Sentences with phrase «to resist force»

At the same time, books have been able to resist the forces of change because books really are different.
And a back that is strong and mobile supports the shoulder, giving it the best chance to generate and resist force while keeping its integrity.
Safety: The frame of this seat is steel reinforced, which is sure to resist any force from a crash.
Dynamic core function on the other hand refers to the ability of the core muscles to continually align the skeleton to resist force going towards or against the source.
The show will also highlight how a principal with principles is resisting the forces ruining our schools.
For a good rating, a vehicle's roof must resist a force of 4 times the vehicle's weight before reaching 5 inches of crush.
The post — World War II reformers hoped that a reinvigorated Evangelicalism, shorn of its fundamentalist drag, would both restore true biblical Christianity and rescue American society itself by resisting the forces of modernism / secularism, on the one hand, and Catholicism, on the other.
They should be encouraged to resist the forces which tend to break up minority groups (IWS 165).
Describing himself «as one who lived and suffered through the dark days of the Nazi regime in Germany,» the German - born pontiff said it was «deeply moving... to recall how many of your fellow citizens sacrificed their lives, courageously resisting the forces of that evil ideology.»
Clegg absolutely had to get some form of ER, so when the Tories resisted he forced their hand.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Council for Responsible Genetics filed the suit on behalf of several prisoners who had resisted the forced testing.
When the hips are positioned higher they trigger greater activation of extension resisting forces.
During the one - arm barbell shoulder press, you have to keep your body perfectly straight and rigid while statically resisting force.
Slavery drama 12 Years A Slave resisted the force of Gravity to pick up two of the big awards at this year's Baftas.
The motion also commits the NAHT executive to «ensure that school leaders are supported in resisting forced academisation» and to «continue to challenge the perception that structural change is a panacea for improvement».
Cheerful praise and treats should be offered freely, as Dachsies are proud little dogs who resist force.
The surfaces chosen are usually fixed and non-yielding to resist the force exerted by the cat.
Samus bravely resists the force and defeats the entire squadron without any additional support.
Exhibitions can help us to find togetherness, to find love, to find common future, and to somehow resist these forces of separation, suspicion and isolation.
Hands up if you want a smartwatch that's water resistant, able to resist forces felt most often by fighter pilots, connects to a smartphone, and looks super-cool on the wrist?
You need a counselor who can teach you to recognize these outside influences, so that you can better learn how to come together as a couple and resist these forces instead of letting them tear you apart.
There, it would have to remain stable, stay on station, resist the forces of gravity exerted by Earth, the sun, and the moon, and continue facing its ground antenna — all while traveling at a precise 6,878 miles per hour to remain in sync with Earth's rotation.
The Exodus, given its historic importance and the immensity of its claim upon the imagination, has been able to resist the forces of well - meaning theological reduction.
To take the first live a life full of risk and insecurity To take the first option is mediocrity enslavement to the whims of an inhuman option means following Christ in his tribulations, holding fast to his mission, resisting the forces of destruction, sharing in the building of a new world, in which all human beings will actually be free.»
The gospel of Jesus Christ provides substance and direction to Christians in different cultural contexts to resist forces of domination and uniformity.
Hence Fung urged that the Gospel should not only call on the people to repent of their sins, but must also call on them to resist the forces that sin against them.
Intensity can also improve technique due to increases in the stability of joints and greater muscle recruitment throughout the body for muscles which produce and resist force.
Decisive, single - party governments are not the way to resist these forces, because their freedom of manoeuvre makes them easier to buy off without anyone else being able to hold them to account.
But Labour MP John Grogan rejected this argument, saying he was surprised to hear former union leader Mr Johnson dismiss the «one member one vote» system in this way, adding: «I must urge those on my front bench to resist the forces of conservatism.»
Harvard scientists are shedding new light on what drove those changes, and in a new study show that the dual pressures of increasing body weight and shrinking side toes prompted early horses» middle toes to become dramatically stronger and better able to resist forces.
Rather than producing a pushing force, it generates a resisting force that can slow down the microtubules» motion.
«Within this simple system, we have both a pushing force and a resisting force, and the question is — how do these forces add up to move the microtubules at the proper rate?»
This suggests that actin's mechanical properties are finely tuned to resist the force of gravity but also allow flexibility and rigidity of the cell nucleus to support life.
Resist the force of the knee on the arm by pressing your right hand into the floor and pushing your upper arm back against the knee.
When muscles are signaled to resist a force, they respond by creating more muscle tissue and improving the force of each contraction.
Muscles that are strong and able to contract during a pull up will do so automatically to resist force and meet physical demands.
Static core function is the ability of the core muscles to align the skeleton so it can resist a force that does not change direction.
Muscle strengthening exercises, more frequently referred to as weight or resistance training these days, are exercises that involve the use of external resistance to progressively increase your ability to exert or resist force.
Once they have matured these adolescents should not be focused on high intensity weightlifting, rather strength training for them refers to «a systematic program of exercises designed to increase an individual's ability to exert or resist force» (ACSM).
Because they strengthen both the hamstrings and quads, squats enable the knee to resist forces that would normally result in ACL tears.
Lieber & Fridén (2000) therefore proposed that in respect of the lower body musculature, the muscles that function predominantly to resist the force of gravity tend to display a more force - oriented profile, while those muscles that function to produce movement in other directions tend to display a velocity - oriented profile.
Imagining we can ask young kids to resist this force is a toss of the dice at best.
For those who wish to resist the forces of school reform, the Carnoy - Rothstein study is a godsend.
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