Sentences with phrase «to resign from the government»

She has resigned from Government after rejecting a role she was offered.
Lady Warsi - who resigned from the government over the Government's policy on Gaza - said the Tories were ignoring «electoral reality» by not widening its appeal across Britain.
Kitty Ussher, the junior Treasury minister who resigned from the government after denying expenses allegations, has today written an article for the Evening Standard saying she has decided to stand down from parliament because of the family - unfriendly hours.
He was appointed as the Paymaster General in 1994 where he served until resigning from the government in 1996 over the single European currency.
Last August, Baroness Warsi resigned from the government over what she called the Foreign Office's «morally indefensible» position on Gaza.
It will be followed almost immediately afterwards by a debate on Labour's future, addressed by the former Europe minister Caroline Flint — who resigned from the government on Friday — and the arch-Blairite Stephen Byers.
Priti Patel was taken away from Downing Street from the back gates after resigning from the government last night
Unsure of where to direct his grievances after several complaints to the President yielded no results, the outspoken Mustapha Hamid is said to have threatened to resign from government if he is not moved to a different ministry in the President's first reshuffle.
ings, they would tell him that they wanted to campaign for Brexit when the deal was reached, and would resign from the Government immediately if they weren't allowed to campaign while remaining a minister.»
Priti Patel was taken away from Downing Street from the back gates after resigning from the government tonight
He replaces Justine Greening, who resigned from the government earlier tonight after turning down another role in the...
The Neath MP resigned from government to «clear his name» after the Electoral Commission asked the Metropolitan police to investigate his failure to declare # 103,000 in donations to his failed campaign to become deputy leader of the Labour party.
The Conservative leader of the House of Lords, Lord Strathclyde, has resigned from the government just hours before the official launch of the coalition's mid-term review.
The status of that review is unclear in the wake of Mr. Pimm resigning from government caucus after he was taken into police custody for following a dispute with his wife.
«Thank you for your letter today, in which you set out your reasons for resigning from the government.
PPS Conor Burns resigned from the Government this afternoon and PPS Angie Bray has been sacked for voting against the bill.
Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith has resigned from his Government position in protest to the planned cuts to disability benefits.
Given that yesterday saw Tory MP Brooks Newmark resign from the government after a tabloid sting (involving an undercover journalist and explicit pictures of Newmark's, ahem, «majority»), the stock of us hacks has probably never been lower among the Tory faithful.
On Saturday, February 8th, immigration minister Mark Harper resigned from the government.
«I'm confirming that I have resigned from the government with a heavy heart but a clear conscience,» he told the BBC.
Lord Hill, an Education Minister, remains in his post after apparently trying unsuccessfully to resign from the Government during the reshuffle two weeks ago.
Gordon Brown has denied «dithering» over Peter Hain, who resigned from the government yesterday after the Metropolitan police was asked to investigate his failure to report # 103,000 in donations.
In June 2010, she was forced to resign from the Government Economic Service in order to avoid a conflict of interest as her husband was an MP.
She formally resigned from the government on 27 June 2007 when Tony Blair resigned as Prime Minister.
That will likely lead, I'm sorry to say, to some people resigning from the Government or being fired
Wednesday 3 June: 10.30 am Hazel Blears resigns from the government on the eve of local elections, a day after Jacqui Smith's departure is leaked.
In his first newspaper interview since announcing his candidacy, the former energy and climate change secretary also tells the Guardian he considered resigning from the government over the cabinet decision to go ahead with a third runway at Heathrow airport.
Damian Hinds, the Oxford - educated MP for East Hampshire, is the new education secretary, after a reshuffle that saw Justine Greening dramatically resign from the government.
Idechong resigned from his government post in 1994 to become the director of the Palau Conservation Society, Palau's only environmental non-governmental organization.
The call comes after Baroness Warsi resigned from the government over what she called its «morally indefensible» stance on Gaza.
Warsi - who resigned from the government over the Government's policy on Gaza - said the Tories were ignoring «electoral reality» by not widening its appeal across Britain, claiming they had left it «a little late» to win votes.
MP who resigned from government last year in bid to force out Gordon Brown shocks Westminster again by giving up seat
«In those meetings, they would tell him that they wanted to campaign for Brexit when the deal was reached, and would resign from the Government immediately if they weren't allowed to campaign while remaining a minister.»
He replaces Justine Greening, who resigned from the government earlier tonight after turning down another role in the cabinet.
A third MP has resigned from the government in protest at ministers» plans to renew the Trident nuclear defence system.
The poll, carried out between Friday and Sunday, followed a difficult week for the prime minister after Warsi resigned from the government after criticising the prime minister for his «morally indefensible» decision not to criticise Israel for disproportionate action in Gaza.
He resigned from government four months later.
The Minister for Faith, Baroness Warsi, has resigned from the government over its policy on the conflict in the Middle East.
Thank you for your letter informing me of your decision to resign from the Government.
«The only honourable thing the Liberal Democrats can do tonight, when they do not vote with the Conservative members, is they should resign from the government and cross the floor of the House,» he said.
But Mr. Anyidoho said the country would be better served by President Nana Akufo - Addo forcing Otiko Djaba to resign from government, warning that «these utterances from his officials are the beginning of the end of his government.»
Baroness Warsi has resigned from the government, on a day in which the crisis in Gaza sent shockwaves through the Conservative party.
Adonis's departure, which was confirmed by commission officials, makes him the second senior Labour figure to resign from a government - backed role, following Alan Milburn's decision to step down as chair of the social mobility commission, citing May's failure to make progress on the issue.
A Labour MP has said Andrea Leadsom should resign from the Government and accused Tory whips of «spin», following reports John Bercow called her a...
Lord Mandelson has issued a statement saying that there has been «a complete overreaction» and that «these people are not members of the government, no - one is resigning from the government».
Several MPs have taken to Twitter in support of Baroness Warsi after she resigned from the Government over the crisis in Gaza.
Foreign Office minister Baroness Warsi has resigned from the government over its policy on Gaza.
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