Sentences with phrase «to regulate one's metabolism»

Your thyroid helps regulate metabolism, temperature, and heartbeat.
While a significant amount of body fat can be used to make energy, smaller but significant amounts play just as important a role in regulating metabolism.
The pancreas is a gland in the abdominal cavity that produces enzymes which aid in digestion, and hormones such as insulin which regulate the metabolism of sugar.
Together, these two hormones regulate metabolism, fat storage, and reproduction.
Because the stress hormone cortisol could interfere with the conversion of the thyroid hormone into the active form which regulates the metabolism.
The thyroid is a gland located in your dog's neck which helps to regulate his metabolism by producing certain hormones.
Located in your throat, your thyroid gland produces hormones — aptly named thyroid hormones — responsible for regulating your metabolism, which controls the amount of calories your burn in a day.
This super important gland regulates metabolism, which keeps us at a healthy weight.
Stress can have a negative impact on our bodies, particularly our adrenal glands that help regulate our metabolism among other things.
This helps us understand the complex genetic networks regulating metabolism and development, where many genes work together and each has multiple functions.
We do know that vitamin T regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats within the body.
No need to avoid it in fruit or vegetables, the fiber, antioxidants and other solids regulate the metabolism and prevent the harmful effects.
How Does the Thyroid Function: The thyroid hormones in our body regulate our metabolism and all of our organ functions.
It also plays a role in regulating our metabolism, hormone production and the growth and repair of cells (i.e. muscle repair).
Stress has many negative effects on our bodies, particularly on our adrenal glands that help regulate our metabolism among other things.
During fasting periods, this hormone regulates metabolism and maintains muscle mass.
On a direct basis, this vital substance sends signals that regulate the metabolism of all types of food taken in when eating.
Patients with Type I diabetes lack insulin, which is normally produced by the pancreas and regulates metabolism by stimulating muscle and fat tissue to absorb glucose from the bloodstream.
Your nutrition has the greatest effect on the body's production of essential hormones, which regulates metabolism.
The thyroid regulates metabolism in the body and when the thyroid is producing excessive hormone and the bodys metabolism is elevated, this causes the heart to pump blood even faster resulting in hypertension.
Your brain communicates with your thyroid, adrenals and ovaries to trigger ovulation and menstruation all the while regulating your metabolism, mood, energy levels, weight and sex drive.
Leptin plays a crucial role in controlling hunger and feelings of satiety, as well as regulating the metabolism and the size of fat cells.
I figure he mustve been eating very low calorie and had severely down regulated his metabolism in doing so... The Doctor does do lower carb sometimes now as well as intermittent fasting.
Aside from regulating your metabolism and weight by controlling the fat - burning process, thyroid hormones are also required for the growth and development in children and in nearly every physiological process in your body.
Labour is the factor which mediates between man and nature; labour is man's efforts to regulate his metabolism with nature.
The hormone thyroxine regulates metabolism in all mammals, including humans.
«A key to the nutritional flexibility of the animals is the ability of the body to monitor its nutrient status and regulate metabolism accordingly.
Agaba first noticed a group of genes regulating metabolism and growth that were diverged in giraffe as compared to okapi.
These hormones and neurotransmitters regulate your metabolism and communicate with other organs, like your brain, kidneys, and reproductive system.
Amino acids regulate your metabolism and balance your immune system, and you must get many of them through your diet since your body does not produce all of the ones necessary for healthy body processes.
This could mean that it helps to regulate the metabolism whether someone is obese or undereating.
This plateau makes a lot of sense metabolically, as the body gets used to a constant supply of food and down - regulates the metabolism since it can count on a steady supply of the same amount of calories.
And also, you get the cold water thermogenesis going, which has some really good health benefits activating that good brown fat really up regulates metabolism, uh — lot of good HPA axis stimulation when you're exposed to cold like that.
BHB is not used solely as a energy source, but also acts as a signal to regulate metabolism when energy sources are low (5).
Functional analysis using clusters of orthologous groups of bacteria target proteins suggests that flavonoids regulate the metabolism of gut microbiota [147].
In other words, the MAF HR regulates your metabolism at a low relative intensity, but the absolute exercise value that low relative intensity corresponds to does fall (which is why the first miles in an MAF test are faster than the last).
As for down - regulated metabolism perhaps that explains why Jimmy Moore — Dr Fung's co-author — can not get his weight below 300 lbs!
In ancient times, during a famine, you'd need to live on your stored fat, and down - regulating your metabolism seems like a pretty good way to do this.
Ok, so confusing the hypothalamus by eating protein in the morning, sleeping in complete darkness etc., trains the hypothalamus to regulate metabolism using circadian cycles.
Hypothyroidism - A low - thyroid condition in which the gland does not produce enough hormone to properly regulate the metabolism
Leptin helps regulate metabolism by triggering the feeling of being full, and recent studies have shown it also figures in brain development (ScienceNow, 2 April 2004).
The thyroid gland in the human body is responsible for regulating the metabolism, and levels of calcium in the blood.
First, as they knew, the UPR is altered in tumors, and second, cells establish a circadian rhythm to regulate metabolism by producing levels of certain proteins that rise and fall in coordination with natural cycles of light and dark.
A small butterfly - shaped gland located at the front our neck, the thyroid regulates the metabolism of every organ and cell in our body.
Your brain communicates with your thyroid, adrenals and ovaries to trigger ovulation and menstruation all the while regulating your metabolism, mood, stress response, energy levels, weight, and sex drive.
Two important things to remember when it comes to weight management are that the adrenal glands regulate the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, as well as produce fight or flight hormones.
The increase of this bile acid then directly inhibits FXR — farnesoid X receptor, which regulates the metabolism of bile acids, fats and glucose in the body, according to the researchers.
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