Sentences with phrase «to remove waste products»

Whereas the blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to the cells, the lymph is responsible for removing waste products from the cells as well as dealing with infections.
The kidneys are responsible for removing waste products from the bloodstream.
Once the kidneys no longer effectively remove waste products efficiently, a cat will compensate by drinking more water, thus producing more urine.
This promotes lymph flow, which in turn removes waste products.
It also helps by removing waste products that can hinder muscle recovery.
This makes them more efficient at removing waste products.
It helps to remove waste products from the body and it can improve the condition of the skin.
When the heart gets going, thereby increasing circulation, you get fresh blood coursing through the body, carrying oxygen and nutrients to every cell, as well as removing waste products.
Romaine lettuce also contains potassium which helps improve blood circulation, improved blood circulation helps remove waste products and bring oxygen to cells leaving your skin looking refreshed.
And very important part of the process of training is the increasement of blood circulation, which supplies the active muscles with oxygen and vital nutrients, at the same time removing the waste products like lactic acid and carbon dioxide.
Water removes waste products from working muscles, and when cells lose water, your body speeds up muscle and protein breakdown.
Rebounding supplies all three methods of removing waste products from the cells and from the body.
While the mechanism for its benefits are still being elucidated, acupuncture increases blood flow to the site of treatment which allows for healing through nutrient and oxygen delivery, while simultaneously removing waste products from the area.
The cool down will help your body remove waste products such as lactic acid that are produced during your work out.
Yoga also can help the body more efficiently remove waste products, carcinogens, and cellular toxins.
In my own experience, many people could also benefit from some simple exercises to improve activation of the diaphragm, because when performing at a high intensity, the ability to supply oxygen and remove waste product via respiration will affect your performance no matter how much strength work you have done previously.
These diets consist of a number of products, with detox tea being a mainstay of these regimes, that are aimed to improve health and well - being by aiding organs such as the liver and kidneys in carrying out their roles in removing waste products from the body.
The kidneys work as a filtration system for the blood, removing waste products through the urinary tract.
The special diet is important because dialysis alone does not effectively remove ALL waste products.
Because you stretch and compress all areas of the body, yoga stimulates the elimination systems, helping remove waste products that can be causing fatigue, disease and a less - than - desirable libido.
This structure provides oxygen and nutrients to your growing baby and removes waste products from your baby's blood.
These cells protect and nourish the retina, remove waste products, prevent new blood vessel growth into the retinal layer, and absorb light not absorbed by the photoreceptor cells; these actions prevent the scattering of the light and enhance clarity of vision.
The kidneys filter the blood and remove waste products.
If your kidneys aren't able to remove waste products and excess minerals, these build up in the blood and cause damage.
This means your body builds muscle up quicker and removes waste products, such as lactic acid, quicker.
These sub-cellular mini organs do various functions for the cell such as generate energy (mitochondrion) and remove waste products (lysosomes) and make proteins (endoplasmic reticulum).
Vital Cell has also been shown to maintain ideal viscosity (thickness) of the blood, thereby supporting blood flow through the capillary vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to and remove waste products from the cells, tissues and organ systems.
The kidneys rely on proper hydration to remove waste products from the blood and eliminate toxic substances in the urine.
Kidneys effectively regulate the amount of water in a body, remove waste products, and balance the minerals.
As the cancer grows, it requires blood vessels to bring nutrients into the centre of the tumor and to remove waste products.
Systemic enzyme therapy is used to decrease inflammation, to improve circulation, to break down and transport nutrients throughout the body, and to remove waste products from the body.
Increasing your anaerobic threshold enables the working muscles to work hard for longer, becoming more efficient at withstanding and removing their waste products.
If our body can not efficiently digest and absorb nutrients and remove waste products, then it's almost impossible to achieve optimal health.
Pumping of the muscles will increase lymph flow — helping to remove waste products and heal tissue, so that's a big part of active recovery.
The kidneys act to remove waste products from the blood stream, retain essential nutrients such as potassium, maintain hydration and produce urine.
However, by definition, kidney failure is the inability of the kidneys to remove waste products from the blood.
By definition, kidney failure is the inability of the kidneys to remove waste products from the blood.
Joint movement is needed to circulate fluid around the cartilage as well as to bring nutrients and to remove waste products.
These organs are then unable to perform vital functions, some of which include detoxifying drugs and removing waste products.
This oxygen - enriched blood then moves through the other circuit, reaching all parts of the body to deliver the oxygen needed for normal body function and removing waste products as needed.
The kidneys are powerful chemical factories that also perform many other functions in addition to removing waste products from the body.
The leakage of protein though the kidneys damages the kidneys and decreases their ability to remove waste products from the body, leading to kidney failure.
Renal (kidney) insufficiency or renal failure occurs when the kidneys are no longer able to do their appointed job — to remove waste products from the blood.
In fact, most cats with renal failure make lots of urine in an attempt to remove the waste products that collect in the blood.
Red blood cells are necessary to deliver oxygen and other key nutrients throughout the body, and to remove waste products from all tissues.
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