Sentences with phrase «to reduce over time»

You will see the amount reduce over time as you focus on repaying the debt without taking on new debt.
It's important to stay well fed in the game, as you have a hunger meter which gradually reduces over time.
The cap is reduced over time so that total emissions fall.
When this happens your balance will likely reduce over time — meaning less income for your advisor.
With decreasing term insurance, you purchase a specified amount of life insurance at guaranteed level rate and the insurance coverage reduces over time.
If the owner decides to use dividends to pay premiums instead of purchasing additional insurance, the premium can be significantly reduced over time, even down to nothing.
These charges generally reduce over time, and may last for up to the first 15 years of the policy.
And though your mortgage reduces over time, property taxes, utility cost, and other expenses continue.
There are several steps that you can begin taking now to keep the total of your plan low and hopefully reduce it over time.
With some companies and policies, the death benefit reduces over time..
Correction: This article was amended to clarify that, while bitcoin's algorithm makes the supply of bitcoins predictable, the rate at which they are distributed reduces over time.
However, the dosage often can be reduced over time as more healthy cartilage is produced.
Appearing on NY1 Monday, Rice insisted statistics kept by both Nassau County and the state show «crime has actually been reduced over the time period, adding:
The appearance of varicose veins can be reduced over time with regular application of coconut oil.
Thanos» stats were also reduced over time by Epic Games to keep Fortnite more balanced.
Believed to be under consideration are plans to implement a U.S. — style tapered lockstep system that could result in more senior partners seeing their equity points reduce over time after reaching a plateau.
«There is no active destruction of the bone; on the contrary, during the bone regeneration cycle, bone is not formed at the necessary speed to replace what is being lost and, therefore, patients» bone mass reduces over time
As the expense for these services was moved from the county share, the percentage of the county share correspondingly reduced over time.
But STRANEK in a statement said it «believes that the concession of ECG will create jobs, ensure that real tariff levels reduce over time for the power sector, introduce efficiencies in the operation of utilities, among others» adding: «Thus, the concession is a good step in the right direction.»
In addition to reductions in normal stomach acid with aging and stress, muscle mass commonly reduces over time, a condition called sarcopenia.
This tinted lip balm is infused with an antioxidant and vitamin - rich lip quencher that's powered by a blend of essential extracts and oils to help restore the appearance of your lips» softness, moisture, and elasticity that's reduced over time while providing a protective antioxidant barrier against daily aggressors.
If you have multiple credit cards with balances, and they are not reducing over time, consolidate the balances, get rid of all cards except one and reduce the credit limit on that card.
With scope for a 34 - 71 % potential return from TLI in the next year, it makes sense to maximize a TLI portfolio allocation up - front & perhaps reduce over time.
If a dog is suffering from inflammatory bowel disease canine, then corticosteroids are used for a few weeks to suppress the immune system and then reduced over times.
Such community cat programs not only provide life - saving options for cats who might otherwise be euthanized when admitted to a shelter but also can stabilize, and even reduce over time, the population of community cat colonies (Levy and Crawford, 2004; Robertson, 2008).
The balance of an SBA loan reduces over time as you make payments.
When you use your East Troy renters insurance very little, you will see your premium payments reduced over time.
The LCFS sets annual carbon intensity (CI) standards, which reduce over time, for gasoline, diesel, and the fuels that replace them.
Separately, a cross-party group of backbenchers led by Grant Shapps, and including the Labour MPs Lucy Powell and Ian Austin, called for air passenger duty to be cut by 50 % in the autumn statement — and gradually reduced over time — to boost Britain's trade performance in the wake of the Brexit vote.
Children enjoy flavored milk more than white milk, but you can control the amount of flavoring and reducing it over time so that they are not getting increased sugar in their diet.
Appearing on NY1 Monday, Rice insisted statistics kept by both Nassau County and the state show «crime has actually been reduced over the time period, adding: More >
The good news is, although those high rates may be discouraging, they can be reduced over time with good planning and timely payments.
One of the fundamental premises of the Clean Air Act is that harmful emissions will be reduced over time by EPA periodically tightening standards.
While the points reduce over time, some violations may stay on your driving record permanently (see the «Violations» section below for more information).
Ultimately, the aim is to prevent weeds setting seeds, or vegetatively reproducing, so that the weed population is reduced over time, reducing weed competition and preserving the natural environment.
These same forces also mean that even though the resource extraction activities are concentrated in particular regions, the regional differences apparent in the initial shock tend to be reduced over time.
This policy can be particularly useful if you have a particular outstanding expense or loan, such as a mortgage loan which would be reduced over time, that your family couldn't cover payments for without your income.
• Taxes collecting more than # 5 billion a year should be simplified and reduced over time to incentivise both businesses and individuals.
Ms May said: «Whilst we would not wish to pre-judge the outcome of the review, both parties in the coalition are clear that the 28 day maximum period should be a temporary measure and one that we will be looking to reduce it over time
What often gets lost in the debate, said Helgerson, is the county share of Medicaid costs in the state has actually been reduced over time, from 25 percent in 1960 to the current 13 percent.
Speaking on The Andrew Marr Show, she said that Welsh polls consistently showed support for more devolution and that the country's dependency would reduce over time.
Results also showed that both fertilizers could be applied through the drip, but emitter performance was reduced over time.
RAN and the Sierra Club are also keeping a close eye on UBS which, soon after stating that it «needs to be satisfied that the client is committed to reduce over time its exposure to [MTR],» went ahead and acted as a paid advisor on the merger of Massey Energy, which operated the West Virginia mine where 29 men died last year, and Alpha Natural Resources.
After integrating the red alga, its genome was reduced over time and combined with the host cell's genome.
If so, the effective mass of the universe would reduce over time, presumably giving a similar effect.
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