Sentences with phrase «to recommend a substitute»

The phrase "to recommend a substitute" means to suggest an alternative or replacement for something. Full definition
For this reason, I can not recommend a substitute for the cashew butter, except maybe another nut butter, but using peanut butter or almond butter will alter the taste.
I wouldn't recommend substituting anything for the cacao butter.
One tip I'd add — For the sugar / dairy sensitive gals out there I'd recommend substituting with almond milk and stevia or agave nectar.
I would not recommend substituting anything for the brown sugar... that's what gives them their traditional «Chocolate chip cookie flavor».
I don't love recommending a substitute for CF since it is such a unique ingredient and is super absorbent but sometimes I have success replacing it with ground flaxseed.
And could you possibly recommend a substitute for the dedicated coconut in the filling?
While I am not allergic or sensitive to sugar, my nutritionist recommends a substitute like agave or stevia.
I do not recommend substituting Greek yogurt for the ricotta cheese.
I'd just recommend substituting lower fat milk — or even almond milk — for the whole milk.
The book recommends substituting teas made from grains or herbs, fruit juice and soy and rice milk products instead of milk.
I would not recommend substituting grain for meat in a dog's diet.
I don't love recommending a substitute for CF since it is such a unique ingredient and is super absorbent but sometimes I have success replacing it with ground flaxseed.
With that said, I can not recommend substituting anything in this recipe.
I love coconut flour but I would not recommend substituting coconut flour in for almond flour here.
A note about substitutions: because each type of protein powder bakes differently, I would only recommend substituting rice protein (or a pea / rice blend).
In the First Catalogue of Recommended Substitutes for HCFCs, which was issued in February 2016, China listed natural, HFC - free, low global warming potential (GWP) alternatives as the only substitutes it will support and accept from Chinese industry in all but four types of equipment for the more than a dozen refrigeration and air conditioning end - uses.
Since this is a percentage question, SAT prep site Get800 recommends substituting numbers in for b and k and playing out all of the answers to see which one makes sense.
Since the oats aren't exposed to heat they don't soften up nearly as much as they would if cooked, thus maintaining a very chewy, hearty texture that I happen to love, but if you're looking for something a little more similar to cooked oatmeal, I'd recommend substituting rolled (also called old - fashioned) oats.
Note that I do not recommend substituting Miracle Whip for all the mayo — it will overpower the other ingredients and make them far too sweet.
Hi Sam, I don't recommend substituting agar because it's a gel and doesn't work the same way as xanthan gum or guar gum.
GKS also recommends substituting spelt flour for some or all of the buckwheat if you don't have a gluten sensitivity.
Nutritional yeast has a pretty distinct flavor, so I can't recommend any substitutes without doing some experimenting.
Palm sugar is a traditional ingredient in many curry pastes, but if you have difficulty sourcing it, Cohen recommends substituting 1/2 tablespoon of light brown sugar instead.
I would not recommending substituting sriracha since it's much sweeter and spicier.
If you can't find it or don't want to use it, some sources recommend substituting sand or extra compost in its place.)
If you can't find Brazil nuts (and they are pricey), this blogger recommends substituting cashews for their creamy texture.
Often recommended substitutes with similar texture and flavor profiles are:
A note about substitutions: because each type of protein powder bakes differently, I would only recommend substituting pea or rice protein in the cookie base.
Pumpkin offers dietary fiber as well as beta - carotene and vitamin C. Veterinarian Christine Zink recommends substituting 1/3 of your dog's regular kibble with 2/3 pumpkin.
Hi Ella, in my country it is almost impossible buy medjool dates... I did nt find any grocery where I could buy it Could you please recommend me any substitute to them?
China's Foreign Economic Cooperation Office under the Ministry of Environmental Protection (FECO), recently published the «First Catalogue of Recommended Substitutes for HCFCs.»
I don't recommend a substitute for coconut flour directly as it's very unique, but feel free to experiment with flax meal, which may work but won't produce a light and airy cupcake like coconut flour will.
almonds are used a lot in cake making and i wonder if you could recommend a substitute.
Or even if you could recommend a substitute or a shop bought one that you know is organic / low sugar etc..
Dates are really key for sticking these together so I wouldn't recommend substituting them.
I love so many of your recipes especially this one but I have a nut allergy what would you recommend I substitute?
I know you know now that agave is now thought to be not - so - healthy... so would you recommend substituting maple syrup for it in this recipe?
Regular balsamic vinegar will darken your dressing so if you don't have white I recommend substituting apple cider vinegar (a little less) and a dash of liquid sweetener.
I wouldn't recommend substituting the eggs with applesauce.
I wouldn't recommend substituting coconut flour.
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