Sentences with phrase «to reclaim the promise of public education»

We can't reclaim the promise of public education without investing in strong neighborhood public schools that are safe, collaborative and welcome environments for students, parents, educators and the broader community.
The NASUWT won the support of TUC Congress in Liverpool for its campaign to reclaim the promise of our public education service, with its entitlements for all children and young people, and to maintain our world class schools.
The purpose of the demonstration, they said, is «to fight back corporate privatization and stand up for fully - funded public education; to reclaim the promise of public education in LA.»
Last week, American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten wrote a piece in Huffington Post that typifies the union mentality, trashing school choice, before donning the good - witch mask to end with «We are at a pivotal moment — a moment when we must reclaim the promise of public education without further detours, distractions and delays.»
In a show of solidarity, parents, teachers and students across New York are dressed in blue today as part of the National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education.
Supporters of public education in central New York wore blue as part of the event, meant to reclaim the promise of public education.
No wealthy benefactor with an extreme agenda will detour us from our path to reclaim the promise of public education
We need to do that, brothers and sisters, because we are at a crucial moment when we must reclaim the promise of public education — not as it is today or as it was in the past, but as what public education can be to fulfill our collective obligation, our community's obligation, to help all children succeed.
Reclaiming the promise of public education is about fighting for neighborhood public schools that are safe, welcoming places for teaching and learning.
The poll was released as the AFT announced a major effort at the AFT TEACH conference in Washington, D.C., to partner with parents and community to reclaim the promise of public education.
«Reclaiming the promise of public education is about fighting for neighborhood public schools that are safe, welcoming places for teaching and learning,» Weingarten said in her keynote speech at TEACH announcing the effort.
Our David vs. Goliath Battle to Resist Injustice and Reclaim Promise of Public Education (AFT TEACH, July 20, 2017)
Union head Richard Iannuzzi told the crowd, «The time is now to reclaim the promise of public education
Or will they look at the evidence and join educators, students and parents in fighting to reclaim the promise of public education?
Noguera, Pedro A. City Schools and the American Dream: Reclaiming the Promise of Public Education.
Reclaiming the promise of public education will bring back the joy of teaching and learning, which has been drained by years of harmful policies.
This frustration and fatigue over failed «reforms,» and a growing consensus among parents and educators about more - promising ways to provide all children with a great education, make this a critical moment to reclaim the promise of public education.
Hillary is the leader we need to help us reclaim the promise of public education and, indeed, of America.»
Hillary understands that to reclaim the promise of public education, policymakers need to work with educators and their unions.
I watch what happened in Wisconsin, what happened in Indiana... what happened in Pennsylvania... we see the [GOP Gov. Tom] Corbetts of the world, the [GOP Gov. Rick] Scotts of the world, basically do the following: starve the schools... relentlessly criticize them, [push] private alternatives, demonize the teachers, and marginalize those who try to fight to reclaim the promise of public education...
«What's clear in poll after poll is that parents and teachers have a shared vision for how we reclaim the promise of public education and ensure all children reach their full potential.
Join educators, parents, students, civic leaders and community members to reclaim the promise of public education.
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