Sentences with phrase «to read to the end»

Keep reading to the end of the list because the last few items are often easily overlooked even by the most astute parents.
Also, be sure to read to the end for a really cool Stitch Fix announcement!
Please read to the end to find a list of links to the other carnival participants.
If you didn't read it to the end, you shouldn't review it, because you didn't give it a fair shake.
Keep reading to the end of our vacuum reviews if you can, all of these products are awesome.
Be sure to read to the end because for the first time we made a short video documenting our trip!
If you're like me that math puts a deadly spell on my brain, the combination of success stories will make you continue reading to the end of his reasoning prowess.
But the brave few who managed to read to the end saw my promise to put all this in context.
When I began reading the article, I thought I might not be able to bear reading to the end.
There's an overwhelming volume of charts, tables, figures and facts, but don't let that stop you from reading to the end.
Since they do not offer anything new, employers are not too pushed about reading them to the end.
Please read to the end to find a list of links to the other carnival participants.
I, of course, could not wait before reading to the end of the book before I started off on my cleaning exploration.
No doubt a good half of them would not read me to the end, and the other half would stop speaking to me.
I thought the author was going to take the easy way out by going with the «obvious» conclusion but keep reading to the end.
Allow me to share our story (honestly worth reading to the end I believe if you are serious about buying); my wife and I decided to spend our 27th anniversary in Sedona and fell in love with Sedona that is a magical place.
This type of practice is deceptive since many readers (who often rely on aggregators) may not even read to the end of the post to find the link to the accurate source, and thus, may credit the blogger for a story that AP reported.
Keep on reading to the end for my favorite picks from Haute Bauble that would make fabulous gifts for those stylish fashionistas in your life!
In large traditional publishing, an editor gets a novel manuscript that looks interesting, reads the first few pages, flips to the proposal to see what the book is about, then reads to the end to see how the book ends.
And for those of you who read this to the end... my little secret when it comes to making these cookies is this - I mince the crystallized ginger to death.
Whichever side you're on, please read to the end before you nock your arrows.
I kept reading to the end expecting to find inaccuracies and half truths usually found in the media regarding my faith, but this was great!
Its final meaning, therefore, can not be determined from its own limited perspective any more than we can determine the meaning of the early episodes of a novel without reading it to the end.
You actually just read to the end of a 6 - motherfucking - thousand - word article on calories and food.
Honestly, it was a pretty big letdown after reading Moriarty's other books, but I pushed myself to read to the end in hopes that she would surprise me.
This was a Christmas present and it made for a quick, amusing read to end the year.
I write normal - sized books (about 80K words) and people generally read them to the end
Update: When I wrote this post, I forgot that 90 % of people never read to the end of a blogpost.
Read to the end because I will show you how to get plane tickets and a hotel for 2 people for a total of $ 22.40!
Allow me to share our story (honestly worth reading to the end I believe if you are serious about buying); my wife and I decided to spend our 27th anniversary in Sedona and fell in love with Sedona
Keep reading to the end for some gift ideas that won't cost you a dime either
Hi My name is Jennifer (please Read to the end Please I'm on here to find love, possibly friends but no, no one night stands, no booty calls please, I wouldn't want to waste anytime or mine) Thank you!
Rubbish books, ones that most buyers don't even read to the end before giving up, shoot up the bestseller lists due to viral marketing.
Just an FYI for anyone reading the comments here — I've been strictly instructed not to talk about what we're working on now... so if you're planning on reading to the end of the comments section just in case I let something slip, you're going to be sorely disappointed.
Click on through to The Portable Gamer below to see the whole, beautiful dream, then read to the end to find out where to enter to win a killer t - shirt.
I didn't read to the end of the recipe very carefully).
If you don't share my tastes or you just love, love, love the movies and like to know about everything new - keep reading to the end for an additional 9 movies based on books which hold less appeal for me but maybe just up your alley!
But please do read to the end of this story...
(For a list of 10 companies in the Fortune 500 that are younger than Buffett, read to the end of this story.)
If you read to the end of Holder's letter, to the passage where he says, «Were such an emergency to arise, I would examine the particular facts and circumstances before advising the president on the scope of his authority,» it becomes clear that, despite invoking Pearl Harbor and 9/11, even he isn't envisioning a response to an attack in process, which would have to happen immediately.
We can't believe you even had to read to the end of this paragraph to be convinced — sign up now!!!!
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