Sentences with phrase «to refocus one's energy»

Atheists's need to refocus their energy on helping those that survived throw the money they are wasting on suing over an international symbol maybe they should donate that money to those families still struggling to cover medical costs or make ends meet because they lost not only a loved one but a source of income.
We say it jokingly but sometimes it is just the pattern that mother and child have fallen into and breaking up the routine while refocuses the energy.
One leaves this dead franchise hoping Phillips refocuses his energies from joyless comedy to action, becoming the coherent man's answer to Michael Bay.
«With the renewal behind the company on good terms, we are optimistic that it can now refocus its energy on returning to growth,» Tien - tsin Huang, a JPMorgan Chase & Co. analyst, said in a note to clients.
I took time to grieve what I had lost, that picture in my head of how it was supposed to be, and then refocused my energy on feeding my daughter (just in a different way than I had planned).
As someone who lives in pain every day, I've had to learn to refocus my energy into other areas of my life to avoid the spiral of depression that...
Perhaps even more excitingly, «Uncut Gems» could mark the moment when the Artist Formerly Known as Sandy Wexler decided to refocus his energies for good.
As Thomas gets closer to the wall, he is spotted by a surveillance drone and Janson refocuses his energy on capturing Thomas before he can ruin any more of WCKD's plans.
After several years of promoting individual school - based programs, ConnectEd has refocused its energy toward bringing entire districts into the fold in order to build stronger foundations for this reform.
The retailer mailed its last and final catalog a few years ago, and it has since refocused its energies on increasingly profitable and contemporary strategies.
Segal was trained as a painter and in recent years he has refocused his energy in drawing and painting.
While Norte Maar refocuses the energy on its new community, they promised to maintain their signature programs especially Norte Maar's Dance at Socrates, and particularly popular biannual Bushwick art walk, BeatNite and CounterPointe, including children's program Artists and Authors.
After assessing the reasons for your rejection, it's important to refocus your energy onto the next steps of your job search.
Refocus your energy by doing something relaxing like taking a walk.
In this era of corporate scandals, we must refocus our energies on corporate ethics and encourage individuals to report wrongdoing — internally or externally.»
These type of questions have helped me reprioritize and refocus my energy on the most important tasks at hand, and ultimately become a more efficient worker and leader.
Writing down your thoughts and goals can be a great way to refocus your energy and look to the future instead of obsessing about the past.
The sooner Canadians realize that fossil fuels are the real dinosaur industry, the sooner they can refocus their energies on environmentally and socially conscious goods and services production.
Adjust your attitude and refocus your energy.
It gives children a way to stop and reflect on what is going on in the moment, to refocus their energy and take control of their feelings in the moment.
There are many logical and financially beneficial changes he can make by rearranging some of his own agencies and refocusing their energies on vital issues.
To no avail, Republican floor leader Jane Corwin repeatedly pleaded with the chamber to refocus its energies.
«As a nation, all Americans must refocus their energies to create solutions for future generations.
Maybe the Governor should refocus his energy and take some lessons from County Executive Astorino's record.»
The president claims that the company is going back to its basics — refocusing its energy and efforts on its core business.
If a child is building towers of blocks and knocking them down with planes, it gives adults a chance to refocus energy on the act of rebuilding the towers — and how cooperation can facilitate the process.
Next time you're tempted to keep up with the Joneses, refocus your energy on your own dreams.
But the good news is there are plenty of smart strategies that can help you refocus your energy so you feel calm and peaceful instead of frazzled.
If you are worried about sticking to the diet, meditation and yoga can help you detach from the challenges and refocus your energies on healing from the yeast.
I'm looking forward to some much - needed rejuvenation and refocusing my energy on things I've put on the back burner... health, sleep, optimism and a good book.
It really did completely recharge us and refocus our energy to only the essentials.
But, there's also a part of me that is anxious to refocus my energy on the blog & get back into a regular routine.
I have them refocus energy on being specific about the important things that lead to a long lasting relationship, for example a potential partner's core values, making sure their deal - breakers are met, and paying attention to how this potential partner is treating them through the dating and relationship process.
As a result, she's taking time to refocus her energy on expanding her written offerings and getting her books into the hands of those who are ready to explore self - reinvention.
Ellen Condliffe Lagemann announced today that she will step down as Dean of the Graduate School of Education at the close of the 2004 — 05 academic year and will refocus her energies on scholarship and teaching as a member of the HGSE faculty.
Let's refocus our energies on creating the conditions for flow to be experienced in schools.
That's just my way of bringing them all back to this space, refocusing our energy, and hitting home the idea that we're a unit, and we're moving forward.»
«How do we keep our urgency and refocus our energy on the collaboration needed to bring the change this district needs?»
Teachers use Self - Control Time three times a day (e.g. the start of school, after recess, and following lunch) to help children retain their self - control, get rid of stress, and refocus their energy.
Noting that Amazon is now «putting out a better product for the non-Kindle owning crowd,» they wondered if Amazon was refocusing its energy on the sale of ebooks — rather than on their own ebook - reading device!
1st Time and Experienced Dog Owners Equally useful for a novice or seasoned owner, Treating Dog - Dog Reactivity is a practical step - by - step visual that helps you understand your dog's motivations and how to help him refocus his energies.
Positive reinforcement items will help him refocus his energy if he's a little anxious and get him in a more relaxed state.
Around 1995, she decided to refocus her energy and talents in service to non-profits after a 20 yr career in the financial industry.
«To meet the challenge ahead, I need to refocus my energy on a smaller team with a flatter structure and a more direct relationship with gamers.
«To meet the challenge ahead, I need to refocus my energy on a smaller team with a flatter structure and a more direct relationship with gamers,» Levine posted.
While we refocus our energy on our new community, Norte Maar will maintain its signature programs especially Norte Maar's Dance at Socrates, BeatNite and CounterPointe (our children's program Artists and Authors will definitely be a part of our community arts programming).
The founders are refocusing their energy on outreach to schools to try to inspire more children to get into making things with computers, not just grown up tinkerers.
If we're finding them in everything around us, the obvious solution is to go to the source, to refocus our energy, and to move away from toxic plastics.»
He is an internationally recognized law firm strategist, best - selling author and renowned speaker who guides sole practitioners, managing partners, executive directors, and financial directors at small, mid-size, and large law firms how to increase revenue with long - term strategies for sustainability and how to refocus energy and reduce stress through enhanced performance and productivity.
It's time to refocus your energy on your career.
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