Sentences with phrase «to replay something»

Later, you can replay them in free play, where unlocked characters can access previously blocked off areas.
I've already beaten the game twice, so not looking to replay it again just yet.
There are many notable missions that stand out and you'll wish you could replay them just for the memorable set piece moments.
Can't wait to replay it with the expansion.
If a game is shorter, not only do I have the time to beat it, but I'll probably replay it as well.
I would say let that be yet another reason to play this game, and then replay it.
Setting up your own multiplayer session has never been easier; the amount of replay it holds is tremendous.
They'll also have the option to replay it once until they leave the Direct inbox, just in case they missed it the first time.
No matter which kind of stage you're tackling, it's a load of fun to replay them while aiming for shorter race times and earning more stars.
However, the battle system and visuals are so great, I'd willingly replay it over and over just to experience it.
I loved this demo and could happily replay it over and over again.
But no matter how hard I tried, I still ended up loving the game, and like other Uncharted games before it, I would absolutely replay it again and again.
I liked this game but I will never ever replay it.
The adventure mode will take roughly eight to ten hours to complete which I consider to be a good length, you can replay it afterwards with an increased difficulty.
The only option given is to replay the game, but why replay it and sit through long discussions you've already participated in?
I'm a television commercial director, and it's fascinating to see issues replay themselves.
On the positive side, in every session I attended and in every video replay I watched a couple weeks later I found great inspiration in the ideas and actions of the presenters.
This looks amazing I can't wait to replay it in HD!
Luckily you can save at any point in the game and replay it at anytime which you'll use until you get use to the game's mechanics.
So, I had to start the game over again and replay it again so I could play it on its proper level.
I mean the commentator said it deflected, but watching it on replay it didn't seem so, at least, to me.
After replaying it for the umpteenth time, I can safely say that it has truly stood the test of ages.
We cud see from replay dat he was kind of pushing d ball out of goal.
On watching replays you can see our defence was ball watching and no one was on Crouch as he equalized.
I was going to go with Assassins Creed 2 but after replaying it a few weeks ago i would have to give the honours to Batman: Arkham Asylum.
With a price tag of $ 9.99 you really can't go wrong if you want to try a classic Sonic game, or just replay it if you enjoyed it the first time around.
This game also has replaying missions be a regular part of the game, but when replayed they continue to have the same story dialog as they did on the first playthrough.
Replaying it more recently I'm pretty average, and have forgotten where half the secrets are.
But I didn't replay them on purpose; I was just a zombie behind the wheel not paying attention to the fact that I had listened to the same thing over and over for four weeks.
It garnered an 8/10 from Destructoid: «I really enjoyed it the first time around eight years ago, and replaying it today reminds of why it was the ideal game to introduce me to the Shin Megami Tensei franchise,» claimed their reviewer.
The robust upgrade system and loadout options are its best features but the campaign is dragged down a bit by a lack of unique levels and being forced to replay them multiple times.
Our brains prioritize rewarding memories over others, and reinforce them by replaying them when we are at rest, according to new research from the University of California, Davis, Center for Neuroscience, published Feb. 11 in the journal Neuron.
Players can save their games and, once they've beaten all the Zones, replay any they like in a quest to obtain all the game's Chaos Emeralds and Medals from the special and bonus stages.
Neverending Nightmares is a short game that does make you think but also holds more issues with it that even though it is ment to be played multiple times, people will struggle to want to replay it because of certain parts making the game too much a chore to enjoy.
When you post a photo or video with Instagram Direct, you can choose whether the recipient can replay it temporarily, see a permanent thumbnail in the chat log, or view it only once.
Sounds better than Sony's GaiKai thing, because on this you'll still get the data locally in the background so you can replay it later wirhout a connection.
Also Uncharted 3 on PS4, although I completed all the Uncharted games on PS3, I wanted to replay them before starting 4 and Lost Legacy, so I'm finishing this and then I finally can get onto 4!
«If you are a referee in the run of play without replays I don't think any of us would have said it is not a penalty,» he continued.
Fox feed refused to replay it due to disgust.
Certain games last a very short time (such as 100m) so replaying them gets extremely repetitive very quickly.
I got the plat now so maybe wont replay it, but # 24.99 i payed was worth it.
This adds another element to the stages, which makes replaying them worthwhile and more exciting.
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