Sentences with phrase «to rebuild one's infrastructure»

Without this early mindset, companies might have to spend extra time rebuilding the infrastructure of the business when they do decide to expand.
IPIC provided Department input to development of the President's Initiative for Rebuilding Infrastructure in America.
«After all, telecommunications and machine tools are as necessary as computers for rebuilding the infrastructure of the new democracies.»
Governor Cuomo hosted Vice President Joe Biden to talk about new ways of rebuilding infrastructure after damaging storms.
«My top priority now is getting the economy running upstate and rebuilding infrastructure all across the state.
Rather than focusing on rebuilding infrastructure or creating a functioning bureaucracy, the militias tend to concern themselves with the populist issues of purging the Libyan state of those who served under Gadhafi and attending to the needs of their home communities.
«It's time to end the 421 - a program and invest that money in rebuilding our infrastructure instead, including building affordable units for working class communities.»
As one CEO put it: «Japan will need our commodities as they begin rebuilding their infrastructure.
The country is still rebuilding its infrastructure after an earthquake and cholera outbreak together killed 210,000 people in 2010, CNN reports.
Similarly, lawmakers took the step after Hurricane Sandy of mandating that anyone rebuilding infrastructure with taxpayers» help had to build it at least one foot higher to prevent future flooding.
But then, Larson said, there's the third and longest stage of disaster relief — the one in which federal and local government rebuild the infrastructure crippled by the hurricane, and try to get life as close to normal as possible.
The governor announced a new economic development plan that invests billions of dollars in public - private sector partnerships and rebuilding infrastructure which he -LSB-...]
«This bold action plan continues to deliver on the needs of New Yorkers by creating jobs, cutting taxes, investing in education and rebuilding our infrastructure from the ground up.
To promote job growth while rebuilding our infrastructure, Sean has also worked hard to secure billion of dollars for capital improvements.
Sanders wants to invest $ 1 trillion over five years towards rebuilding infrastructure.
The storm can't yet be seen from the Florida coastline, but officials are already thinking about rebuilding the infrastructure it threatens to demolish.
In an interview with Forbes, when asked about sending humans to Mars, the current focus at NASA, Trump said, «Honestly, I think it's wonderful; I want to rebuild our infrastructure first, ok?
Vanacore said seismologists can help Puerto Rico rebuild its infrastructure --- including its seismic stations — by contacting their congressional representatives and asking them to support federal grants for Puerto Rican recovery.
Federal taxpayers also heavily subsidize coastal development when the government pays to rebuild infrastructure destroyed in storm surges and picks up much of the bill for private losses not covered by insurance.
It costs another two percent to rebuild the infrastructure lost, putting the Philippines at least four percent in the hole each year from tropical storms.
«If [Congressional Republicans have] got a better plan to create jobs rebuilding our infrastructure or to help workers earn the high - tech skills they need, then they should offer up these ideas.
With a continuous population growth and a need to constantly rebuild infrastructure and ensure good maintenance of bridges, road, levees, dams etc, civil engineers will always be in demand and the occupation will maintain a position in the top 10 jobs of the future.
(With an Arizona State colleague, Mikhail Chester, Miller offered more details in a commentary published last week by The Conversation website, laying out «six rules for rebuilding infrastructure in an era of «unprecedented» weather events.»)
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo hosted Vice President Joe Biden to talk about new ways of rebuilding infrastructure after damaging storms.
«We need to as a state and as a country need to focus on rebuilding our infrastructure and a big part of that infrastructure is making sure folks have clean water,» said Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin.
Recovering from natural disasters usually means rebuilding infrastructure and reassembling human lives.
-------------------- 22nd District Congressional candidate Anthony Brindisi will hold a press conference on his plan to rebuild infrastructure in Binghamton & The Southern Tier in Binghamton today.
If he's going to rebuild the infrastructure of Afghanistan from scratch, how about doing it right the first time?
But the main purpose of the article is to point out the «lack of civility and courage in Washington, where leaders of both parties have abdicated their responsibility to forge reasonable compromises to expand the economy, rebuild our infrastructure, improve schools, transform entitlement programs and so much more.»
And they see a president with a vision of a country that can rebuild its infrastructure, reform its health care, strengthen its educational system, and boost its economic prosperity in ways that require all citizens to contribute - and that will, in turn, allow all citizens to flourish.
«Addressing our nation's infrastructure in a bipartisan manner is going to take strong presidential leadership, and I believe we have a president who can provide the necessary leadership and who wants to rebuild our infrastructure to strengthen our economy,» Shuster said in a statement.
Thanks to pockets of investment for things like a new $ 1.2 billion medical center that will spearhead bio-tech research, and a staggering $ 70 billion in federal aid that has gone to rebuilding infrastructure — including a $ 15 billion state of the art levee system — Landrieu says, the city has created 9,100 new jobs since his administration took over in 2010.
For the U.S. economy, successfully enacting tax reform and rebuilding our infrastructure are of paramount importance.
As Trump said overnight, in a far less combative speech than pundits had expected, «We're going to rebuild our infrastructure... we're going to put millions of people to work as we rebuild.»
We are helping him to rebuild infrastructure and the listing program.
But the show has also done good, small - bore reporting on President Trump's domestic agenda — the impact on Kentucky drug - treatment programs if Obamacare is repealed, or how public - private partnerships, of the sort championed by Trump to rebuild infrastructure, have failed to work in building highways in Virginia.
I want to talk about how we're going to bring jobs back to this country, how we're going to improve the educational and intellectual level of our people and how we're going to rebuild our infrastructure for the future.
The architects said $ 2 million to $ 3 million will be needed each year to maintain, renovate and rebuild the infrastructure.
«Unfortunately, the Governor and the Assembly Speaker care more about keeping teenage drug gang members, murderers and rapists out of jail than they do about funding our public schools, providing tax relief for our families and rebuilding our infrastructure,» said Sen. Tom Croci, a Long Island Republican.
«New York State is stepping up to fund its share of the financial commitment as we rebuild our infrastructure all across the state.
Officials have warned that it could take more than a month to restore electrical power, and a decade to rebuild the infrastructure.
The third track project is a testament to Governor Cuomo's commitment to rebuilding our infrastructure, which fits right in with my Connect Long Island Plan that will relieve traffic congestion, increase mobility and spur economic growth.
«I think African - Americans and the people who live in the inner city are going to be very pleased by the projects that Donald Trump puts on immediately, not just to try to advance jobs and opportunity in the inner cities but also to rebuild the infrastructure
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