Sentences with phrase «to regain one's memory»

However, your girl must move to regain her memories in a way that whatever boy she is with doesn't find out, since she has a problem trusting any of them.
Her goal is to not only find her powers again, but to also regain her memory and save her world from an unknown evil.
After regaining his memories and with the help of ancient Sheikah technology, such as the Sheikah Slate, Link recovers his former abilities and reclaims the Master Sword once again.
Players wake up with no recollection of the past, and assisted by servant Nero Claudius, must enter the battlefield in order to win back territory from rivals and a mysterious, powerful entity, and hopefully regain their memory before it's too late.
It's also been show to help Alzheimer patients regain memory and thought function, improves mitochondrial function for neurological disorders, helps provide diabetes patients with blood sugar control, and has been show to relieve symptoms for those with gluten allergies, as one might imagine.
The day of the crime is slowly anatomized, as are key incidents leading up to it, as though we were watching an amnesiac regain his memory.
One is that you may need to go into settings to clear the cache to regain memory as it stores the thumbnails for quicker viewing but as such has long load times initially.
The game utilizes a unique drawing mechanic that allows players to plan and guide the characters Huey and Satura across beautiful but dangerous landscapes as they embark on a journey to help Satura regain her memories while recoloring their world.
Join Nilin as she fights the powers that be to regain her memories back.
Starting April 16th, join Isaac Clarke in exploring the mysterious space station known as The Spawl as he attempts to regain his memories of the events of Dead Space.
Having regained his memory which he lost in the previous games, Geralt is now in search of his beloved (or one of his beloved's anyway) Yennefer of Vengerberg and his adopted daughter Ciri, who quite inconveniently is being chased by The Wild Hunt, a nasty group of spectral soldiers that have been wreaking havoc across the world.
The challenging title, from acclaimed director Jonathan Blow, offers 500 puzzles that help players regain their memory.
Room 8 Studios» Cyto, puts you into the role of a little cell that has lost all of his memories but somehow needs to regain those memories in order to save his world from a looming threat.
Now the legendary hero must explore a vast and dangerous land and regain his memories before Hyrule is lost forever.
Reactivating silent engrams could allow people with memory issues — like Alzheimer's sufferers, soldiers who have survived explosive blasts and concussed athletes in contact sports — to regain memories that have become inaccessible.
You can't remember who you are, and you don't remember how you came to be here, but there's one thing you can do: explore the island in hope of discovering clues, regaining your memory, and somehow finding your way home.
You can't remember who you are, and you don't remember how you came to be here, but there's one thing you can do: explore the island in hope of discovering clues, regaining your memory, and somehow
Eventually, she become friends with the girls and became another Daughter of the moon after she regains her memories.
With her memories gone and only the voice of Edge, the mastermind behind her escape, to guide her, Nilin reluctantly takes up the fight once again, determined to regain her memories in the process and learn the truth.
In your quest to regain your memories, find your friends, and unravel a mystery about the evil plaguing your home, Numbra, you clamber your way through side - scrolling platforming and puzzle sections, making careful use of your speed and momentum, and a strange cube — The Shadow Core.
After waking from a 100 - year slumber, Link must explore the wild to regain his memories and save Hyrule.
It is here that the game and Link's journey begins, as he attempts to regain his memories, strength, and the ability to defeat Calamity Ganon before he breaks free to destroy the world.
As you venture off into the world, you will start to regain some memories and discover some of your lost powers.
As you journey through the game you'll uncover Geralts past helping him to regain his memory, deal with a group of magic users and uncover a massive plot regarding the kingdom, as well as several other sub-plots, all of which eventually tie beautifully into the main narrative.
You don't remember who you are, and you don't remember how you got here, but there's one thing you can do: explore the island in hope of discovering clues, regaining your memory, and somehow finding your way home.
The single - player Octo Expansion puts you in the shoes of the mysterious Agent 8 as you work to regain your memories.
She wants to escape and regain her memories, but the Labyrinth is more than just a maze.
In the painstaking process of his uncle's rehabilitation, these puzzles were a key exercise, helping him to regain his memory and small motor control.
This statute of limitations can be extended for three years if the victim discovers — for example, via counseling or regained memory — that they were the victim of child sexual abuse.
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