Sentences with phrase «to regulate the process»

"To regulate the process" means to control or manage the way something is done in order to ensure it is efficient, fair, and compliant with rules or standards. Full definition
For this to be the case, our body's had to evolve a way to regulate the process of fat - burning.
Government agencies are failing to regulate the processes in food factories like they are supposed to.
After birth, testosterone plays a role in regulating processes from fat distribution to red blood cell production.
A growing stack of evidence suggests that sleep is central to the health of both body and mind, regulating processes ranging from memory to metabolism.
The purpose of this study is to examine whether there is correlation between stress and the gambling problem and also explore whether leisure activity and happiness experience regulate the process.
There are hundreds of RNA - binding proteins in the human genome that together regulate the processing, turnover and localization of the many thousands of RNA molecules expressed in cells.
Slowly and quietly, hormones run through our bloodstream, regulating processes like growth, metabolism, and mood.
Each state regulates the process under which a generator can connect to the distribution grid.
There are a few agents that regulate the process of inflammation.
The generation of neurons from stem and progenitor cells is a complex, tightly regulated process known as neurogenesis.
These parameters regulate processes such as plant carbon uptake by photosynthesis and how precipitation is separated into evapotranspiration to the atmosphere and river runoff.
«Inflammatory arthritis is caused when immune cells are recruited from the blood into the joint in a highly regulated process controlled by chemoattractants and adhesion receptors,» says Andrew Luster, MD, PhD, chief of the MGH Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology, director of the CIID and senior author of the report.
Such processes could be patented, and the court ruled that the program for regulating the process was also patentable.
The EB family of proteins helps regulate this process and can act as a scaffold for other proteins involved in pushing the microtubule chain forward.
If Labour does want to regain its former levels of support from working class citizens (who remain objectively the largest social group in society), the party must adopt the politics of hope and ambition — the hope and ambition to make the mass of citizens» lives better through regulating the processes and outcomes of the market.
The innate rationality of the Prince regulated processes made ever escalating bills for duplication of content sacrosanct.
At the 31st Annual SEC Government - Business Forum on Small Business Capital Formation on Thursday November 15, SeedInvest will join other CFIRA leaders in meeting with the SEC, which is currently regulating the process of Crowdfund Investment.
Basel scientists have now discovered a molecular mechanism that actively regulates the process of forgetting.
This article, however, will focus on the role of vitamin B12, sulfur amino acids, and glycine in supporting and regulating a process known as methylation, which is critical for mental health.
But no one had been able to decipher what regulates these processes, or why another kind of immune system cell, called a regulatory T cell, shows up in droves during pregnancy.
These parameters regulate processes such as plant carbon uptake by photosynthesis and how precipitation is separated into evapotranspiration to the atmosphere and river runoff.
Personal information collected by Ninja Theory Ltd. is processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, which regulates the processing of personal data in the UK.
In 1979, U.S. federal legislation was enacted that aimed to enhance women's health rights by regulating the process of consent and documentation before receiving surgical sterilization (both tubal sterilization and hysterectomy) that is publicly funded.
Selling stakes to small investors is a strictly regulated process, and all offerings must be run through portals registered with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.
«Another important aspect of our study is that, at least for some genes, co-expression of alternative gene products appears to be an actively regulated process rather than being simply a result of «splicing noise.»
«The protein PITPNC1 regulates a process whereby the cancer cells are secreting molecules, which cut through a network of proteins outside the cells, like scissors.
They use the photoreceptor protein phytochrome B to see light and then regulate processes such as seed germination, seedling development, longitudinal growth and flower formation.
Since fish without this mutation are able to do both, the investigators concluded that an interaction between CXCR4 receptors on endothelial cells and the CXCL12b protein expressed by the myocardium regulate the process.
The nucleocapsid assembly process regulating this process has been described for the first time by IBS researchers thanks to a combination of real - time NMR, fluorescence spectroscopy and electron microscopy.
But itâ $ ™ s difficult not to think in terms of purpose or intent when looking at what cancers do. For example, Winship Cancer Institute scientists Abdessamad (Samad) Zerrouqi, Beata Pyrzynska, Dan Brat and Erwin Van Meir have a recent paper in Cancer Research examining how glioblastoma cells regulate the process of blood clotting.
Specifically, the project will seek to characterize genetic variants regulating the processes of differentiation, proliferation and fate determination in the human haematopoietic system.
On the other side is a self - regulating process because a country that pays more typically means that it has more people which means that there are also more astronomers putting in more proposals.
Cancer Institute research highlights include innovative studies to develop individualized approaches for treatment and prevention of lung cancer; collaboration between medical and materials science researchers to develop treatments for various types of leukemia using nanotechnology to target only cancer cells; and development of novel therapeutics to treat metastatic melanoma using an approach that regulates the processes leading to tumor development.
In addition to providing structural support, the extracellular matrix regulates processes that are important to wound healing, including the behavior of immune, skin and vessel - forming cells.
A small oncofetal protein called Lin28 further regulates processing of the let - 7 family of microRNAs.
Actin dynamics and organisation are tightly regulated processes responsible for the range of different and specific cellular functions in response to various stimuli.
Poldip2 also appears in mitochondria, indirectly regulating the process of lipoylation — attachment of a fatty acid to proteins anchoring them in membranes.
Niche adherence, dormancy, activation, and exit, must be finely regulated processes, since loss of this tight control is causative of aging, and the onset and progression of squamous cell carcinomas.
Fat, particularly saturated fat is a substrate from which the liver produces cholesterol, so yes fat can turn into cholesterol... but the body still regulates this process on demand, so eating more fat (whilst eating the required amount of total calories) will not necessarily give you more blood cholesterol!
Our view is that divisiveness are inevitable in this poorly regulated process.
«My legislation condemns the festival and calls on the Government of the People's Republic of China to impose a ban on the killing and eating of dogs as part of Yulin's festival, enact anti-animal cruelty laws banning the dog meat trade, and enforce China's food safety laws regulating the processing and sale of animal products,» Hastings said.
While basic Gaia theory simply argues a variety of biological interactions provide negative feedbacks from which a degree of self - regulating homeostasis emerges, those with a more alarmist view of the earth's changing climate argued those self regulating processes had been pushed to a disastrous tipping point by rising CO2.
The existing legislation regulating this process is set out in the Electronic Communications Code which is currently found on schedule two of the Telecommunications Act 1984.
The changes in the blockchain network are tracked and analyzed by Exodus to regulate the processing fee, making it impossible for the users to manually set the fee and consequently, making it extremely hard to cheat the system.
Documented a corporate intent policy for executing federally regulated processes that ensured consistency and provided transparency to other lines of business
The model provides calculations of water balance, photosynthesis, carbon storage, crown growth, and cambial activity, then provides graphical outputs showing the daily values of growth regulating processes (e.g., number of cells dividing, enlarging, and maturing) along with the resulting ring structure.
«One reason autophagy has become so important is the realization that it is a highly regulated process, not just some automatic breakdown,» says Peter - Michael Kloetzel, head of the Laboratory for Proteolytic Systems at the Charité university medical center in Berlin.
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