the social media manager role since this can mean the loss of opportunity to reach a large number of people at a low cast via social media.
The convenient aspect about using Facebook for your business, besides its cost - effective characteristic, is that you don't have to put efforts into reaching a large number of people directly themselves.
Encourage communities and health facilities to use new media technology to reach larger numbers of people with breastfeeding information and alert them about the conflicts of interest that may arise when entities which profit from selling or distributing products under the scope of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (Code) promote breastfeeding.
When a brand makes an investment in creating high - quality content, you can bet they'll ensure it reaches the largest number of people.
Another necessity is adequate advertising placed strategically to reach the largest number of people.
In order to make the study possible, researchers have developed a novel ultrasound technology that makes screening cheaper and much easier, making it possible to reach a large number of people and even infants.
Social networks provide you with the ability to reach a large number of people easily, develop your presence, share your expertise, and impart the message of your book.
There is also the potential to reach a large number of people, as there are more than one billion Facebook... [Continue reading]
There is also the potential to reach a large number of people, as there are more than one billion Facebook users and almost just as many Twitter users.
Unlike the traditional book publishing process, writers can publish their digital books on their own in less time and still have the ability to reach a large number of people.
Done right, it is the most effective way to reach the largest number of people.
Done right, it's the most effective way to reach the largest number of people.
For Chinese artists the Chinese microblog site Weibo, which is similar to Twitter, helps them to reach large numbers of people, especially outside of China.
Joshua Lenon, lawyer in residence at Clio, said he thinks there are «tons» of applications for chatbots when it comes to provision of legal services, such as the ability to act in «triage» situations and the ability to reach large numbers of people.
An expression that is uttered in such a way that it is likely to reach a large number of persons shall be deemed equivalent to a publicly uttered expression, cf. section 7, No. 2.
It is clear how this applies to email, but less clear how it might apply to tools such as Twitter or an RSS feed which can reach large numbers of people.
Place your real estate information on ICIWorld and it helps you reach large numbers of people otherwise you can easily miss making a connection and not realize it.
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