Sentences with phrase «to require another volume»

The phrase "to require another volume" means that there is so much information or content that it cannot fit into one book, so a second book is needed. Full definition
Keeping these media platforms active requires a volume of high - quality content.
Like language and mental time travel, though, these huge subjects require a volume each rather than a mere chapter.
Some only exist in the Enterprise and Education editions of Windows, which require a volume - licensing agreement or monthly subscription fee.
Your glutes require volume and intensity to grow.
Whatever way you choose, you are bound to get a delightfully dynamic presentation that engulfs you tastefully and doesn't leave the elements competing to be heard or requiring volume tinkering.
The 2013 Fiat 500e is what's called a compliance car — meaning that California requires any volume automaker doing business in the state to offer an electric model.
Barnes and Noble requires a volume number if you go through Nookpress, and it has no decimals at all, so it won't accept the convention of 1.5 for a novella.
Where Turrell required volume and circulation, MASS MoCA's new Louise Bourgeois artwork required beefing up the already hardy structure.
Verify rates of disintegration, assay radiopharmaceuticals and calculate required volume to produce the right results and ensure proper dosages
Water almost certainly is not responsible for this behavior, which would require the volume of liquid to correspond to the length of slope available, producing more liquid on longer slopes.
They're only in the Enterprise edition of Windows, which requires a volume - licensing agreement.
As a consequence of the company's failure to comply with its obligations to pay the required volume in BTC, the court ordered that the company either pay up or be declared insolvent.
2) I understand the original mixture is some parts of their soap and water, so would you use this recipe and fill the rest of the required volume with water?
Currently, certificates must represent the required volume of crude palm oil from which the refined material will be produced — meaning the buyer pays for more certificates than the material used.
The club can only hold so many players and if the board are not selling the deadwood then it makes bringing in the required volume of quality harder... Add to that the board buying players that Wenger only wanted on loan to add to the driftwood...
To do this, they switched from using dead tumour cell samples to patient - derived tumour cell lines, in which fresh samples of a person's tumour are grafted onto mice and grown to the required volumes.
Usually, Devinny says, biofilters have to be very large to get the same efficiency as chemical scrubbers, but this technique shrinks the required volume.
Doing very heavy, not your 1RM, but still one big lift and you'll get the required volume, while you'll still be reaching muscle fiber fatigue that's required to maximize muscle growth - all of this done without the joint / connective tissue and neural health drawbacks.
Wrap its base with a thin braid and tease the pony a bit in order to add that required volume.
A lot of layers need to be added to provide that required volume.
Unfortunately, this is a project that requires volume.
The speaker was weak and tinny, and required volume to be pumped up to the max to get usable audio.
Icahn held 17 % of the outstanding shares as of September 30, 2013 and requires a volume - weighted average of $ 73 / share for five consecutive days in order to sell.
To make good enough profits, the trade size has to be significant and the liquid stocks provide the required volumes and the position size.
This includes large and small dogs as elongation of the testicle may change the required volume significantly.
Though there was no commercial cellulosic production in 2010, 2011, or 2012, EPA set the required volume from 5 to 8.65 million gallons over the period, forcing companies to purchase credits to comply.
Members of the REALTORS ® Land Institute may earn the prestigious Accredited Land Consultant (ALC) Designation, which is conferred to only those land specialists who complete a rigorous education program and who achieve a required volume of successful land transactions.
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