Sentences with phrase «to respect other people»

I am an atheist who feels that I should respect other peoples beliefs as long as they respect mine not to believe in the myth that they fell for.
Most people in this country do not respect other people.
I like what you say about respecting other people but also knowing when and how to stand up for yourself too.
I am good at fostering productive community relations and have a track record of respecting other people's point of view regarding daily living.
In the mean time, lets respect other people's views and avoid calling them names.
You can show your child how to express his opinion while respecting the other person.
Anyone else is lowering our standards I disagree with you about your comment in having a healthy debate and respecting other peoples options.
Also, I'm an open minded person who respects other people's opinion.
These lessons help kids learn about constructive ways of coping with difficult situations, a key part of which is making their feelings known while respecting the other people involved.
By not respecting other people's time, you are sending a clear message that your time is more important than theirs.
Ultimately, it's about respecting other people's wishes in who they want to develop a relationship with.
Sarah said: Can I as a conservative hold to my conservative values and beliefs and still respect other people in their differences and respect people in their choices, and respect people regardless if their beliefs, choices, and convictions are different?
Wouldn't it be nice if Bible thumpers would respect other peoples right to not take their myths seriously?
Can I as a conservative hold to my conservative values and beliefs and still respect other people in their differences and respect people in their choices, and respect people regardless if their beliefs, choices, and convictions are different?
In short, I personally feel like his desire to get ahead and be popular in the industry comes before respecting other people's work and that frustrates me.
Diligently respect the other person's time and right to not be disturbed if it isn't a good time.
You also respect other people's culture,» she says.
Retired but into Auctions & Antiques - I am non judgmental and respect other peoples privacy - I have friends but still looking for that special partner.
I'm a creative and modivated individual that loves life with passion and respect other people dreams... life to short for stress its DEADLY Read More
So how do we as educators help students respect other people's work and not abuse it in this era of accessible information?
Yet, even though I am all for respecting other people's opinions, I admit to being quick to judge anyone who says «Ocarina of Time can't be topped!»
(i) intimidation, harassment, coercion or threats, including threats respecting other persons, pets or property,
That's a huge hassle, the driveway is huge and long, an electronic gate is expensive, and I don't see why I should have to shell out thousands of dollars because of their inability to respect other peoples property rights.
REspect other peoples beliefs... but to be fair being «spiritual but not religous» is not a belief at all it is a cop out to avoid a decision, but everyone will eventually make one, it just takes time.
Forgive the snarky answer, but I make a point of respecting other people's beliefs even if I don't believe them myself.
And when I say Douchebags I mean the pricks who haven't respected other peoples opinions in previous posts, so I'm saving my time and not respecting yalls... how the fuck was the face cheap looking?
It made me realize why consent cards are really about respecting other people's boundaries, regardless of «what you were taught.»
I hope that even in a world without Christianity people would still respect other people.
Reaching out for help is a good thing, as long as you remember to respect other people's time, relationships and expertise.
«They acted like we're Apple and have no need to respect other people's intellectual property.»
I believe in respecting other people's beliefs, even if I don't share them.
All your comment says to us is «I'm too immature to respect some other person's religious convictions, so I have to poke fun at them».
I am really angry that religious people are unable to face the facts of life, reality, science, reason, logic, and that this causes them to waste their time, my time, vital resources, and to interfere in things they have no business interfering in as they violate the law, common sense, and refuse to respect any other people.
While I don't believe in any higher power I respect other people's right to believe in whatever they choose.
We respect other people beliefs and in a lot of cases people who honor faith and try and be true to it.
and respect the other person's holy book..
Caiha you evidently didn't read the story, he respect other peoples right to believe what ever they want, what he doesn't care for in the my way or the highway of most religious groups.
In my opinion people should respect other people's religion regardless of whatever faith it is..
It just seems that people like Hawking ignore religion completely when a HUGE part of science is questioning all beliefs including your own which I don't think human beings do as much as they should, or respect other people's opinions.
You talk about respecting other people's beliefs, yet you side with someone who obviously doesn't even respect other people's right to believe (different from him / herself).
SR I think it is high time that atheists and non-religious folks learn to respect other people's religion.
You said, «I think it is high time that atheists and non-religious folks learn to respect other people's religion.»
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