Sentences with phrase «to regrow»

If your hair loss is hereditary, for instance, you might have more difficulty in regrowing hair, but that doesn't mean it can't be done, and you may be a good candidate for zinc supplementation.
If he is not really itchy, you may want to have your veterinarian check his thyroid - hypothyroidism is a relatively common reason for hair to not regrow after shaving and it's usually easy to treat.
Hair usually regrows in 2 - 3 mo, and remission may last from 6 mo to 3 yr.
He can help find a treatment that will minimize hair loss and maybe even help regrow hair.
Neuroscientists have long believed that scar tissue formed by glial cells — the cells that surround neurons in the central nervous system — impedes damaged nerve cells from regrowing after a brain or spinal cord injury.
So with her postdoc Natalia Norden and colleagues, she amassed data from several long - term studies of regrowing forests in Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, and Nicaragua.
Probing the salamander genome reveals clues to its remarkable ability to regrow damaged limbs and organs.
A bold plan to regrow lost body parts in mammals could be realised by cracking the body's bioelectric code
The findings raise the prospect that it may be possible to switch them on to help improve human healing and even regrow limb tissue.
Female Hair Loss Treatments work to help your hair regrow naturally.
As trees regrow their leaves amid warmer spring temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere, they will be able to sop up more CO2 from the air, and concentrations of the global warming gas will dip back below 400 ppm.
Even better, my pubic hair wouldn't regrow as quickly as it did after shaving.
It can regrow if not completely removed.
Marigold Flower: This plant used to help regrow tissue and to decrease swelling in the throat and mouth.
If your young, otherwise healthy hamster begins to lose his hair without regrowing new hair, then a trip to the veterinarian will be necessary to diagnose the cause.
(Humans can't regrow entire skeletons from scratch with stem cells, but existing bone can signal stem cells where to grow and what to grow into.)
In a study appearing online the week of June 12 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers from Duke University have shown that summoning these pro-healing macrophages can greatly help regrow severed nerves in rats.
Once cordgrass gets a break, Bertness says, it can rapidly regrow.
They can quickly regrow damaged spines and feet.
«New insights on how cells regrow after being sliced in half: Researcher discovers method to speed up cell healing after injury.»
It ignores the decades it can take for a replacement forest to grow to be as big as one that was chopped down for energy — or the possibility that it won't regrow at all.
If the ban were lifted, ranchers are ready to supply the market by harvesting the horns humanely, which then regrow just like fingernails.
«Cutting trees for fuel is antithetical to the important role that forests play as a sink for CO2 that might otherwise accumulate in the atmosphere,» Schlesinger writes in an article published yesterday in the journal Science, adding later that carbon neutrality «is only achieved» if harvested forests are allowed to regrow more biomass than was lost.
That might actually be true if the dentist's drill is replaced by a low - powered laser that can prompt stem cells to make damaged hard tissue in teeth regrow.
The trouble, as Schlesinger notes, is that the emissions are only net zero if forests can regrow for decades in order to compensate for the carbon lost when they are chopped up, shipped to distant shores, and burnt for energy.
Tissue engineers at Pitt are using the technique to help others regrow muscle in damaged arms and legs.
In experiments, when a dietary supplement of «friendly bacteria» were introduced to the colon of low fiber fed animals the mucus layer did actually regrow, BUT, it did not prevent the bacteria from infiltrating the mucosa into the body's cells.
The majority of the time, it opens up the area to such extensive soil erosion that even the tenacious (native) plants of the rainforests can't easily regrow.
They will then revert back to an aquatic life (though they will never regrow the gills).
If these animals lose a leg, they can just regrow a new one.
Still, «understanding the mechanisms by which hair normally regrows is potentially useful for designing therapeutic agents,» she says.
In the other study, published in Science Translational Medicine, five men were able to regrow leg muscles destroyed by accidents or military service.
Since so many people are caught up today in some form of works - based, guilt - based, performance - based religion, the outrageous, shocking, scandalous grace of God is a nuclear bomb that demolished everything you think you know about God and following Jesus, but at the same time, rebuilds and regrows everything into a new relationship with God built on love, joy, and freedom.
BY a particularly nasty irony, cancers that have been all but eradicated by conventional treatment can often regrow into incurable tumours.
Every time we cut ourselves, our body forms clots, carries off dead tissue and bacteria, and — like a salamander — regrows skin at the wound site.
Moradian - Oldak said one day people may be able to use an overnight mouth guard or teeth strips saturated with hydrogel to regrow enamel - like substances and reduce teeth sensitivity.
Humans do have some regenerative capacities — for example, regrowing fingertips if a sizable portion of the fingernail remains.
(For more tips, check out 7 Ways to Regrow Thinning Hair, According to Dermatologists.)
As I reeled to figure out how to remedy this now irreversible situation, I recalled reading somewhere that hair grows an average of 6 inches a year... so regrowing those 10 inches could take me almost two full years!
For the researchers at Mote, figuring out how to replant and regrow reefs is now more crucial than ever, especially since the rising global temperatures that are killing off reefs will only make storms more severe.
The hope would be that one day, after techniques involving lasers, stem cells and special injections are refined, doctors will be able to help brain dead patients regrow parts of their brains that were damaged or destroyed.
Yeah, axolotls and starfish and some other animals spontaneously regrow missing body parts - and they don't even pray (that I know of)!
Indeed, the treatment might someday allow patients to regrow missing or mangled body parts.
Unfortunately, due to a freak hail storm early in the summer of 2013, my plants were badly damaged and they spent a lot of time and energy regrowing broken and ripped leaves instead of producing a lot of food.
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