Sentences with phrase «to receive something»

Or scan downloads manually, even when receiving them from name - brand sites, as it is not unheard of for infected files to make their way onto otherwise legitimate web sites.
Doing something kind for someone without the expectation of receiving something in return can have a profound, long - term impact with your customers, colleagues and friends.
It includes, and properly so, interest in receiving oneself as lover by being loved.
How many times did he play that ball back inside centre, right after receiving it from there.
But why he continued to play on after receiving it when 6 subs were allowed beats me.
If you had to do the hard work of offering forgiveness, then they need to do the hard work of receiving it.
If these seats are due for extra campaigning funds, then they ought to start receiving them soon to make the most of the early selections.
This marketing device also taps into the residual guilt felt by a person receiving something for nothing.
But most patients who receive them don't benefit.
The person who receives it on the other end is in possession of child pornography.
In fact, you could probably acquire all of the items you need for the nursery by receiving them at your shower.
They're providing services for people that would otherwise receive them free from the government itself.
That means you'll receive something back if you never use the policy benefit, but a return of premium rider is usually pretty expensive.
And if you do receive a refund, you'll actually receive it faster when you file online.
I once received it from a loud audible voice!
You've already heard me wax on about the beautiful pendant, but I have worn this ring just about every day since receiving it in the mail.
This means that some users are not receiving it yet as of this writing.
What if I lose my transcript or never receive it in the mail?
I just received it today for my prom and I couldn't be happier!
I got that book to review as well but haven't gotten to it yet because I first received it when all that stuff was going on with my dad.
After receiving Him into my life I have peace and purpose and joy.
Clearly knowing what you want and need, and giving yourself permission to ask for and receive it with ease and gratitude.
I put the rental in a few months ago, and lost 15 lbs before receiving it.
But if you start receiving them too soon after getting an account, you should be cautious.
Give the alert a name and specify whether you wish to receive it daily, weekly or monthly, and you are done.
And yet it remains true that we can only receive Him as a freely given gift.
If you don't receive it within a few minutes... check your junk and spam folders and then if it still hasn't been located contact your facilitator.
It means the promise of receiving something without having to pay for it.
I've taken one so far as only received it today and had a churning stomach and gas ever since.
The update is rolling out as we speak, but users who have already received it on their devices are reporting a major issue with it.
If you request your driver record online, you will receive it immediately at your email address.
I thought I signed up but never receive them like a few other blogs I follow.
Right next to your newsletter sign - up link, let readers know that if they sign up for your newsletter, they can also receive something for free.
But you want to be assured that it will function perfectly for everyone receiving it.
He has held several rallies in most of the constituencies in the three regions and has met with traditional leaders who received him well and assured him of the support of the gods.
The mayor acknowledged that his «compromise» with the county will result in the city and towns receiving something less under the proposed contract.
But while exposure therapy has been proved highly effective, few teenagers receive it.
We gladly receive you at one of the most prominent Ukrainian dating and marriage on - line agencies.
Please note that the update is not rolling out, But, you'll probably receive it in the next few days.
However, the original device mainly found a home with hardcore open source fans, with about 1,500 backers receiving it last summer.
Like most firmware upgrades, not all countries receive it at the same time, as it would kill the servers to have millions of people updating it at once.
A coach decides how much a student receives in scholarship (and which students receive them).
I'm very affectionate and enjoy receiving it as well as giving.
It's frustrating to expect something that is being described and then actually receiving something else.
Since launching our accelerator programs two years ago, 114 startups have graduated, and nearly all that sought a subsequent round of funding received it.
These readers clearly require special instruction, yet they do not receive it because reading fluency is rarely assessed.
I say extraordinary, because very few young people have ever received something like this.

Phrases with «to receive something»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z