Sentences with phrase «to reconsider one's position»

It was during these times of moving from place to place that I began to reconsider my position on traditional public schools.
The bank was quick to note that they are not dismissing the virtual currencies completely and may reconsider their position if the crypto market matures.
Why would anyone read a billboard and then reconsider their position?
If you are among this group of buyers that does not believe they can afford a home in your area, you may want reconsider your position.
It adds: «So it is with a heavy heart that we urge you, for the sake of the Labour party and for the people in our country who need a Labour government, to reconsider your position as Labour leader.»
Mormonism is a cult, Please reconsider your position and declare the truth, Jesus only.
Woolworths may have to reconsider its position when Coca - Cola phases out Coke Zero, possibly after summer.
I'll repeat myself: All I'm saying is if we get trashed again by Man city, Chelsea, Liverpool and now also Man utd and Everton joining in, Than Wenger has to really reconsider his position.
If we see the scenario emerge, it could pave the road for a bounce back toward 1.3300 + as long - term bears reconsider their positions.
The story crescendos when, after the torture and the senseless killing of others, Rodrigues reconsiders his position.
I have lost all respect in the ADL and believe that you should strongly reconsider your position on this issue and practice what you preach.
Certainly, it is not the EU that made Russia reconsider its position.
«Recent reports that Mr. Trump is reconsidering his position not to commit to support the ultimate Republican nominee is welcome news and we again urge him to take the pledge,» the spokeswoman, Jessica Proud, stated.
(A hint, perhaps: the passage in his recently published memoir that says, «I am also reconsidering my position on term limits, which while imperfect limit the institutionalization of money and power.
«It is our hope that FERC reconsiders its position and respects the wishes of Governor Cuomo, New York State Senators, Assembly members and residents by immediately stopping construction of the dangerous AIM pipeline,» Galef said in a prepared statement about the letter.
The county's comments to DEC indicate that the problem existed before Hurricane Irene, but the EPA refers to last year's megastorm, stating, «These severe weather conditions, which may occur with more frequency, have caused EPA to reconsider its position regarding the use of the release channel.»
Luckily, with some persuading, the woman reconsidered her position and agreed to give the chemical engineer a shot.
In parallel to Kirk's existential crisis, Spock is reconsidering his position at the Starfleet following the death of Ambassador Spock (Leonard Nimoy).
But with the e-book market changing, and discord over Amazon's recent moves in the marketplace simmering, is the company reconsidering its position?
They finished, urging Arthur to, «for the sake of the animals, -LSB--RSB- reconsider your position of SeaWorld.»
In light of this, tourism minister Mariyam Zulfa confirmed the government was already reconsidering its position.
With the new ESRB rating system in place, Nintendo reconsidered its position for the release of Mortal Kombat II, and this time became the preferred version among reviewers.
The equity debate has taken on some new life lately, particularly in India, where the government is actively reconsidering its position on fair - shares approaches to global climate diplomacy.
Those who fund the denial machine are likewise reconsidering their positions.
This can happen for a number of reasons and, if the claimant is aware of this, has had the benefit of sound legal advice and has been able to give careful thought to whether or not to settle his claim at less than its true value, then that is a matter for the claimant's judgement and it can not be brought back to court simply because the claimant later reconsiders his position.
«It is with a heavy heart,» the letter says, «that we urge you, for the sake of the Labour Party and for the people in our country who need a Labour government, to reconsider your position as Labour leader.»
However, Haiti, and all the LDCs as a whole need to be firm and reconsider their positions in climate negotiations.
In response to the calls for televising McVeigh's execution, Ken Udiobok writes in the Minneapolis Star Tribune that «those who seek public executions... would reconsider their positions if they were to witness any execution firsthand.»
In state after state, legislators who previously opposed charters are reconsidering their positions because of the president's strong support for these schools.
Woolworths may have to reconsider its position when Coca - Cola phases out Coke Zero early next year.
All I'm saying is if we get trashed again by Man city, Chelsea, Liverpool and now also Man utd and Everton joining in, Than Wenger has to really reconsider his position.
After reconsidering their position, they decide to settle in nearby city, another spawn of chaos and death, the cleansing of which falls on shoulders of our hero and his men.
Charter parents from around the country (including Albany, NY charter mom Latoya Taitt) authored a letter urging the NAACP to reconsider their position on charters.
Rubio conceded that while he hadn't supported such measures in the past, he was now «reconsidering that position
Rubio acknowledged that he had not in the past supported looking at magazine clip size, but was «reconsidering that position
Manchin and Toomey have expressed a willingness to revisit their legislation, and a number of senators who voted no in 2013 have said since the shooting in Florida that they might reconsider their positions.
Senator Lindsey Graham (R - SC) in an appearance on CBS's Face the Nation on Sunday asked the president to reconsider his position on tariffs.
And it's not bullying to ask the people who were defending the abuser to please review ALL the information to reconsider their position.
Black pastors should reconsider their position and work to make this country better for everyone.
We are writing now, however, in a spirit of respect and brotherhood, to urge you prayerfully to reconsider your position on the question of the television show All American Muslim on The Learning Channel (TLC)....
Maybe I need to reconsider my position
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