Sentences with phrase «to reduce one's environmental footprint»

Using white beet sugar also helps reduce the environmental footprint of our products.
Replace light bulbs Reduce your environmental footprint by moving to energy - efficient LED bulbs, which last longer and can save you about # 45 over the lifetime of the bulb.
And these factors help reduce my environmental footprint, which benefits everyone.
So if you are interested in reducing your environmental footprint, here is one way to do it.
In that way, we can improve business competitiveness while also reducing our environmental footprint.
This starts with our own products and processes, along with an ongoing commitment to reducing our environmental footprint globally.
To us, sustainable means a responsibly produced product that actually reduces your environmental footprint from coffee brewing.
Reducing the environmental footprint of stores was top of mind when developing these new restaurant designs, which feature LED lights and energy - efficient heating and cooling equipment.
Because so much packaging is produced each year, even small reductions in food packaging waste can substantially reduce the environmental footprint.
Closing rice yield gaps in Asia with reduced environmental footprint CORIGAP is a project under the Irrigated Rice Research Consortium (IRRC).
Brands such as Poland Spring ® Brand 100 % Natural Spring Water, Deer Park ® Brand Natural Spring Water, Nestlé ® Pure Life ®, Perrier ® and San Pellegrino ® have driven Nestlé Waters North America to be the third largest non-alcoholic beverage company by volume in the U.S. Based in Stamford, Connecticut with about 8,500 employees nationwide, Nestlé Waters North America is committed to reducing its environmental footprint across operations.
He is a passionate advocate of the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan, designed to help Unilever deliver its objective of growing the business while reducing its environmental footprint and increasing its positive contribution to society.
I also pledge to further reduce my environmental footprint as a goal for next Thanksgiving.
April 2017 - When approaching sustainability, the focus of most food and beverage companies is on reducing environmental footprints.
I drive a car now, here in carland, and after six years of reducing my environmental footprint through public transportation and my own feet, it's time to offset my new impact.
And if it's a choice between big box shopping and online retail, then online retail has a lot going for it in terms of environmental impact — especially if we can drastically reduce the environmental footprint of delivery itself.
Green11 is a San Francisco local business that helps consumers and businesses reduce their environmental footprint by refilling containers with...
Skeptics laughed, but H&M, which has already reduced its environmental footprint, has the size, scale, and cachet to change the clothing industry's planet - punishing style.
In 2011, Printpack developed its first corporate sustainability report, which outlines its strategies for reducing its environmental footprint.
The company is a pioneer in the cost - saving bladder approach, which substantially cuts freight costs and reduces the environmental footprint because of the lower weight of the giant bags, compared with transporting finished bottles of wine stacked on pallets from countries such as Australia, Chile and New Zealand.
Throughout the assets» lifecycle, longer - term competitiveness is secured, continually ensuring that installed solutions are flexible enough to accommodate evolving consumers» needs and technology developments, while constantly reducing environmental footprint and TCO (total cost of ownership).»
DuPont is helping the packaging industry make gains in sustainability by focusing our research and development on four properties that significantly reduce environmental footprints:
Driven by our strong focus on sustainability, protection of the environment, and reuse of natural resources, we have developed a number of innovative membrane - based solutions, which reduce the environmental footprint of membrane filtration plants.
Through increased awareness and accessibility, food consumers can also choose to support local food producers, increasing the resilience of Sydney's food system and simultaneously reducing the environmental footprint of our food.
Nurtured by Nature Diapers are designed to reduce the environmental footprint created by the production and consumption of disposable diapers.
Best rice management practices that combine reduced environmental footprint with economic profitability
Run - of - river configurations were selected for the Rio Madeira hydropower plants because they virtually eliminate the need for reservoirs and the subsequent flooding of land, greatly reducing the environmental footprint.
We advise communities and businesses on practices that enhance their economic viability and human well - being while measurably reducing their environmental footprint.
To launch this initiative, they also have a green sweepstakes online, complete with green prizes.JetBlue includes a list on their website of the initiatives they are taking on, recognizing that while carbon offsetting helps, directly reducing your environmental footprint is more important.
Steve Alder, General Manager Group and UK Devices for O2, said: «Offering Sony Ericsson GreenHeart ™ phones to our customers has been a part of our strategy to integrate sustainability across all our products and services thereby helping our customers reduce their environmental footprint.
The program will provide resources to help touring bands reduce their environmental footprint and encourage their fans to do the same and the goal is to work directly with like - minded bands to create a positive environmental change within the music community.
Now they are taking another step towards reducing their environmental footprint by offering # 5 ($ 10) gift vouchers for anyone donating their clothes to Oxfam thrift stores.
Even flipping this argument on its head and noting that there are many electronics manufacturers who have their hearts and business plans in the right place when it comes to the environment — many have worked hard and with sincerity toward reducing the environmental footprint of their devices — it comes down to a simple fact: we can't fully trust big business to work toward environmentalism 100 % of the time.
Brands such as NESTLÉ ® PURE LIFE ®, POLAND SPRING ®, PERRIER ® and S. PELLEGRINO ® have driven Nestlé Waters North America to be the third largest non-alcoholic beverage company by volume in the U.S. Based in Stamford, CT with about 7,500 employees across the U.S., Nestlé Waters is reducing its environmental footprint across operations.
Closing rice yield gaps in Asia with reduced environmental footprints (CORIGAP) is a project implemented under the Irrigated Rice Research Consortium (IRRC).
Recycled Brass: You are helping reduce your environmental footprint by wearing a piece of jewelry that will not tarnish or fade over time.
In Europe's market, price volatility discouraged companies from making long - term investments in reducing their environmental footprint, despite a steadily lowering carbon cap.
«Green» cataract surgery model drastically reduces environmental footprint: Model in India offers lessons for high - income countries on how to make a common surgery sustainable.»
Growing and harvesting it in wastewater streams could also reduce the environmental footprint of many manufacturing processes.
We are committed to reducing our environmental footprint by selling products that are routed to the market in a sustainable way, reducing energy consumption and reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills.
Of course, strong leadership also often goes hand in hand with bold ambition: Polman took a big risk by declaring his — to double the company's size even while reducing its environmental footprint and increasing its positive social impact.
Environmental Leadership Award, sponsored by Veolia This Award is for the company or operating unit that can demonstrate excellence in environmental leadership through the development or use of innovative clean technology or products that help reduce the environmental footprint of chemical manufacturing.
The premier recognizes the need to reduce dependence on non-renewable resource revenues, diversify markets, invest in renewable energy, reduce environmental footprints and mitigate labour shortages.
I've always looked for ways to reduce my environmental footprint and as a new mom, it's more important to me than ever to ensure a healthy planet for future generations,» she explains.
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