Sentences with phrase «to republish»

Just this week, the New York State Bar Association e-mailed an alert to members warning them to watch out for the scam (as republished by lennyesq).
An interesting article republished on Croakey from The Conversation explored how the media reports HIV.
This article has been republished from materials provided by University of Chile.
This year also marked the long - awaited republishing of one of America's greatest picture books: Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey.
We are not responsible for republished content from this blog on other websites without our permission.
This petition, originally published in August 2006, has been republished as of today's date: September 19, 2013.
It was not republished in the UK, only in the US.
Do not republish without formal permission.
The intent of republishing articles is done so to help in the promotion of Functional Medicine, it's practitioners and overall consumer education.
If it looks like it could work, you can then unpublish, change the cover and title as well as make any other changes you think would improve the book, then republish under your own name.
«For example, a short leave period may overlap with yearly opportunities, such as a conference, or the beginning of a research student's project, making it impractical to supervise a student that year,» notes Kim Jacobson, who is a senior postdoc at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Australia, in an essay republished at University World News.
We are not responsible for republished content from this blog on other blogs or websites without our permission.
A study by Lewandowsky and colleagues of «the role of conspiracist ideation in climate denial» was the subject of several Retraction Watch posts when it was retracted and then republished in a different form.
He co-edited Reading Faithfully: Writings of Hans Frei from the Archives (Cascade Books) and his Rendering the Word in Theological Hermeneutics: Mapping Divine and Human Agency was recently republished with Lexham Press.
But the Maughans quickly learned from a lawyer that republishing books with the offensive words changed or removed would violate authors» copyrights.
A video, obtained by The Sun newspaper, and republished below by MailOnline, purports to show Farroukh being arrested after working a shift at a chicken shop.
In addition to a possible change in ISBN and loss of reviews when moving an edition to a new self publishing platform, if an author received cover design help from the original platform, the platform may prohibit the author from using the same design when republished elsewhere.
His seminal work The Divine - Human Encounter (later republished with a new introduction as Truth as
I also use Twitter for republishing blog posts and to write about random things that I find interesting.
I like your list of dividend bloggers but I find it weird that you did not mention dividend growth investor, but you mentioned living off dividends which is now dedicated to gold investing; dividend money has actually been a dead blog for almost a year now, with the author simply republishing old articles...
I have ISBN for my hard copy books and am now republishing in e-books.
We just republished what is already going viral around the net.
But I have a favor to ask... if you read me elsewhere, drop by the site every now and then, because not all of my commentary gets republished by those that reprint my work.
Beyond that, when I see articles that others have tweeted, and I agree, I retweet them, which republishes the tweet with attribution of the original tweeter to my followers.
If there were no copyright laws, everything would be in the «public domain» — anyone could republish works without further payment to the author.
The following treatise on communist brainwashing, which has been published and republished since the 1930s, is an edited version of an actual textbook on Russian «psychopolitics.»
LB: I've been republishing backlist titles ever since Kindle made that possible.
I also do not republish recipes sent by brands, images, videos, or press releases — please do not send them to me.
Please do not republish anything without prior consent.
The list is a reformatted and republished version of the original article published in 2011.
We often republish pieces from our partners.
Contact me to seek republishing and syndication rights.
If your wholesale cost per book is so high that it makes it difficult to sell at a competitive price, it may be worth considering republishing through a less expensive publisher (CreateSpace for black and white interior or Ingram Spark for color interior).
Successful fantasy writer Karen Myers has recently written an article on her experience with Amazon AMS ads and has kindly agreed to us to republish excerpts from it.
A few sentences from the article are worth republishing here:
Hints from party members and supporter activism during GE2015 [Republished on the LSE British Politics and Policy and on LSE Euro Crisis in the Press]
Continue reading Retracted paper linking HPV vaccine to behavioral issues republished after revisions
These kinds of successes are rare enough that they are often republished as case studies.
The John Paul Getty Museum has recently republished many of his classic works, some long forgotten.
Bello — the digital imprint of Pan Macmillan focused on republishing out of print books — is set to release eleven novels for adults by Richmal Crompton, author of the celebrated Just William series of children's books.
So it's ironic that her much - loved sleuth, the star of 18 books newly republished in redesigned paperback editions, is a middle - grader with a big mouth, infinite curiosity, and plenty of attitude.
Dot dot dot, an art magazine that combines commissioned and republished texts on art, design, architecture, music, and literature is one example out of many others that embody Dexter Sinister's practice.
Bitcoin's Sustainable Growth Figures republished by ARK Invest's product lead Chris Burniske show impressive yet sustained growth in volume compared to the 2015 - 16 jump of 118 %.
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