Sentences with phrase «to rein in spending»

We can always make the decision to strategically invest the cash in inventory, but we will never be able to make those decisions if we don't rein in our spending on the day - to - day stuff.
The former minister did however declare himself a «great fan» of Chancellor George Osborne and said the Conservatives had saved the country from calamity by reining in spending.
CALGARY — A new study suggests Alberta's debt could exceed $ 36 billion by the end of the decade if the government doesn't rein in spending.
Oil analysts are basically unanimous now in saying the company needs to rein in spending if it hopes to provide better returns to shareholders.
But the freeze - expected to cost around # 500million - will be delivered only in areas where councils rein in their spending plans.
Rather, Illinois politicians have to rein in their spending habits.
With it, you can determine where you need financial fine - tuning — and then you can take action... (See Rein in spending)
Nabors» stock price has declined 33 % over the last five years, and shareholders have tried to get the company to rein in its spending sprees and bring its governance up to snuff.
During lean economic times, consumers typically rein in their spending.
Temer would most likely shift the nation further to the right, reining in spending while raising revenue through mass privatization of government - controlled entities, such as utilities.
Higher income consumers are also expected to rein in spending after seeing their stock portfolios oscillate, due to the turmoil in the global stock markets following the devaluation of the Chinese yuan and the Federal Reserve's decision to hold off raising interest rates.
Investment plans in the energy sector, and the possibility that households will suddenly rein in spending to pay down debt, do still present downside risks that we will continue to monitor carefully.
Transfer activity in China has slowed down after clubs were forced to rein in their spending following the imposition of a 100 % government tax on foreign players in order to boost the development of domestic talent.
The only person the press seems pleased with today is Governor Paterson — but that seems to be because compared to the legislature, anyone who even just talks about reining in spending seems like a hero.
Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls claims the UK recovery has stalled and blamed Conservatives making cuts too quickly leading to people reining in their spending.
The Education Law Center, an advocacy group, asserted that Christie added items to the per - pupil funding figures to bolster his arguments for reining in spending on urban schools.
Rein in your spending with help from your annual credit card summary — In the next few weeks, many credit card holders will get a year - end report that can function like a treasure map in helping to find disappearing cash.
What's remarkable about them is how they've managed to offer the public a kind of Millennial redemption story: a tale of two Millennials taking the time and responsibility to learn about money, rein in their spending impulses, and achieve financial security.
Major hotel companies finance their timeshare divisions out of cash flow, but they're reining in spending because of the hospitality industry's sluggishness.
When this happens, consumers begin bracing for the worst by reining in spending, building up savings, and paying down credit card debt and other loans.
Republicans on the House Budget Committee are pushing forward with a new budget resolution this year designed largely to rein in spending on entitlement programs like Medicare and Social Security, according to the panel's chairman.
The same goes for premium «green» products like certified timber and fair trade coffee — demand is expected to decline as consumers rein in their spending.
The central bank's latest monetary policy report, which lowered growth expectations for 2016 and 2017, could force Trudeau to rein in his spending plans upon returning to the House of Commons.
I needed to rein in my spending habits, so I went on a 60 - day cash spending challenge to evaluate everything.
If he can't rein in his spending, he wants to earn more money: he's considering a flyer route.
Financial advisor Carolyn McClanahan, director of financial planning at Life Planning Partners in Jacksonville, Florida, said the clients who say they don't want to retire often don't want to rein in their spending.
You've reined in spending, and you're doing everything possible to make your clients pay up.
The 15 - member panel — which has never actually been invoked since Medicare's never hit the magic number — would then propose a variety of cuts in payments doled out to doctors, drug companies, and other health industry stakeholders in order to rein in spending.
Under CEO Phebe Novakovic, a former CIA operations officer, the company has reined in spending.
«The key to reining in our spending is to put systems in place to increase the time - gap between our impulse to buy and pulling the trigger.»
The central bank under its previous chairman, Jean - Claude Trichet, had long resisted more aggressive action, unwilling to flood the market with money the way the Fed did in 2008 until governments committed to reining in spending and deregulating their economies.
It is natural to expect that, at some point, households will rein in their spending and put more effort into paying down their debt.
National data pointed to continued strength in the Spanish economy but a loss of momentum in France, as French consumers reined in their spending, probably due to political uncertainty in the run - up to the country's presidential election.
The NBA's postlockout CBA was supposed to rein in spending and foster competition.
We asked several mom bloggers who specialize in saving money, living simply, and not buying in to the parenting frenzy du jour how they rein in spending during the back - to - school season in late summer, as well as the window right after winter break.
The free schools budget is out of control and the Secretary of State would rather sink another # 800 million into the black hole, rather than rein in spending
«The governor is prepared to help them with that, but he wants to see them rehabilitate themselves by reining in spending and taxes, by passing an ethics law, by seriously addressing our economic problems.»
«In Congress, Randy will rein in spending, hold the line on taxes allowing the private sector to create jobs and get America back on track,» Pataki said in a statement distributed by Altschuler's campaign.
ALBANY — The Business Council is applauding the Senate Majority for its attempts to rein in spending and its announcement that it will reject both the $ 1.7 billion in tax and fee increases included in the Executive Budget, and the Assembly Majority's proposed $ 1.5 billion increase in the state's personal income tax.
Debt, then, is bad and the only way to control it is to rein in spending.
While there are a few examples of Conservative politicians urging ministers to rein in spending, they're few and far between.
His administration has been responsible for a significant portion of the growth in city pension costs, offering generous pension sweeteners during contract negotiations and repeatedly missing opportunities to rein in spending.
«Due to Albany's failed leadership and inability to rein in spending, New York is one of the highest taxed states in the country, and families here rely on this important deduction to make ends meet,» Stefanik said in a statement.
Washington is in dire need of a true representative of the people who will stand up and fight for limited government, cut taxes, rein in spending, and most importantly create jobs and opportunities for the people of his district and our country.
«Due to Albany's failed leadership and inability to rein in spending, New York is one of the highest taxed states in the country, and families here rely on this important deduction to make ends meet.
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