Sentences with phrase «to relate to one's children»

No matter how hard you try, even the best agreements may fall short of resolving issues related to child custody, child support and spousal support or property division.
But issues relating to children in divorce cases are still very often decided by long, heated contests between the parents.
The subject matter that would make up the bulk of the mediation (decisions relating to child support, maintenance, the division of property, etc.) were necessarily affected by the law.
Legal custody often includes parenting decisions related to the child's education, health, medical choices and welfare.
If you share joint legal custody with your child's other parent, you have an equal, 50 - 50 say in all matters relating to child care.
Parent - child dysfunction was not related to child development outcomes.
Whether you're looking for general information related to child health or for more specific guidance on parenting issues, you've come to the right place.
There are also some tip sheets on a range of topics related to children's mental health.
• You have knowledge of relevant legislation, regulations and current issues related to child care.
Event Calendar View conferences and calls for papers related to child welfare, child abuse and neglect, out - of - home care, and adoption.
However, this trend was not reflected in rates of contact with official agencies for concerns relating to child abuse and neglect.
It requires a careful examination of physical, mental, emotional, environmental, and cultural factors related to the child or adolescent, his / her family, and the environment.
Some other military suggestions I found more directly related to the children are ones that super commuter families can try as well.
Each state has different laws related to child custody and the advice you get from friends in other states may not apply in your own area.
The first objective was to examine whether maternal depressive symptoms were positively related to children's mental health problems.
She also works with college - age students and young adults, and has helped parents deal with problems related to their children's lives.
Remember these health questions relate to the children whom will be insured.
Parental stress and child abuse potential were negatively related to the children's socio - emotional development.
DNA testing can determine with certainty if a person is biologically related to a child.
Critical illnesses are also covered under such comprehensive policies, as is maternity care which forms a big part of expenses related to your child.
The term does not include an order relating to child support or other monetary obligation of an individual.
Parental education was not significantly related to children's wellbeing.
Clients seeking help for issues relating to child protection, forced marriage and domestic abuse will be particularly affected.
Third, both mother's and father's parenting related to children's ability to engage in higher levels of engagement with peers.
I can relate to the child who consistently asks for deadlines on homework or must have the overall view of a project before beginning to work.
The best - interests - of - the - child test has been a fundamental part of most legislation relating to children for many years.
Among the most common types of cases that a lawyer may handle include cases relating to child support, spousal support, custody, visitation, division of property and debt, and divorce.
Lastly, maternal dietary practices and weight status are strongly related to a child's risk of being overweight, 5 a condition that can have lasting consequences on emotional and physical development.
She brings particular expertise in high net worth cases and in disputes relating to children.
This cost was at least partly offset by reduced government spending on foster care placements and public services related to child maltreatment.
Furthermore, maternal stress was more related to child behavioral problems, a low level of maternal education and a lack of social support than to biomedical risk factors such as low birth weight.
It is for the judge to assess in the individual case whether a measure relating to the child's property concerns the protection of the child or not.
This can help teachers better relate to your child's experience, and even develop lessons that will be more engaging to your child.
You worry about a vast range of things relating to your children.
Eventually, the couple separated, and the partner who was not genetically related to the child brought this lawsuit seeking visitation rights.
The Early Start program was associated with small to moderate benefits in a wide range of areas relating to child health, preschool education, parenting, child abuse, and early behavioral adjustment.
Then, make sure your child gets to all scheduled appointments on time, and talk to your doctor about everything related to your child's health.
As of this spring, I'll have spent seven years exclusively writing about and advocating for issues relating to child nutrition.
Read posts related to children and adults issues such as anxiety, insomnia, low confidence, bullying etc..
In short, parent - child intimacy at the toddler and young - child stage is closely related to the child's growing autonomy and sense of himself as a separate person.
The blog is a trusted resource for news and commentary relating to children and food policy, as well as discussions about the challenge of feeding kids well in today's food culture.
Many children are adopted by a relative, someone related to the child by family ties or through a prior relationship connection.
This breed gets along well with children and often relate to children on their level, making them very fun and «funny» house pets.
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