Sentences with phrase «to rephrase one's question»

I'll try rephrasing your question as I understand it: «Assume there exists a government agency where self - defense to an attempted murder is reason for discipline, and an employee who asserted this self - defense now has PTSD.
= > you should rephrase the question so that it can be answered.
One needs to rephrase the question from, «Are «safe starches» necessary to eat or even beneficial?»
Along the same lines, I use biology as a starting point to explore the boundaries and discontinuities of the human body, rephrasing questions of identity.
Respond to things your child says by rephrasing questions to start encouraging proper grammar.
10:49 - Leveson is playing good cop and rephrases the question for Jay, flattering Murdoch with lots of talk of «print runs through your veins».
Hence, I would rather rephrase my QUESTION (definitely NOT a statement) challenging you:
@bytebuster You should (try to) rephrase your question without any reference to Zhirinovskiy.
And so despite repeated questioning from reporters who phrased and rephrased the question yesterday, Quinn would not be pinned down.
The facilitator pressed her to rephrase her question into a statement.
You may as well rephrase the question at hand as: «how do you measure the length of an inch?»
Eventually the developer rephrased the question and asked what the draw is for third party developers since there's no clear revenue model in place yet.
One can rephrase the question slightly and still be a «profitable» lawyer who works less than 1200 hours per year in a law fim that bills its clients without slavish reliance on the billable hour.
As «financial loss» is of no relevance to the legality of personal data processing operations, the CJEU rephrased the question it was asked.
We see that the Court rephrases the question to concern only the interpretation of EU law, and not application to the facts of the case (as the Hungarian Supreme Court phrased it).
If you want to keep it on hold, great, but also rephrasing the question, per his suggestion, to «how does the law work in practice» may be helpful
Please rephrase your question and maybe I can help more.
However, when I asked Siri the same thing, she had a much harder time understanding, and it took several more attempts and rephrased questions before she understood my request.
So, by trying to rephrase the question in a way that will get a «Yes» vote, they avoid asking the really important question: Do you Greeks want to push yourselves into a decade of depression and impose austerity?
Rephrase that question from the job seeker's perspective and an objective should answer «What's in it for them?»
Understanding this helps raise and rephrase the question of the use and limits of authority in the moral sphere, and the meaning of subsidiarity and freedom in the application of moral principles and the formation of conscience.
This could be corrected by rephrasing the question, towards asking if the EU has the mechanisms to defund Romania projects, or if that would require an independent action from EU leaders.
We can rephrase this question, which will set the agenda for the next songbook entry, as follows: «what is it with modern pacifism that makes it so unpeaceful?»
I tried to rephrase the question in the certain knowledge that I am among the world's best speakers of broken French....
Second, if we rephrase the question like this: «are smarter people less likely to embrace spirituality?»
Jacob, let me rephrase your question.
Roger, would you mind either defining «degree» or rephrasing your question.
So I rephrased the question and asked if it is possible to go for an hour without sinning.
I would rephrase the question: Do I really think it is worth giving all this attention to the people who have read the novel?
I rephrased the question
A great question — and to make it really clear what's at issue, I'm going to rephrase your question.
If he hesitates, rephrase the question, ask him something else or mirror back what he just said.
Let me rephrase the question: Do you expect at some point to run for higher office?
So I could rephrase your question as «How are quarrels managed according to true justice?»
Instead, rephrase the question to show that you've prepared: «One of the challenges of your job must be the variety of departments and disciplines that you work with.
«Give the interviewer the benefit of the doubt and ask them to rephrase the question or elaborate,» Walker advises.
I waited and rephrased my question, guiding a little more, «Do you think the farmer is mad or happy?»
If the student is still confused, ask another student to rephrase the question.
For example, when an individual student can't answer a Checking for Understanding question and you rephrase your question from open - ended to multiple choice, you have differentiated for that one student.
Please search the forum for the same and rephrase your question.
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