Sentences with phrase «to require intervention»

But most feral cats don't require intervention beyond Trap - Neuter - Return.
The children who attended the camp came mostly from homes that had required intervention from social service agencies.
API scores are used to determine which schools are succeeding and which require interventions or even potential closure over time.
Not every child requires intervention for their anxiety, read the full article to know the signs of anxiety disorders and when to get help here.
And they've pointed out that the law's required interventions in schools that missed their goals created a damaging «one size fits all» approach to school improvement.
Given the importance of early intervention, as well as the importance of reading across the curriculum and grade levels, students who require intervention need to be identified as soon as possible.
Moving the needle on postsecondary completion requires intervention at every stage of the college process.
This often requires intervention of law enforcement and the court.
This lets it deliver four - wheel drive capability without requiring any intervention on the part of the driver.
A safety driver sat behind the wheel, though the car required no intervention along the way.
Others establish clear rules requiring intervention with a doctor.
Although puppies of 8 to 16 weeks of age aren't scared often, some situations can become uncomfortable for them and thus require your intervention to ease that discomfort.
Family conferences bring together family members, close friends, and community members to create a plan for a child or youth who requires intervention services.
Either there's outright danger, where our role as parents require intervention to guarantee the health of our kids.
Although spontaneous regeneration occurs in infants, adults require interventions to return the bone to a straight position, as well as stabilization with metallic hardware or a cast.
I've noticed in education the push to provide or sometimes require intervention programs for students who struggle in the classroom.
When a student can apply the target skills in multiple settings on a regular basis and at grade level performance then s / he no longer requires intervention.
However, if anything requires your intervention, use gloves to be as sterile as possible.
All aggression toward people requires intervention, an assessment of the triggers, and a force - free behavior modification plan to resolve it.
A report by The Information earlier this year found that about seven in 10 of intelligent assistant M's interactions in private beta testing required intervention by a human.
All transactions require intervention and coordination of multiple executives and authorized signing staff.
Requires that interventions possess a good contextual fit with the stakeholders and settings in which they will be implemented.
Studies show families who participate in such programs are less likely to require the intervention of social services later in a child's life.
The software works independently since it does not require intervention.
But overcoming the regulatory hurdles has been no easy task and required intervention from an incumbent firmly embedded in the European banking landscape.
Events that require intervention by lawyers do not take place in a vacuum.
The check engine light comes on randomly sometimes, but after several starts it almost always clears without requiring intervention.
It usually resolves itself, but more severe cases can require interventions such as the insertion of tubes (commonly known as grommets) to drain the fluid and restore hearing.
Structured resilience interventions typically require intervention - specific training and are often accompanied by a guide or manual.
• Exceptionally talented in assisting ophthalmologists with clinical procedures and surgeries, by providing required intervention and input.
Third, in the sections requiring interventions for struggling schools, districts are empowered to «locally develop and implement comprehensive support and improvement plans.»
Big data is starting to inch its way into the hospital and this year could be a turning point, as «mission control» operations monitor those alarms and alert staff when things require intervention.
But I do believe that we, perhaps with careful education as children, are capable of rising above our immediate selfish desires and doing things that are altruistic, and I DO N'T believe that such actions require the intervention of supernatural entities.
Fully 96 percent of Americans who require intervention never seek it because they don't even believe they need it.
Your scenario requires the intervention of an unproven being with nothing better to do than guide a programmer's fingers — I would have thought it would be time better spent ending child poverty or definitively proving it's existence.
What is being replaced by machines today is not simply muscle power but brain power.4 The new implements make it possible to process information and control operations that previously required the intervention of human thought.
They stated: «We suspect that mothers who worry excessively about their infants» well - being at night may be motivated to seek out and intervene with their infants, regardless of whether the infants require intervention or not, in order to alleviate the mothers» anxieties about whether their infants are hungry, thirsty, uncomfortable, and so on.
If, however, your baby is very delayed in reaching a specific milestone, or isn't reaching several important milestones, it can be a sign of a developmental issue which likely requires intervention.
«You are healthy, slim, very physically fit, you have a very low risk pregnancy and an excellent chance of having an uncomplicated labour requiring no interventions at all.
Some of this role requires intervention (for example, a warning to stop speaking over an opponent wouldn't go amiss), but too much would interrupt the flow of the debate.
The solution, in essence, does not require any intervention into the hardware of the MRI scanner, but rather represents an inexpensive functional add - on device that can be used with any existing MRI scanner.
According to van Olmen's study, tackling chronic diseases in low - income countries requires interventions focusing on health care providers, patients and their families alike.
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