Sentences with phrase «to reflect one's values»

While everyone has a right to express his or her political opinion, the behavior and sentiments reported do not reflect the values of our company.
Human behavior is one of the reasons why we still see trading opportunities, where price doesn't reflect its value based on available data and existing market themes.
The more I practiced mindfulness, the more I found that my actions and thoughts better reflected my values.
But I just wish that there were a way... a process where we could more accurately reflect the values of the community in different places.
We pride ourselves in reflecting our values in our courses: by providing relevant, engaging course material.
These three scholarships target individuals who reflect the values of hard work, educational determination and leadership.
Our salaries should reflect our value as central figures in the education of our next generation.
They want to know their kids are safe and surrounded by quality teachers in an environment that reflects their values at home.
Does the price fairly reflect the value provided in the unit?
Identify companies you'd enjoy working for and whose mission and company culture reflects your values and personal brand through research.
If you have a great long - term story and a value creating plan ahead of you, why would you wait and buy back stock after the market fully reflects the value?
That the fund experiences less volatility than its peers or the index reflects value added from active management.
The elements in that process should get weight that really reflect their value.
A professionally written profile can adequately reflect your values and lifestyle, while positioning you as a connected thought - leader within your industry.
Hard choices must be made, and done right, they will include school leaders and community members in the conversations to ensure that the budget reflects our values and priorities for our students.
Be sure your homeowners insurance policy reflects any value fluctuations your property has experienced.
I'm happy to see that your visit reflects these values.
She doesn't just create winning resumes, but she also makes sure that your resume reflects your values, character, and personal traits.
The final product reflects the values and interests of each of the spouses and, when children are involved, their children.
He's an effective speaker because his presentation style reflects his values and actions.
(Examples: family, health, finances) Do your actions reflect these values?
Our behaviors reflect our values and support our mission and vision.
The point clearly is to raise the question of how, not only government policy, but personal priorities reflect our values.
But politics are inevitably ideological, because people want governments that reflect their values rather than just educated administrators.
• Start writing your resume with an employer - centered summary or objective statement that genuinely reflects your value.
Instead, it is believed that price and value are two distinct components and, in length, a stock's price does not necessarily reflect its value.
The accuracy of the data collected also far superior to previous years, closely reflecting values outlined in the literature.
Her decision reflects a value judgment, and may depend on other characteristics of the student.
The margin only reflects the value of my wonderful portfolio.
The shares of an ETF will reflect the value changes of the selected index.
It is a statement at the bottom of the invoice that invites the client to adjust the invoice, up or down, to reflect the value created.
In doing so, they were able to deliver a website that clearly reflected the values of our firm.
Best of all, we can choose to support which businesses reflect our values.
Make sure that the sites you choose to visit are reputable and reflect the values about sex that you hope to instill in your children.
Everything you do can ultimately reflect the values, purpose and enthusiasm behind your company's mission statement.
And many of these early films reflected the values that I cared deeply about, and I still do.
It was time their workplace reflected their values of learning, transparency, and progress.
Only through dramatically greater engagement can we ensure these political processes reflect our values.
Such punitive measures hardly reflect the values of an authentic liberal democracy.
Their writings reflect the values, the conflicts, the questions, problems, and witness operative in their community.
The mass media reflect values that are challenged by biblical values.
Do the pictures and messages reflect the values we want to pass on to our child about intimate relationships?
Policies will have set limits on the size of any claims, so make sure the limits reflect the value of your possessions.
The adjusted data reflect the value of actual pension benefits accrued each year by teachers, not merely what the governments happen to contribute to their pension funds each year.
Where you don't put attention can sometimes reflect your values, whether consciously or not.
The following principles reflect the values and concepts for implementing restorative practices in the school setting.
Under the current system, everyone is forced to pay for a single official system of education that can not possibly reflect the values of such a diverse nation.
Does your curriculum's organizational structure reflect the values of the school community and engage students in meaningful and authentic learning experiences?
They already did — they live in a community which more than likely reflects their values.
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