Sentences with phrase «to resist this effort»

The phrase "to resist this effort" means to oppose or fight against someone's attempt to do something. Full definition
The self - righteousness of the great powers will resist efforts at greater justice.
Did they think teachers and their unions wouldn't politically resist an effort to compel compliance to Common Core through high stakes tests?
But I believe that every institution works they way it does because someone benefits from the status quo, and that someone is most likely in power and will resist any efforts at change.
A straight extension of mayoral school control would be a win for Democrats in the Assembly, who resisted efforts by Republicans in the Senate to yoke the school governance system to actions that would favor charter schools or other matters.
Footage leaked to TMZ shows the German shepherd resisting efforts by a trainer to get him into a pool of water.
Nowadays we are able to grow over a dozen crops, the only species that has resisted our efforts so far is spinach.
A small but loud and angry faction of teachers and advocates on the political left want the NEA and the AFT to be more aggressive in resisting those efforts, which they associate with the Obama administration.
Though blogging, Web 2.0 applications, and user - generated content sites represent the still - wild, untamed frontier of the Internet, most users would not resist efforts to settle the laws of this territory.
Earlier this year the DMV proposed new restrictions on self - driving car tests, but companies like Apple, Tesla, Ford, and GM resisted this effort.
According to Variety, Harvey Weinstein has been «furiously resisting efforts to force him out [of the Weinstein Company] permanently,» going so far as to continue to appear at work after he said that he would be taking a leave of absence.
Although it seems that the human body resists our efforts to modify the endocrinological processes, we may be approaching the development of agents that mimic our body's own inhibitions to conception and implantation.
Now in his sixties, Konchalski has held firm to his no - frills faith, and equally resisted all efforts to expand his business or update it with high - tech communications.
Realistically, this means resisting efforts to further weaken national and regional economies.
Don't be surprised if your teen resists your efforts to talk about cutting.
If you stop trying to manage your child's misbehavior, they won't be so busy resisting your efforts.
Senate GOP lawmakers since the passage of the SAFE Act have largely resisted efforts to pass new gun control measures, though pushes to repeal the law have faltered.
He said while Cuomo has promoted himself as a supporter of local food, his administration has often resisted efforts to increase the state purchase of local foods.
Gov. Cuomo says if state lawmakers resist his efforts at reform he's prepared to hammer them where it hurts — at the polls.
But sources said that Skelos was privately resisting efforts to require him to name his legal clients for fear that some of them would be seen as having a direct interest in state policies he can influence.
That board was hampered by a police chief and union head who have sometimes resisted its efforts to discipline officers.
Over the next several years, the professional economic development community resisted efforts to reform the program arguing that this was their most powerful economic development tool and it could not be modified without calamitous results.
Though there is no suggestion that Clegg worked on the Libyan account, it has been reported that the firm helped Gaddafi resist efforts to send the Lockerbie bomber to the UK for trial in 1992.
«I call on members of Peoples» Democratic Party (PDP), Civil Society Groups, International community and well - meaning individuals to come to the aid of Okai and resist the efforts aimed at scuttling his release after a Federal High Court, Lokoja granted him bail penultimate week.»
Sources familiar with the development have told Starr News the President has out of sympathy resisted efforts by the national security to pack out the shop owners.
It's not surprising that flowers stubbornly resist our efforts to overhaul their wardrobes.
Nebraska, which resisted efforts to develop a state test, is the only exception.
However, GOP lawmakers this week again resisted efforts to make any legislative promises in the budget, although they talked of using state data gathered this year to take up the issue next year.
IndyMac resisted efforts to regulate its involvement in those loans or tighten their issuing criteria: see the comment by Ruthann Melbourne, Chief Risk Officer, to the regulating agencies.
Many veterinarians resist efforts to force them to share drug information sheets with pet owners (see Prescription Inserts) which are sometimes provided by the companies and endorsed by the FDA.
Dark Souls is intentionally stubborn and mysterious throughout, and seemingly resists your efforts to improve, but that's all part of what makes it so enjoyable.
To make things worse, communities around the city actually resisted efforts to build new dumps or storage sites by blocking railways and organizing protests.
India has justifiably resisted efforts to equate its obligations with those of China.
Stating quite openly that his aim was to end, right then and there, all international discussions even of nonbinding emissions limits, Watson fiercely resisted the efforts of the other 188 signatory nations even to start a new round of informal negotiations.
Conservatives privately complain that civil servants in some instances resisted their efforts to raise concern about religious persecution.
These couples resist your efforts to help, are more difficult to engage in therapy and often don't respond to even the most logical treatment goals.
A MedPage Today survey showed that two thirds of doctors said their patients resisted efforts to minimise unnecessary tests and prescriptions.
My oven is comparatively new, but burnt - on fat resists efforts to remove it from the glass door.
The film pulled in $ 18.4 million over the weekend — less than the estimated $ 24 million expected before a video was leaked showing a German shepherd resisting efforts to have him perform a stunt.
Those who resist these efforts to achieve the impossible are accused of racial bias, insensitivity, «blaming the victim,» and indulging in «racialized discourse.»
Some clients can't resist efforts to «win over» a divorce professional and feel morally superior to their soon - to - be-ex partner.
The Cuomo administration is resisting efforts by state lawmakers who are seeking more input on how the money for the proposed second phase of the Buffalo Billion economic development project will be spent.
Does not sin, like paralysis in its more severe forms, resist all efforts at cures?
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