Sentences with phrase «to reject something out of hand»

When believers offer evidence that is less than iron clad, atheist reject it out of hand even though that very evidence may be enough for someone else.
On the other hand, suggestions to help overcome specific training problems may be what you need and you shouldn't reject it out of hand because it's not in the method you chose.
The concern for justice and the bias for the poor are so deeply embodied in the Christian heritage that thoughtful Christians rarely reject them out of hand.
If the appeal to revelation is designed to protect certain ideas from criticism, then Whitehead rejects it out of hand.
Syracuse's Mayor Stephanie Miner's falling out with Gov. Cuomo, where she failed to publicly extort a bailout for the City of Syracuse is now cost the City of Syracuse big time, in areas like pension smoothing where it's estimated she could have saved 12 million if she just was receptive to Gov. Cuomo's «Pension Smoothing» plan instead of rejecting it out of hand; and as I pointed out last year she would live to regret that mistake.
DiNapoli has expressed concern over the governor's plan, but has yet to formally reject it out of hand.
Some of the emails show scientists at CRU reviewing papers that clash with their own findings and apparently rejecting them out of hand.
«People who have a dislike of some policy — for example, abortion — if they're unsophisticated they can just reject it out of hand,» says Lodge.
Your background and experience in a variety of asset classes appear to have given you an open minded perspective toward unconventional asset classes and conditioned you to approach them with intelligent curiosity rather than rejecting them out of hand.
And people would reject it out of hand, not even checking.
Why then has the scientific community either refused to consider von Däniken's position or rejected it out of hand?
«The Germans had proposed the Concordat,» he reminds us, and for the Vatican «to have rejected it out of hand would have been prejudicial to the rights of Catholics in Germany.»
Finally, Hume was brave enough to reject them out of hand.
15:39 - Jay complains of a theme which has come up throughout the day - he puts a commons sense proposition to her and she rejects it out of hand.
Perhaps they'd have tired of us so badly they'll reject it out of hand.
When the thought of giving up a tightly held belief feels like a threat to our identity or world view, we're prone to reject it out of hand.
It'd be easy to watch Bannon's films, which do their best to give voice to that repressed populist rage that has been the fascination of the punditocracy since the surprise turnabout on election night, and reject them out of hand.
Or would those motions to intervene be automatically too late (or whatever legal term / reason to reject them out of hand)?
They reject them out of hand no matter how good they are.
That call is so far - fetched that I reject it out of hand.
That's not say they have rejected it out of hand, its just possible that they may be on to something fundamentally new, but its probably more likely that there is some systematic error in their results which they have overlooked.
I'm attracted to Henry's idea because of its sophistication, yet, I realize that the model's complexity (and the added resources needed to implement it) may give firms an excuse to reject it out of hand.
Already tried that thing where you tell them you're a lawyer and hope that they reject you out of hand?
«I, and every employer / client I have worked with, reject them out of hand,» he said.
A messy resume is one of the fastest ways for employers to reject you out of hand.
However, many couples still choose to bypass Washington State divorce mediation without taking the time to consider the advantages — or reject it out of hand — because of misconceptions they have about the process.
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