Sentences with phrase «to require medical intervention»

There are risk factors — some breeds are prone to birth complications and almost always require medical intervention.
Sometimes mums and babies require medical interventions such as cutting a tongue tie or treating an infection.
While the focus is on natural pregnancy and birth, the techniques are also useful for mothers who require medical intervention during labor and delivery.
I highly doubt that nearly 100 % of women have a design flaw that requires medical intervention just so they can live a normal life!
Many bouts of kennel cough can run their course without requiring medical intervention, but in some cases it can become more serious and turn into a more serious infection, such as pneumonia.
Treatment of mild cases of inflammation will most likely require no medical intervention.
Given that most births do not require any medical intervention whatsoever, doctors should only «attend» or at most «monitor» /» assist» the births most of the time.
Nine of the school's 576 students have peanut allergies, and there have been no incidents this year requiring medical intervention.
In the United States, 38 % of women are getting Cesarean sections when, naturally, only 1 to 3 % of births might actually require medical intervention.
Most of the things we screen for require medical intervention a.k.a hospitals.
A common cystitis infection can progress to the kidneys, which is a serious condition requiring medical intervention.
If your bun has not produced any fecal pellets for 12 hours or more, they should be taken to the vet immediately — this condition, which often requires medical intervention, can be fatal.
Continuous vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances requiring medical intervention.
While things can go awry with any breeding and first - time moms may make mistakes, if a bitch requires medical intervention in order to be bred or to whelp she is not a good breeding candidate.
The following are ingredients that can cause serious clinical signs requiring medical intervention: baclofen, flurbiprofen, diclofenac, ketamine, lidocaine, dibucaine, 5 - fluorouracil, calcipotriene as well as others.
For lawyers who aren't necessarily clinically depressed (which is a serious illness requiring medical intervention and professional help), but feeling angst or lingering malaise, one possible antidote (and by far, not the only one) is... blogging.
According to a 1999 study by Case Western Reserve University, having a doula may help reduce the likelihood that you'll require medical interventions like an epidural or c - section.
Clearly you have never had the kind of menstrual problems that require medical intervention.
The two brain - damaged babies are a greater tragedy than the deaths, especially if they require medical interventions for the rest of their lives.
Nine of the school's 576 students are known to have peanut allergies, but there have been no incidents this school year that required medical intervention.
Lydia is right: you can still have a healthy delivery at the hospital without medicine... However, you are in safe hands if something horrendous and unexpected begins to happen to you or your baby and require medical intervention.
Even normal, healthy pregnancies have the potential to require medical intervention.
The biggest problem is lung maturity — at this stage, some babies will have trouble getting enough oxygen or breathing on their own, and might require medical intervention.
While my experience with intrusive thoughts would most likely not have required medical interventions, Dr. Clark sometimes believes they are necessary.
Even though these symptoms are not life threatening, they may cause discomfort and in time, require medical intervention.
The pain usually resolves itself within a few months however, severe cases may require medical intervention.
Women's health care is based on the assumption that these symptoms are an inevitable part of being a woman and that they require medical intervention (with serious medications I might add!)
Many dogs appear unaffected by Campylobacter infection and the condition is often self - limiting, requiring no medical intervention.
Studies have shown that most adult cats and dogs are living with dental problems that require medical intervention.
Other causes may be more difficult to resolve and require medical intervention — like SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) or a more prolonged colitis (irritation of the colon).
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