Sentences with phrase «to rebuild one's party»

The process of rebuilding our party will take time, and these elections were fought in an incredibly turbulent time.
I really wish you all luck in rebuilding the party.
The new leader will set out their agenda for rebuilding the party's fortunes.
Now comes the hard part - rebuilding a party devastated by its worst general election result since... well, since records began.
The agenda to rebuild the party however was dropped once again after the securing of electoral victory in the 2008 elections.
They face the task over the five week contest of rebuilding the party's reputation after recent controversies which have seen poll ratings slide.
In his interview with Iain Dale, Farage talks of rebuilding his party around libertarian principles and is candid about an entryist threat from the BNP which he is determined to face down....
But speaking on Class FM, Mr Kofi Adams, the National Organiser of the NDC who doubled as the 2016 Campaign Coordinator called on the supporters to re-focus their energies on rebuilding the party for the year 2020.
«I started this leadership campaign talking about the need to rebuild our party from top to bottom.»
He mocks the Liberal tendencies toward self - satisfaction and arrogance and he talks about rebuilding the party and this idea of doing that in collaboration with Canadians.
He was unable to satisfactorily rebuild his party after it was wiped out in 1993 and quit in 1996.
Sir Vince, who is widely expected to replace Mr Farron as leader said he had done «a great job» in helping the Lib Dems recover from the 2015 election and rebuild its party membership.
They can never rebuild the party,» Aregbesola told the party members at the venue of the programme.
Leading thousands of party faithful in a unity walk aimed at re-energizing the grassroots of the party as part of on - going efforts towards rebuilding the party as recommended by the Professor Kwesi Botchwey report, the former President other NDC bigwigs marched through some principal streets in the Tarkwa township; singing, dancing and drumming.
«There are so many jobs and resources that can go to the winning party as a result of electing a president, but if you piss him off now, as they have, do you think he's going to give them jobs and help New York Republicans rebuild the party
This is just as he charged party leaders at all levels to go back to their localities and rebuild the party because all politics is local.
The Liberal Democrats will announce the result of their leadership election on Thursday, with the winner facing the onerous task of rebuilding a party punished hard by voters for its five - year partnership in government with the Tories.
«We're all trying to rebuild the party together and everyone is on the same page... we're learning, we're growing but everyone gets along really well,» he said.
At numerous hustings and meetings with members, they spoke of their liberal values, the direction they think we should go, and how to best rebuild the party over the coming months and years.
Heaney: What concrete steps are you doing to try and rebuild... not rebuild the party, because Len actually left the party in pretty good shape, financially.
He added that the reconciliatory efforts of the Gov. Seriake Dickson - led committee, and other efforts at rebuilding the party, through its contact and integration committee, were already yielding results.
Both Blake and Meng called in their platforms for rebuilding party infrastructure to support new candidates for local office.
Members of the National Expanded Caucus of the Peoples Democratic Party met in Abuja on Monday night and vowed to rebuild the party ahead of the 2019 elections.
Chairman, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Reconciliation Committee, Chief Seriake Dickson, has appealed to aggrieved members to remain and join in rebuilding the party for victory in...
The next leader of the Labour party has to concentrate on rebuilding the party and sending a clear message out on where we stand on things like civil liberties and the economy.
Harper wooed those dissidents back into the Alliance and set about rebuilding the party.
Labour has picked Tom Watson as its deputy leader in a role that will involve helping to rebuild the party after its bruising election defeat and leadership contest.
In a statement, newly elected PC party president Katherine O'Neill appeared to be cool to Kennedy's possible candidacy, noting that Tories gathered for last month's annual general meeting had voted to rebuild the party under the Progressive Conservative brand and rejected the idea of unifying with another party.
«Michael Blake has the passion, beliefs and ability to engage people that are so important for rebuilding our party,» Appelbaum said.
With so few MPs to pick from it may be that the party has to look beyond Westminster for a new leader who can start the long process of rebuilding the party's standing in British politics.
The debate over the economy is spilling into the fight for the Democratic National Committee chair position, a role that will help set the party's message for the next four years and rebuild the party's infrastructure at the state level.
The StarPhoenix - Burton says Liberals need to reach the grassroots Federal Liberal leadership candidate Alex Burton says a grassroots campaign is the key to rebuilding the party and forms a large part of his bid for the post.
The fact that he «unite the right» option for the PC party is countered by the «rebuilding the party» option, is an interesting study in sharp contrasts.
We have had great candidates lose election... I have read in some papers quoting family sources that he is not going to stand again but I have not heard any denial from him but he has indicated to us... that his primary focus now is how we will rebuild our party,» he added.
«If you ask them on radio, they will say «it is not time yet, and this is the time to rebuild the party
I was hopeful when Cox first became head of the NYGOP that he could rebuild the party and capitalize on the national mood by fielding strong candidates for office.
After the No campaign emerged victorious from 2014's independence referendum campaign, Blairite MP Jim Murphy seized the Scottish Labour leadership and, with Dugdale as his deputy, promised to rebuild a party that has taken pounding after pounding from the SNP.
One of these firms, Blue State Digital (BSD), played a particularly important role in rebuilding the party's technical infrastructure after John Kerry's devastating defeat.
Is he really the kind of guy to rebuild the party.
Meanwhile, the former shadow education secretary, Tristram Hunt, will make a major speech on Monday in an effort to claim that inequality is a centre ground issue that mainstream Labour MPs should see as central to rebuilding the party.
«There is more work to be done to rebuild our party, but due to certain personal and professional considerations I believe that now is the right time for me to move on,» Basile wrote in a June 18 letter to state GOP Chairman Ed Cox, his longtime political patron.
Edwards is a total unknown, has no money, no agenda to rebuild the party, and has a history of losing statewide races, so he might be the perfect representative for the rest of the Party.
The Republican Party is banking heavily on those local House seats as a way to rebuild the party in a very blue state overall.
Secondus further declared that he is on a mission to rebuild the party and help regain its fortunes.
We believe he is the right person to rebuild our party, inspire and lead us into next year's election campaigns.
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