Sentences with phrase «to receive money»

In addition, if you decide to surrender a term life insurance policy, you wouldn't receive money in return.
Additionally, charters do not receive money for their school buildings — and they're the only public schools in the state treated this way.
If it has been less than three years since you purchased your life insurance policy and not paid your premiums, you may not receive any money back from the life insurance company.
There have been no reported instances of customers abusing the glitch to receive money as of yet.
But closer inspection of the programme reveals an unusual pattern of funding, particularly when you look at who received money and where these lucky winners are located.
If you don't pass away during the terms of the contract, your beneficiaries won't receive money on it.
Regular monthly income also gives you the option of receiving money in equal / level monthly payouts or in increasing amounts every month.
A longer cover is an important criterion because in a term plan the family receives the money after the death of the policy holder.
Borrowers can receive the money through monthly payments, a lump sum, through a line of credit, or some combination of these options.
Two of the above also received money from other pots.
This means that even if you were very badly injured, you may be prevented from receiving any money at for your injuries.
Many lenders require that you have a checking account to receive your money via direct deposit, but that's not always the only option.
Free schools work outside of local education authority control and receive money directly from the government.
We don't received the money until 60 days after the end of each month, but we get earnings reports on the 15th of the month immediately after.
Many payday loan lenders can give you a guarantee that you will receive your money within one hour after your payday loan application has been approved.
Personal injury attorneys almost never receive any money up front from the injured party before beginning work on the case.
Yet plaintiffs only receive money damages in 62 percent of passenger cases that go to verdict.
The beneficiaries of IRAs and qualified retirement plans will also receive their money without it going through probate.
A beneficiary is a person or a legal entity which receives money or other benefits from the policy.
A typical school receives money for new curricula in perhaps one major subject area every two years.
Note: I don't actually receive money before I have a deal.
The beneficiary receives the money in his / her account immediately.
Have you ever received money because you referred your friend to your bank or cell phone service?
This will give you the opportunity to receive the money fast and without leaving your home.
If you are concerned about receiving the money quickly, it is important to take care of the paperwork as soon as possible.
As a result, the family received the money they needed from their life insurance provider.
In exchange for your purchase payment and after the selected Guarantee Period you'll then receive your money back, plus the guaranteed interest rate that was available at purchase or renewal.
Maintaining this obligation to voters while receiving money from outside groups remains a challenge for all politicians, who struggle to remain authentic while funding their complex campaign operations.
It is worth stating that life insurance for a child is not about receiving money if a child leaves this world too soon.
When you are ready, there is an option to start receiving your money back in monthly payments.
These lease specials can range from having zero to low down payments, zero to low - interest financing, to even receiving money back specials or low monthly payments.
When it's time to get paid, choose your payment method and you'll receive your money regularly.
If a creditor wants to receive the money owed by the debtor, she must file a Proof of Claim form.
As a result, the clients have not received any money relating to the verdict.
This goes beyond just receiving money for medical bills.
Most people would prefer that their beneficiaries receive this money rather than pay it to an attorney or court.
Using options, you can receive money today for your willingness to sell your stock at a higher price.
They do so by talking with creditors to lower your monthly payments in return for receiving their money over a longer period.
You can now receive money right from $ 100 to $ 1000 within a matter of hours.
I was excited to receive the money belt due to the 5 - stars review.
These loans differ from traditional loans because you do not receive money immediately.
The homeowner receives this money without having to make reverse mortgage loan payments, sell the property, or transfer the title.
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