Sentences with phrase «to recognize the benefits»

They did recognize the benefits of using encouraging words when speaking to people with mental health issues.
Most parents today want to be involved in the lives of their children, and the courts recognize a benefit for children to having both parents actively engaged in their lives.
The company has always been a strong supporter of the Show and has long recognized the benefits of vehicle customization.
Despite the fact that they aren't exactly thrilled about wearing uniforms, some students do recognize the benefits they offer.
While I certainly recognize the benefits of plotting, I feel that sticking too firmly to plot limits the writer.
If you're reading this, you're obviously the type of person who recognizes the benefits of therapy animals for your clients, staff, students, etc..
It has begun to be a household word as more and more people recognize the benefits of being present with self and taking time to reflect on the day.
Where we used to want to take advantage of the best deals from around the country, we now recognize the benefit we have in investing our money into our local communities.
These products are in great demand across the world, as consumers recognize the benefits of high quality dairy proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and other dairy components in their diet.
Many recognized benefits of reverse mentoring apply to law firms.
And while many agents recognize the benefits, some are hesitant to implement new technology.
You will likely to meet with resistance from industry colleagues who are as busy as you or who don't always recognize the benefits of networking.
Most likely by now, your school recognizes the benefits of using social media to better reach your school community.
Nearly all house call clients are referred by human welfare organizations, whose staffers quickly recognize the benefits to their clients.
Many assisted living communities recognize the benefits of pets in senior living.
However, governments on both sides of the table must first recognize the benefits of strong startup ecosystems, such as job creation, knowledge transfer etc..
But despite the market's not yet recognizing the benefits, the decentralized low - or no - carbon generators turn out to be greater in capacity and output than nuclear power worldwide.
Moreover, many of these newly recognized benefits of vitamin D rely on blood concentrations of the nutrient far higher than those needed to protect bone.
In contrast, those who think about their present AND future bodies recognize the benefits of training with a more functional approach.
Conventional medicine recognizes the benefits of Vitamin A in resolving night blindness.
A little recognized benefit is healthy gut flora also transitions the inactive thyroid hormone T - 4 into active T - 3, which is important for energy, weight loss and healthy metabolism.
Scientists, doctors and health advocates are now slowly recognizing the benefits of increased levels of the master antioxidant in our body.
Companies constantly need to look at on - boarding and operations to recognize the benefits associated with having employees get a proper know - how of the work culture.
But even lenders recognize the benefits of consolidation, with personal loans for bad credit designed to keep all parties happy.
Everyone recognized the benefits of a regional service, but funding continued to be an issue.
We recommend that state and local policymakers recognize the benefits of energy - efficient measures and systems and do more to enable energy - efficient systems.
Some corporate counsel recognized the benefits of working more closely with regional firms even before the credit crunch hit.
This process occurs because both sides eventually recognize the benefits of cooperation.
As business entities recognize these benefits, mainstream usage should increase.
But I certainly recognize the benefits of the «other side,» and I'm not going to knock anyone for going that way.
Fortunately, a growing number of pet parents seem open to home grooming their felines, as they increasingly recognize the benefits.
The authors find that, while most parents recognize the benefits that technology offers their children and themselves, many lower - income families are «under - connected,» often relying on mobile devices with only limited functionality.
The market already recognizes the benefits of these features; smart energy policies from lawmakers will only accelerate this trend.»
Immediately recognizing the benefit for local agents, Daigle has been instrumental in the process of introducing HouseCanary to the Southeast Texas market.
Maybe you have a niece, nephew or grandchild who doesn't fully recognize the benefits of obtaining life insurance coverage now.
Americans have retreated from recognizing the benefits of full employment and are now beginning to experience the consequences of that retreat.
Americans not only recognize the benefits of the U.S. energy renaissance but they also support actions that would build on our position as the world's leading oil and natural gas producer.
Companies recognize the benefits of investing in public doubt, and unfathomable sums have been dumped into this effort across the board, whether through the grossly unapologetic Koch Industries or ExxonMobil, or more slyly by the likes of Chevron or Duke Energy.
The report we release today, «Sport for All, Play for Life: A Playbook to Get Every Kid in the Game,» offers an ambitious plan to reimagine organized youth sports, prioritizing health and inclusion, while recognizing the benefits of unstructured play.
The plastics industry recognizes the benefits of plastics — and the burden we all share to steward them well.
Some Marvel movies, particularly early on, feel like they were constructed by Marvel Studios going down a list of important bullet points from the comics rather than being a personal work directed by an actual human, but the company does seem good at recognizing the benefit of allowing a filmmaker to put their stamp...
«Both Northside Urban Pathways and Montessori further recognized the benefit and practicality of permitting charter schools to amend their charters to account for a charter school's changing circumstances, including changing or adding locations,» Jubelirer wrote.
While many accept and support the need for volunteers to help deliver programs, not all leaders, funders, and partners recognize the benefits of truly embracing volunteer engagement as a strategy throughout the entire organization.
With its crippling air pollution, China recognized these benefits early on, overtaking the U.S. last year for total new EV sales.
Foreign mortgage lenders trying to take advantage of the commercial mortgage - backed securities (CMBS) market recognize the benefits of using title insurance to assist in floating bonds in securitizations, especially if they are interested in accessing U.S. capital markets, Calder notes.
The move hints that Google recognizes the benefits of Apple's approach to building mobile devices.
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