Sentences with phrase «to relieve one's symptoms»

Others seem capable of relieving the symptoms of profound psychiatric disorders.
A warm bath can also help relieve the symptoms of fever and pain.
The moist air seems to help in relieving symptoms of seasonal allergies.
When your baby is sick, the soothing qualities of being held and sucking is both healing and helps relieve symptoms for your infant.
In addition to the topical and aromatic benefits of these oils, they can relieve symptoms associated with common ailments, as well as restore, maintain, and support good health.
The drugs help slow the progression of the disease, and can help relieve symptoms such as pain, nausea, and bloating associated with the cancer.
May also relieve symptoms of menopause, improve circulation, lower blood pressure, reduce fatigue and slow the aging process.
However, switching baby formula usually doesn't relieve these symptoms.
These products can help temporarily relieve symptoms, however, if your pet's symptoms persist, you should visit your veterinarian.
Currently any treatment that is given is aimed at relieving the symptoms of the disease and to therefore make the cat more comfortable.
Since allergies have evolved to become such a common problem, there are many more herbs and herbal remedies that can help relieve symptoms without pharmaceutical side effects, when used properly.
It is used to relieve any symptoms like watery eyes and inflammation.
The antibiotics will likely relieve your symptoms within a few days, but remember to complete the entire course of treatment to destroy all of the bacteria.
Although no cure is known, there are treatments to relieve symptoms including dietary adjustments, medication and psychological interventions.
It will not only relieve the symptom, it will also prevent other potential problems like liver, heart and kidney disease.
But exercise can actually help relieve the symptoms so even if all you can handle is walking on the treadmill then do it.
I recommend using medication only if you aren't able to relieve symptoms through the methods listed above.
Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and maintaining the best possible quality of life.
Other formulas: New formulas are made and marketed to help babies relieve symptoms of colic and reflux.
While current treatments can partially relieve symptoms, no therapy has been shown to alleviate the underlying loss of brain cells or the progression of the disorder.
The good news is that correcting a magnesium deficiency can effectively relieve the symptoms of many types of chronic disease.
The practice relieved my symptoms of pregnancy, and later allowed me to make progress where I had not done so before.
Quite often relieving symptoms of brain fog can be as easy as stabilizing your blood sugar.
We have learned to rely on them to relieve our symptoms rather than on the healing properties of foods and herbs to both prevent and heal disease.
Treatment for these young people goes beyond relieving symptoms.
A growing body of research of the use of yoga in the treatment of low back pain also confirms that yoga may be effective in relieving symptoms.
Some patients skip these because they feel better, but that may mean the medications have temporarily relieved the symptoms.
Whereas traditional veterinary medicine is often aimed at relieving symptoms, holistic veterinary medicine aims to solve the whole problem, gently and naturally.
It can also relieve symptoms of constipation by introducing fluid into the intestines and stimulating the intestinal tract.
However if a dog seems sick and giving it water to drink doesn't relieve the symptoms, it'd be best to get in touch with your veterinarian.
Use over-the-counter cold medications to relieve symptoms including sore throat, runny nose, congestion, and cough.
As a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, I work with people to not only relieve symptoms, but to restore balance, facilitate healthy changes, and enhance overall quality of life.
The science: Findings from small studies indicate that taking cold showers may help relieve some symptoms of depression.
Temporarily relieves symptoms caused by environmental pollution, nausea, headache, fatigue, and skin rashes.
Kauffman's Animal Health can help you find the natural dog supplement that can relieve these symptoms while restoring his coat to a lustrous shine.
Quercetin (which has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties) and nettles can also relieve symptoms from allergies.
Now let's see how the benefits of these three natural antibiotics are used synergistically for an effective sore throat remedy that will heal and not just relieve symptoms.
The company says that in the trials on 15 patients at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh, the drug relieved the symptoms in seven patients.
Holistic approaches can significantly relieve symptoms of arthritis, but Wynn warns clients to keep expectations in check.
Interestingly, antidepressants and electroconvulsive therapy relieve the symptoms of animals distressed by such separations.
Switching to another brand may help relieve the symptoms because the milk proteins aren't the same.
Dopamine agonists don't have a protective value — they merely relieve the symptoms when you have them.
Understanding the contribution of nutrition to common physical and occupational therapy impairments, such as fatigue and pain, can improve your ability to help patients relieve their symptoms faster.
We can test what effects environmental impacts such as pollutants have on the onset of the disease, whether there are new active agents that could possibly relieve the symptoms of Parkinson's — or whether the disease could even be cured from its very cause.
The thought was that, if you blocked blood flow through the internal mammary artery in the chest, you'd shunt more blood to the heart and relieve the symptoms people experience when they're not getting enough coronary blood flow.
If going dairy - free relieves your symptoms, then do what works best for you.
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