Sentences with phrase «to resign one's post»

So far, two clerks have resigned their posts in protest.
Peter Kauffmann, who resigned his post as Gov. David Paterson's communications director in the wake of ethics charges brought against his boss by the Public Integrity Commission, has landed a new job in the private sector.
A similar corruption case was brought little more than three months ago against Assembly man Sheldon Silver (D - Manhattan), who resigned his post as speaker but held onto his seat.
He succeeded Sheldon Silver, who resigned his post after being arrested on federal corruption charges.
Although he didn't resign his post at the Allegheny Observatory until 1891, he moved to Washington, D.C., where, as an eminent newcomer, he found himself pleasantly in the center of the capital's social swirl.
North Carolina Poet Laureate resigns post because of protests that she was only self - published.
Deputy Special Prosecutor nominee, Cynthia Naa Koshie Lamptey, has declared she will not resign her post at the Registrar General's Department until her nomination has been approved by Parliament.
Three days later Laws resigned his post following revelations about possible irregularities in his expenses claims in The Telegraph the day before.
The statement in support of Seddio effectively ends the last hope reformers had of electing a compromise candidate to lead the county organization after Vito Lopez resigned the post amid allegations of sexual harassment.
Stanley has recently resigned his post from the Fed for personal reasons.
After The New Yorker published an article on Monday evening detailing accounts of abuse against four women, Schneiderman announced he would resign his post effective May 8.
Former Judge Mark Ciavarella, who resigned his post on Jan. 23, and retired Judge Michael Conahan have signed plea agreements indicating their intentions to plead guilty to fraud and conspiracy charges (Ciavarella agreement, Conahan agreement).
[12] The two others, also members of the Boundary Commission for Wales, resigned their posts there, leading to the start of the Sixth Periodic Review of Westminster constituencies being delayed in Wales.
Alain Kaloyeros has formally resigned his post as SUNY Polytechnic Institute president amid criminal charges.
In October, Hoyt resigned his post with ESD amid reports he was the subject of a state Joint Committe on Public Ethics sexual harassment investigation.
Three members of the Shadow Cabinet are openly discussing resigning their posts if Labour performs badly in next month's local elections.
Montuori was forced to resign his post days after Suffolk District Attorney Thomas Spota announced his investigation, and Robinson was fired shortly after.
They included Assemblywoman Gabriela Rosa (D - Manhattan), who resigned her post last week after admitting a 1996 sham marriage to become a US citizen.
This woman is also the person to whom Holland & Knight turned to handle the press when Wright recently resigned the post (but not the firm).
The chair of the Civilian Complaint Review Board resigned his post Wednesday amid claims of conflicts of interest and improper language.
I have had to resign my post due to the effect it has been having on my mental health (severe anxiety / depression).»
Royalton Town Supervisor Jennifer Bieber resigned her post at Monday's Town Board meeting, announcing she will start work as administrative director of the Niagara County Water District July 31.
Council Speaker Melissa Mark - Viverito brushed off calls from residents of the troubled New York City Housing Authority for Chairwoman Shola Olatoye to resign her post over delayed repairs — and credited the de Blasio appointee with «great ideas» about how to revitalize the strapped organization.
3 other state senators who would have been ineligible to run in November resigned their posts earlier in 2010.
As Silver resigned his post and the Assembly scrambled to elect a new leader, the governor added ethics reform and greater financial disclosure of law clients to his long list.
Three members of the Conservative front bench and one Conservative whip resigned their posts so that they could vote against the war:
As a publishing veteran (makes me sound very old) of over 25 years, I decided to spread my wings, resign my post heading up Simon & Schuster Australia and set up my own venture to drive innovation as it wasn't happening quickly enough for me within traditional publishing environments.
Furlong resigned his post May 29, according to a Leap spokeswoman.
Grimm did resign his post on the House Financial Services Committee.
Roux resigned his posts at both Guinness and Bain earlier this year.
Similarly, Blet omits any reference to the strong critique of Pius made immediately after the war by Jacques Maritain, a prominent Catholic who eventually resigned his post as French ambassador to the Vatican over what he regarded as Pius's inaction on the issue of German guilt.
«As a result, Chris resigned his post and accepted a penalty of two years prohibition from ministry as a priest.»
Maxwell resigned his post after Kissinger allegedly intervened to shut down a debate over Condor and Chile in the pages of the council's publication, Foreign Affairs.
Hodgson resigned his post after the abysmal performance the English national team recorded at the ongoing Euro 2016 in France, despite promises.
It looks like Conor Burns has effectively resigned his post as a ministerial aide.
I just a call from Waldo Tibbetts, formerly the online ad sales guru at Washington Post Newsweek Interactive, who's resigned his Post gig this week to take a position at The Politico.
Syracuse parks commissioner Lazarus Sims resigned his post this morning, shortly before he arrived in court to plead guilty to stealing $ 5,400 from city taxpayers.
O'Donnell resigned her post as Gov. David Paterson's public safety czar in February in the wake of the David Johnson domestic violence scandal, which theoretically freed her up to raise campaign cash and woo Democratic leaders.
A town justice near Plattsburgh resigned her post after being investigated for screwing up numerous proceedings — including once prejudging a defendant's guilt before trial, according to the state's judicial watchdog.
Terry resigned his post as party chairman in February and stepped down from five of his six public jobs, including a $ 75,000 Board of Elections assistant counsel position.
A group of senior Labour Party officials have resigned their posts ahead of the appointment of a new general secretary and the expectation of major job changes.
One afternoon, then - Schools Chancellor Joel Klein stunned the city by suddenly resigning his post of eight years for a job at Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.
After the defeat in the 2005 election, in which the Social Democrats lost five seats and failed to regain the majority it had lost in the 2001 election, former Minister of Finance and party leader Mogens Lykketoft resigned his post, taking responsibility for the poor election results.
Hey Jake... it would take more like THIRTY years before people forgot that Palin resigned her post to cash in.
Soon after, Rennard resigned his post citing health reasons.
Skelos resigned his post; he's going to stay in the Senate.
Kaiman resigned those posts earlier this year to run for Congress.
She and Cuomo have not spoken about the pension smoothing proposal, and she has not been approached about resigning the post.
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